import { convert, brightness, contrastRatio } from 'chromatism' import { alphaBlend, alphaBlendLayers, getTextColor, mixrgb } from '../color_convert/color_convert.js' export const CURRENT_VERSION = 3 /* This is a definition of all layer combinations * each key is a topmost layer, each value represents layer underneath * this is essentially a simplified tree */ export const LAYERS = { undelay: null, // root topBar: null, // no transparency support badge: null, // no transparency support fg: null, bg: 'underlay', lightBg: 'bg', panel: 'bg', btn: 'bg', btnPanel: 'panel', btnTopBar: 'topBar', input: 'bg', inputPanel: 'panel', inputTopBar: 'topBar', alert: 'bg', alertPanel: 'panel', poll: 'bg' } export const DEFAULT_OPACITY = { panel: 1, btn: 1, border: 1, bg: 1, badge: 1, text: 1, alert: 0.5, input: 0.5, faint: 0.5, underlay: 0.15, poll: 1 } export const SLOT_INHERITANCE = { bg: null, fg: null, text: null, underlay: '#000000', link: '--accent', accent: '--link', faint: '--text', faintLink: '--link', cBlue: '#0000ff', cRed: '#FF0000', cGreen: '#00FF00', cOrange: '#E3FF00', lightBg: { depends: ['bg'], color: (mod, bg) => brightness(5 * mod, bg).rgb }, lightBgFaintText: { depends: ['faint'], layer: 'lightBg', textColor: true }, lightBgFaintLink: { depends: ['faintLink'], layer: 'lightBg', textColor: 'preserve' }, lightBgText: { depends: ['text'], layer: 'lightBg', textColor: true }, lightBgLink: { depends: ['link'], layer: 'lightBg', textColor: 'preserve' }, lightBgIcon: { depends: ['lightBg', 'lightBgText'], color: (mod, bg, text) => mixrgb(bg, text) }, lightText: { depends: ['text'], color: (mod, text) => brightness(20 * mod, text).rgb }, border: { depends: ['fg'], color: (mod, fg) => brightness(2 * mod, fg).rgb }, poll: { depends: ['accent', 'bg'], color: (mod, accent, bg) => alphaBlend(accent, 0.4, bg) }, pollText: { depends: ['text'], layer: 'poll', textColor: true }, icon: { depends: ['bg', 'text'], color: (mod, bg, text) => mixrgb(bg, text) }, // Foreground fgText: { depends: ['text'], layer: 'fg', textColor: true }, fgLink: { depends: ['link'], layer: 'fg', textColor: 'preserve' }, // Panel header panel: '--fg', panelText: { depends: ['fgText'], layer: 'panel', textColor: true }, panelFaint: { depends: ['fgText'], layer: 'panel', textColor: true }, panelLink: { depends: ['fgLink'], layer: 'panel', textColor: 'preserve' }, // Top bar topBar: '--fg', topBarText: { depends: ['fgText'], layer: 'topBar', textColor: true }, topBarLink: { depends: ['fgLink'], layer: 'topBar', textColor: 'preserve' }, // Buttons btn: '--fg', btnText: { depends: ['fgText'], layer: 'btn' }, btnPanelText: { depends: ['panelText'], layer: 'btnPanel', variant: 'btn', textColor: true }, btnTopBarText: { depends: ['topBarText'], layer: 'btnTopBar', variant: 'btn', textColor: true }, // Input fields input: '--fg', inputText: { depends: ['text'], layer: 'input', textColor: true }, inputPanelText: { depends: ['panelText'], layer: 'inputPanel', variant: 'input', textColor: true }, inputTopbarText: { depends: ['topBarText'], layer: 'inputTopBar', variant: 'input', textColor: true }, alertError: '--cRed', alertErrorText: { depends: ['text'], layer: 'alert', variant: 'alertError', textColor: true }, alertErrorPanelText: { depends: ['panelText'], layer: 'alertPanel', variant: 'alertError', textColor: true }, alertWarning: '--cOrange', alertWarningText: { depends: ['text'], layer: 'alert', variant: 'alertWarning', textColor: true }, alertWarningPanelText: { depends: ['panelText'], layer: 'alertPanel', variant: 'alertWarning', textColor: true }, badgeNotification: '--cRed', badgeNotificationText: { depends: ['text', 'badgeNotification'], layer: 'badge', variant: 'badgeNotification', textColor: 'bw' } } export const getLayersArray = (layer, data = LAYERS) => { let array = [layer] let parent = data[layer] while (parent) { array.unshift(parent) parent = data[parent] } return array } export const getLayers = (layer, variant = layer, colors, opacity) => { return getLayersArray(layer).map((currentLayer) => ([ currentLayer === layer ? colors[variant] : colors[currentLayer], opacity[currentLayer] ])) } const getDependencies = (key, inheritance) => { const data = inheritance[key] if (typeof data === 'string' && data.startsWith('--')) { return [data.substring(2)] } else { if (data === null) return [] const { depends, layer, variant } = data const layerDeps = layer ? getLayersArray(layer).map(currentLayer => { return currentLayer === layer ? variant || layer : currentLayer }) : [] if (Array.isArray(depends)) { return [...depends, ...layerDeps] } else { return [...layerDeps] } } } export const topoSort = ( inheritance = SLOT_INHERITANCE, getDeps = getDependencies ) => { // This is an implementation of const allKeys = Object.keys(inheritance) const whites = new Set(allKeys) const grays = new Set() const blacks = new Set() const unprocessed = [...allKeys] const output = [] const step = (node) => { if (whites.has(node)) { // Make node "gray" whites.delete(node) grays.add(node) // Do step for each node connected to it (one way) getDeps(node, inheritance).forEach(step) // Make node "black" grays.delete(node) blacks.add(node) // Put it into the output list output.push(node) } else if (grays.has(node)) { console.debug('Cyclic depenency in topoSort, ignoring') output.push(node) } else if (blacks.has(node)) { // do nothing } else { throw new Error('Unintended condition in topoSort!') } } while (unprocessed.length > 0) { step(unprocessed.pop()) } return output } export const SLOT_ORDERED = topoSort(SLOT_INHERITANCE) export const getColors = (sourceColors, sourceOpacity, mod) => SLOT_ORDERED.reduce((acc, key) => { const value = SLOT_INHERITANCE[key] if (sourceColors[key]) { return { ...acc, [key]: { ...sourceColors[key] } } } else if (typeof value === 'string' && value.startsWith('#')) { return { ...acc, [key]: convert(value).rgb } } else { const isObject = typeof value === 'object' const defaultColorFunc = (mod, dep) => ({ ...dep }) const deps = getDependencies(key, SLOT_INHERITANCE) const colorFunc = (isObject && value.color) || defaultColorFunc if (value.textColor) { const bg = alphaBlendLayers( { ...acc[deps[0]] }, getLayers( value.layer, value.variant || value.layer, acc, sourceOpacity ) ) if (value.textColor === 'bw') { return { ...acc, [key]: contrastRatio(bg).rgb } } else { return { ...acc, [key]: getTextColor( bg, { ...acc[deps[0]] }, value.textColor === 'preserve' ) } } } else { return { ...acc, [key]: colorFunc( mod, => ({ ...acc[dep] })) ) } } } }, {})