const EMOJI_SIZE = 32 + 8 const GROUP_TITLE_HEIGHT = 24 const BUFFER_SIZE = 3 * EMOJI_SIZE const EmojiGrid = { props: { groups: { required: true, type: Array } }, data () { return { containerWidth: 0, containerHeight: 0, scrollPos: 0, resizeObserver: null } }, mounted () { const rect = this.$refs.container.getBoundingClientRect() this.containerWidth = rect.width this.containerHeight = rect.height this.resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((entries) => { for (const entry of entries) { this.containerWidth = entry.contentRect.width this.containerHeight = entry.contentRect.height } }) this.resizeObserver.observe(this.$refs.container) }, beforeUnmount () { this.resizeObserver.disconnect() this.resizeObserver = null }, watch: { groups () { // Scroll to top when grid content changes if (this.$refs.container) { this.$refs.container.scrollTo(0, 0) } }, activeGroup (group) { this.$emit('activeGroup', group) } }, methods: { onScroll () { this.scrollPos = this.$refs.container.scrollTop }, onEmoji (emoji) { this.$emit('emoji', emoji) }, scrollToItem (itemId) { const container = this.$refs.container if (!container) return for (const item of this.itemList) { if ( === itemId) { container.scrollTo(0, item.position.y) return } } } }, computed: { // Total height of scroller content gridHeight () { if (this.itemList.length === 0) return 0 const lastItem = this.itemList[this.itemList.length - 1] return ( lastItem.position.y + ('title' in lastItem ? GROUP_TITLE_HEIGHT : EMOJI_SIZE) ) }, activeGroup () { const items = this.itemList for (let i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const item = items[i] if ('title' in item && item.position.y <= this.scrollPos) { return } } return null }, itemList () { const items = [] let x = 0 let y = 0 for (const group of this.groups) { items.push({ position: { x, y }, id:, title: group.text }) if (group.text.length) { y += GROUP_TITLE_HEIGHT } for (const emoji of group.emojis) { items.push({ position: { x, y }, id: `${}-${emoji.displayText}`, emoji }) x += EMOJI_SIZE if (x + EMOJI_SIZE > this.containerWidth) { y += EMOJI_SIZE x = 0 } } if (x > 0) { y += EMOJI_SIZE x = 0 } } return items }, visibleItems () { const startPos = this.scrollPos - BUFFER_SIZE const endPos = this.scrollPos + this.containerHeight + BUFFER_SIZE return this.itemList.filter((i) => { return i.position.y >= startPos && i.position.y < endPos }) }, scrolledClass () { if (this.scrollPos <= 5) { return 'scrolled-top' } else if (this.scrollPos >= this.gridHeight - this.containerHeight - 5) { return 'scrolled-bottom' } else { return 'scrolled-middle' } } } } export default EmojiGrid