[Bug] Quote renotes from Misskey don't render at all #87

opened 2022-07-31 19:33:35 +00:00 by Naln1 · 3 comments


Additionally the quote button doesn't quote by any strech of the imagination, but I'm assuming that's just a "I'm on the develop branch and it's not complete yet" issue.

![image](/attachments/f9faf0f2-d91c-4934-85e5-95e3183aa5d1) ![image](/attachments/f9a71433-2c2b-40f0-8711-6c47d6406d30) Additionally the quote button doesn't quote by any strech of the imagination, but I'm assuming that's just a "I'm on the develop branch and it's not complete yet" issue.

You're currently mixing a stable backend version with the develop pleroma-fe version on your instance social.naln1.ca. Quote replies are not in the stable release of Akkoma yet but FG states should be released sometime in August.

You can switch to source install for the backend from the develop branch of AkkomaGang/akkoma if you want the feature now

You're currently mixing a stable backend version with the develop pleroma-fe version on your instance social.naln1.ca. Quote replies are not in the stable release of Akkoma yet but FG states should be released sometime in August. You can switch to source install for the backend from the develop branch of AkkomaGang/akkoma if you want the feature now

yeah, my release schedule(tm) is second saturday of the month, so 2022-08-13 should be 2022.08 release

yeah, my release schedule(tm) is second saturday of the month, so 2022-08-13 should be 2022.08 release

Yay, time to move to the bleeding-edge backend, too /s

Luckily I'm already from source (FreeBSD), so switching to develop branch isn't a big deal.
I'll close the issue once I finish the upgrade and confirm everything is working as intended.

Yay, time to move to the bleeding-edge backend, too /s Luckily I'm already from source (FreeBSD), so switching to develop branch isn't a big deal. I'll close the issue once I finish the upgrade and confirm everything is working as intended.
Naln1 closed this issue 2022-07-31 22:04:10 +00:00
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Reference: AkkomaGang/akkoma-fe#87
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