import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash' import { defaultState, mutations, getters } from '../../../../src/modules/users.js' describe('The users module', () => { describe('mutations', () => { it('adds new users to the set, merging in new information for old users', () => { const state = cloneDeep(defaultState) const user = { id: '1', name: 'Guy' } const modUser = { id: '1', name: 'Dude' } mutations.addNewUsers(state, [user]) expect(state.users).to.have.length(1) expect(state.users).to.eql([user]) mutations.addNewUsers(state, [modUser]) expect(state.users).to.have.length(1) expect(state.users).to.eql([user]) expect(state.users[0].name).to.eql('Dude') }) it('sets a mute bit on users', () => { const state = cloneDeep(defaultState) const user = { id: '1', name: 'Guy' } mutations.addNewUsers(state, [user]) mutations.setMuted(state, { user, muted: true }) expect(user.muted).to.eql(true) mutations.setMuted(state, { user, muted: false }) expect(user.muted).to.eql(false) }) }) describe('findUser', () => { it('returns user with matching screen_name', () => { const user = { screen_name: 'Guy', id: '1' } const state = { usersObject: { 1: user, guy: user } } const name = 'Guy' const expected = { screen_name: 'Guy', id: '1' } expect(getters.findUser(state)(name)).to.eql(expected) }) it('returns user with matching id', () => { const user = { screen_name: 'Guy', id: '1' } const state = { usersObject: { 1: user, guy: user } } const id = '1' const expected = { screen_name: 'Guy', id: '1' } expect(getters.findUser(state)(id)).to.eql(expected) }) }) })