diff --git a/src/i18n/ca.json b/src/i18n/ca.json
index 98e8fe41..d4224691 100644
--- a/src/i18n/ca.json
+++ b/src/i18n/ca.json
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
     "chat": "Xat",
     "gopher": "Gopher",
     "media_proxy": "Proxy per multimèdia",
-    "scope_options": "Opcions d'àbast",
+    "scope_options": "Opcions d'abast i visibilitat",
     "text_limit": "Límit de text",
     "title": "Funcionalitats",
     "who_to_follow": "A qui seguir"
   "finder": {
-    "error_fetching_user": "Hi ha hagut un error en carregar l'usuari/a",
+    "error_fetching_user": "No s'ha pogut carregar l'usuari/a",
     "find_user": "Find user"
   "general": {
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@
   "nav": {
     "chat": "Xat local públic",
-    "friend_requests": "Follow Requests",
+    "friend_requests": "Soŀlicituds de connexió",
     "mentions": "Mencions",
     "public_tl": "Flux públic del node",
     "timeline": "Flux personal",
-    "twkn": "Tota la xarxa coneguda"
+    "twkn": "Flux de la xarxa coneguda"
   "notifications": {
     "broken_favorite": "No es coneix aquest estat. S'està cercant.",
@@ -75,88 +75,88 @@
     "attachments": "Adjunts",
     "autoload": "Recarrega automàticament en arribar a sota de tot.",
     "avatar": "Avatar",
-    "avatarAltRadius": "Avatars (notificacions)",
+    "avatarAltRadius": "Avatars en les notificacions",
     "avatarRadius": "Avatars",
-    "background": "Imatge de fons",
-    "bio": "Sobre l'usuària",
+    "background": "Fons de pantalla",
+    "bio": "Sobre l'usuari/a",
     "btnRadius": "Botons",
-    "cBlue": "Blau (Respon, segueix)",
-    "cGreen": "Verd (Republica)",
-    "cOrange": "Taronja (Marca com a preferit)",
-    "cRed": "Red (Canceŀla",
-    "change_password": "Chanvia la contrasenya",
-    "change_password_error": "There was an issue changing your password.",
-    "changed_password": "Password changed successfully!",
-    "collapse_subject": "Collapse posts with subjects",
-    "confirm_new_password": "Confirm new password",
-    "current_avatar": "Your current avatar",
-    "current_password": "Current password",
-    "current_profile_banner": "Your current profile banner",
-    "data_import_export_tab": "Data Import / Export",
-    "default_vis": "Default visibility scope",
-    "delete_account": "Delete Account",
-    "delete_account_description": "Permanently delete your account and all your messages.",
-    "delete_account_error": "There was an issue deleting your account. If this persists please contact your instance administrator.",
-    "delete_account_instructions": "Type your password in the input below to confirm account deletion.",
-    "export_theme": "Save preset",
-    "filtering": "Filtering",
-    "filtering_explanation": "All statuses containing these words will be muted, one per line",
-    "follow_export": "Follow export",
-    "follow_export_button": "Export your follows to a csv file",
-    "follow_export_processing": "Processing, you'll soon be asked to download your file",
-    "follow_import": "Follow import",
-    "follow_import_error": "Error importing followers",
-    "follows_imported": "Follows imported! Processing them will take a while.",
-    "foreground": "Foreground",
+    "cBlue": "Blau (respon, segueix)",
+    "cGreen": "Verd (republica)",
+    "cOrange": "Taronja (marca com a preferit)",
+    "cRed": "Vermell (canceŀla)",
+    "change_password": "Canvia la contrasenya",
+    "change_password_error": "No s'ha pogut canviar la contrasenya",
+    "changed_password": "S'ha canviat la contrasenya",
+    "collapse_subject": "Replega les entrades amb títol",
+    "confirm_new_password": "Confirma la nova contrasenya",
+    "current_avatar": "L'avatar actual",
+    "current_password": "La contrasenya actual",
+    "current_profile_banner": "El fons de perfil actual",
+    "data_import_export_tab": "Importa o exporta dades",
+    "default_vis": "Abast per defecte de les entrades",
+    "delete_account": "Esborra el compte",
+    "delete_account_description": "Esborra permanentment el teu compte i tots els missatges",
+    "delete_account_error": "No s'ha pogut esborrar el compte. Si continua el problema, contacta amb l'administració del node",
+    "delete_account_instructions": "Confirma que vols esborrar el compte escrivint la teva contrasenya aquí sota",
+    "export_theme": "Desa el tema",
+    "filtering": "Filtres",
+    "filtering_explanation": "Es silenciaran totes les entrades que continguin aquestes paraules. Separa-les per línies",
+    "follow_export": "Exporta la llista de contactes",
+    "follow_export_button": "Exporta tots els comptes que segueixes a un fitxer CSV",
+    "follow_export_processing": "S'està processant la petició. Aviat podràs descarregar el fitxer",
+    "follow_import": "Importa els contactes",
+    "follow_import_error": "No s'ha pogut importar els contactes",
+    "follows_imported": "S'han importat els contactes. Trigaran una estoneta en ser processats.",
+    "foreground": "Primer pla",
     "general": "General",
-    "hide_attachments_in_convo": "Hide attachments in conversations",
-    "hide_attachments_in_tl": "Hide attachments in timeline",
-    "import_followers_from_a_csv_file": "Import follows from a csv file",
-    "import_theme": "Load preset",
-    "inputRadius": "Input fields",
+    "hide_attachments_in_convo": "Amaga els adjunts en les converses",
+    "hide_attachments_in_tl": "Amaga els adjunts en el flux d'entrades",
+    "import_followers_from_a_csv_file": "Importa els contactes des d'un fitxer CSV",
+    "import_theme": "Carrega un tema",
+    "inputRadius": "Caixes d'entrada de text",
     "instance_default": "(default: {value})",
-    "interfaceLanguage": "Interface language",
-    "invalid_theme_imported": "The selected file is not a supported Pleroma theme. No changes to your theme were made.",
-    "limited_availability": "Unavailable in your browser",
-    "links": "Links",
-    "lock_account_description": "Restrict your account to approved followers only",
-    "loop_video": "Loop videos",
-    "loop_video_silent_only": "Loop only videos without sound (i.e. Mastodon's \"gifs\")",
-    "name": "Name",
-    "name_bio": "Name & Bio",
-    "new_password": "New password",
-    "notification_visibility": "Types of notifications to show",
-    "notification_visibility_follows": "Follows",
-    "notification_visibility_likes": "Likes",
-    "notification_visibility_mentions": "Mentions",
-    "notification_visibility_repeats": "Repeats",
-    "no_rich_text_description": "Strip rich text formatting from all posts",
-    "nsfw_clickthrough": "Enable clickthrough NSFW attachment hiding",
-    "panelRadius": "Panels",
-    "pause_on_unfocused": "Pause streaming when tab is not focused",
-    "presets": "Presets",
-    "profile_background": "Profile Background",
-    "profile_banner": "Profile Banner",
-    "profile_tab": "Profile",
-    "radii_help": "Set up interface edge rounding (in pixels)",
+    "interfaceLanguage": "Llengua de la interfície",
+    "invalid_theme_imported": "No s'ha entès l'arxiu carregat perquè no és un tema vàlid de Pleroma. No s'ha fet cap canvi als temes actuals.",
+    "limited_availability": "No està disponible en aquest navegador",
+    "links": "Enllaços",
+    "lock_account_description": "Restringeix el teu compte només a seguidores aprovades.",
+    "loop_video": "Reprodueix els vídeos en bucle",
+    "loop_video_silent_only": "Reprodueix en bucles només els vídeos sense so (com els \"GIF\" de Mastodon)",
+    "name": "Nom",
+    "name_bio": "Nom i presentació",
+    "new_password": "Contrasenya nova",
+    "notification_visibility": "Notifica'm quan algú",
+    "notification_visibility_follows": "Comença a seguir-me",
+    "notification_visibility_likes": "Marca com a preferida una entrada meva",
+    "notification_visibility_mentions": "Em menciona",
+    "notification_visibility_repeats": "Republica una entrada meva",
+    "no_rich_text_description": "Neteja el formatat de text de totes les entrades",
+    "nsfw_clickthrough": "Amaga el contingut NSFW darrer d'una imatge clicable",
+    "panelRadius": "Panells",
+    "pause_on_unfocused": "Pausa la reproducció en continu quan la pestanya perdi el focus",
+    "presets": "Temes",
+    "profile_background": "Fons de pantalla",
+    "profile_banner": "Fons de perfil",
+    "profile_tab": "Perfil",
+    "radii_help": "Configura l'arrodoniment de les vores (en píxels)",
     "replies_in_timeline": "Replies in timeline",
-    "reply_link_preview": "Enable reply-link preview on mouse hover",
-    "reply_visibility_all": "Show all replies",
-    "reply_visibility_following": "Only show replies directed at me or users I'm following",
-    "reply_visibility_self": "Only show replies directed at me",
-    "saving_err": "Error saving settings",
-    "saving_ok": "Settings saved",
-    "security_tab": "Security",
-    "set_new_avatar": "Set new avatar",
-    "set_new_profile_background": "Set new profile background",
-    "set_new_profile_banner": "Set new profile banner",
-    "settings": "Settings",
-    "stop_gifs": "Play-on-hover GIFs",
-    "streaming": "Enable automatic streaming of new posts when scrolled to the top",
+    "reply_link_preview": "Mostra el missatge citat en passar el ratolí per sobre de l'enllaç de resposta",
+    "reply_visibility_all": "Mostra totes les respostes",
+    "reply_visibility_following": "Mostra només les respostes a entrades meves o d'usuàries que jo segueixo",
+    "reply_visibility_self": "Mostra només les respostes a entrades meves",
+    "saving_err": "No s'ha pogut desar la configuració",
+    "saving_ok": "S'ha desat la configuració",
+    "security_tab": "Seguretat",
+    "set_new_avatar": "Canvia l'avatar",
+    "set_new_profile_background": "Canvia el fons de pantalla",
+    "set_new_profile_banner": "Canvia el fons del perfil",
+    "settings": "Configuració",
+    "stop_gifs": "Anima els GIF només en passar-hi el ratolí per sobre",
+    "streaming": "Carrega automàticament entrades noves quan estigui a dalt de tot",
     "text": "Text",
-    "theme": "Theme",
-    "theme_help": "Use hex color codes (#rrggbb) to customize your color theme.",
-    "tooltipRadius": "Tooltips/alerts",
+    "theme": "Tema",
+    "theme_help": "Personalitza els colors del tema. Escriu-los en format RGB hexadecimal (#rrggbb)",
+    "tooltipRadius": "Missatges sobreposats",
     "user_settings": "Configuració personal",
     "values": {
       "false": "no",
@@ -164,12 +164,12 @@
   "timeline": {
-    "collapse": "Amaga",
+    "collapse": "Replega",
     "conversation": "Conversa",
-    "error_fetching": "S'ha produït un error en carregar els estats",
-    "load_older": "Carrera estats anteriors",
-    "no_retweet_hint": "L'entrada és només per a seguidores o \"directa\" i no es pot republicar",
-    "repeated": "repetit",
+    "error_fetching": "S'ha produït un error en carregar les entrades",
+    "load_older": "Carrega entrades anteriors",
+    "no_retweet_hint": "L'entrada és només per a seguidores o és \"directa\", i per tant no es pot republicar",
+    "repeated": "republicat",
     "show_new": "Mostra els nous",
     "up_to_date": "Actualitzat"
diff --git a/static/timeago-ca.json b/static/timeago-ca.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d6fca3be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/timeago-ca.json
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "ara mateix",
+  ["fa %ss",  "fa %ss"],
+  ["fa %smin","fa %smin"],
+  ["fa %sh",  "fa %sh"],
+  ["fa %sd",  "fa %sd"],
+  ["fa %sw",  "fa %sw"],
+  ["fa %smo", "fa %smo"],
+  ["fa %sy",  "fa %sy"]