import { convertHtml, processTextForEmoji, getAttrs } from 'src/services/mini_html_converter/mini_html_converter.service.js' describe('MiniHtmlConverter', () => { describe('convertHtml', () => { it('converts html into a tree structure', () => { const input = '1


345' expect(convertHtml(input)).to.eql([ '1 ', [ '

', ['2'], '

' ], ' ', [ '', [ '3', [''], '4' ], '' ], '5' ]) }) it('converts html to tree while preserving tag formatting', () => { const input = '1


345' expect(convertHtml(input)).to.eql([ '1 ', [ '

', ['2'], '

' ], [ '', [ '3', [''], '4' ], '' ], '5' ]) }) it('converts semi-broken html', () => { const input = '1

42' expect(convertHtml(input)).to.eql([ '1 ', ['
'], ' 2 ', [ '

', [' 42'] ] ]) }) it('realistic case 1', () => { const input = '

@benis @hj nice

' expect(convertHtml(input)).to.eql([ [ '

', [ [ '', [ [ '', [ '@', [ '', [ 'benis' ], '' ] ], '' ] ], '' ], ' ', [ '', [ [ '', [ '@', [ '', [ 'hj' ], '' ] ], '' ] ], '' ], ' nice' ], '

' ] ]) }) it('realistic case 2', () => { const inputOutput = 'Country improv: give me a city
Audience: Memphis
Improv troupe: come on, a better one
Audience: el paso' expect(convertHtml(inputOutput)).to.eql([ 'Country improv: give me a city', [ '
' ], 'Audience: Memphis', [ '
' ], 'Improv troupe: come on, a better one', [ '
' ], 'Audience: el paso' ]) }) }) describe('processTextForEmoji', () => { it('processes all emoji in text', () => { const input = 'Hello from finland! :lol: We have best water! :lmao:' const emojis = [ { shortcode: 'lol', src: 'LOL' }, { shortcode: 'lmao', src: 'LMAO' } ] const processor = ({ shortcode, src }) => ({ shortcode, src }) expect(processTextForEmoji(input, emojis, processor)).to.eql([ 'Hello from finland! ', { shortcode: 'lol', src: 'LOL' }, ' We have best water! ', { shortcode: 'lmao', src: 'LMAO' } ]) }) it('leaves text as is', () => { const input = 'Number one: that\'s terror' const emojis = [] const processor = ({ shortcode, src }) => ({ shortcode, src }) expect(processTextForEmoji(input, emojis, processor)).to.eql([ 'Number one: that\'s terror' ]) }) }) describe('getAttrs', () => { it('extracts arguments from tag', () => { const input = '' const output = { src: 'boop', cool: true, ebin: 'true' } expect(getAttrs(input)).to.eql(output) }) }) })