import Status from '../status/status.vue' import timelineFetcher from '../../services/timeline_fetcher/timeline_fetcher.service.js' import StatusOrConversation from '../status_or_conversation/status_or_conversation.vue' import UserCard from '../user_card/user_card.vue' import { throttle } from 'lodash' const Timeline = { props: [ 'timeline', 'timelineName', 'title', 'userId', 'tag', 'embedded' ], data () { return { paused: false, unfocused: false, bottomedOut: false } }, computed: { timelineError () { return this.$store.state.statuses.error }, newStatusCount () { return this.timeline.newStatusCount }, newStatusCountStr () { if (this.timeline.flushMarker !== 0) { return '' } else { return ` (${this.newStatusCount})` } }, classes () { return { root: ['timeline'].concat(!this.embedded ? ['panel', 'panel-default'] : []), header: ['timeline-heading'].concat(!this.embedded ? ['panel-heading'] : []), body: ['timeline-body'].concat(!this.embedded ? ['panel-body'] : []), footer: ['timeline-footer'].concat(!this.embedded ? ['panel-footer'] : []) } } }, components: { Status, StatusOrConversation, UserCard }, created () { const store = this.$store const credentials = store.state.users.currentUser.credentials const showImmediately = this.timeline.visibleStatuses.length === 0 window.addEventListener('scroll', this.scrollLoad) timelineFetcher.fetchAndUpdate({ store, credentials, timeline: this.timelineName, showImmediately, userId: this.userId, tag: this.tag }) }, mounted () { if (typeof document.hidden !== 'undefined') { document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', this.handleVisibilityChange, false) this.unfocused = document.hidden } window.addEventListener('keydown', e => { if (e.key === '.') this.showNewStatuses() }) }, destroyed () { window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.scrollLoad) if (typeof document.hidden !== 'undefined') document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', this.handleVisibilityChange, false) this.$store.commit('setLoading', { timeline: this.timelineName, value: false }) }, methods: { showNewStatuses () { if (this.timeline.flushMarker !== 0) { this.$store.commit('clearTimeline', { timeline: this.timelineName }) this.$store.commit('queueFlush', { timeline: this.timelineName, id: 0 }) this.fetchOlderStatuses() } else { this.$store.commit('showNewStatuses', { timeline: this.timelineName }) this.paused = false } }, fetchOlderStatuses: throttle(function () { const store = this.$store const credentials = store.state.users.currentUser.credentials store.commit('setLoading', { timeline: this.timelineName, value: true }) timelineFetcher.fetchAndUpdate({ store, credentials, timeline: this.timelineName, older: true, showImmediately: true, userId: this.userId, tag: this.tag }).then(statuses => { store.commit('setLoading', { timeline: this.timelineName, value: false }) if (statuses.length === 0) { this.bottomedOut = true } }) }, 1000, this), scrollLoad (e) { const bodyBRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect() const height = Math.max(bodyBRect.height, -(bodyBRect.y)) if (this.timeline.loading === false && this.$store.state.config.autoLoad && this.$el.offsetHeight > 0 && (window.innerHeight + window.pageYOffset) >= (height - 750)) { this.fetchOlderStatuses() } }, handleVisibilityChange () { this.unfocused = document.hidden } }, watch: { newStatusCount (count) { if (!this.$store.state.config.streaming) { return } if (count > 0) { // only 'stream' them when you're scrolled to the top if (window.pageYOffset < 15 && !this.paused && !(this.unfocused && this.$store.state.config.pauseOnUnfocused) ) { this.showNewStatuses() } else { this.paused = true } } } } } export default Timeline