import StillImage from '../still-image/still-image.vue' import Flash from '../flash/flash.vue' import VideoAttachment from '../video_attachment/video_attachment.vue' import nsfwImage from '../../assets/nsfw.png' import fileTypeService from '../../services/file_type/file_type.service.js' import { mapGetters } from 'vuex' import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core' import { faFile, faMusic, faImage, faVideo, faPlayCircle, faTimes, faStop, faSearchPlus, faTrashAlt, faPencilAlt, faAlignRight } from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons' import Blurhash from '../blurhash/Blurhash.vue' library.add( faFile, faMusic, faImage, faVideo, faPlayCircle, faTimes, faStop, faSearchPlus, faTrashAlt, faPencilAlt, faAlignRight ) const Attachment = { props: [ 'attachment', 'description', 'hideDescription', 'nsfw', 'size', 'setMedia', 'remove', 'shiftUp', 'shiftDn', 'edit' ], data () { return { localDescription: this.description || this.attachment.description, nsfwImage: this.$store.state.instance.nsfwCensorImage || nsfwImage, hideNsfwLocal: this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.hideNsfw, preloadImage: this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.preloadImage, loading: false, img: fileTypeService.fileType(this.attachment.mimetype) === 'image' && document.createElement('img'), modalOpen: false, showHidden: false, flashLoaded: false, showDescription: false } }, components: { Flash, StillImage, VideoAttachment, Blurhash }, computed: { classNames () { return [ { '-loading': this.loading, '-nsfw-placeholder': this.hidden, '-editable': this.edit !== undefined }, '-type-' + this.type, this.size && '-size-' + this.size, `-${this.useContainFit ? 'contain' : 'cover'}-fit` ] }, usePlaceholder () { return this.size === 'hide' }, useContainFit () { return this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.useContainFit }, useBlurhash () { return this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.useBlurhash }, placeholderName () { if (this.attachment.description === '' || !this.attachment.description) { return this.type.toUpperCase() } return this.attachment.description }, placeholderIconClass () { if (this.type === 'image') return 'image' if (this.type === 'video') return 'video' if (this.type === 'audio') return 'music' return 'file' }, referrerpolicy () { return this.$store.state.instance.mediaProxyAvailable ? '' : 'no-referrer' }, type () { return fileTypeService.fileType(this.attachment.mimetype) }, hidden () { return this.nsfw && this.hideNsfwLocal && !this.showHidden }, isEmpty () { return (this.type === 'html' && !this.attachment.oembed) }, useModal () { let modalTypes = [] switch (this.size) { case 'hide': case 'small': modalTypes = ['image', 'video', 'audio', 'flash'] break default: modalTypes = this.mergedConfig.playVideosInModal ? ['image', 'video', 'flash'] : ['image'] break } return modalTypes.includes(this.type) }, videoTag () { return this.useModal ? 'button' : 'span' }, statusForm () { return this.$parent.$parent }, ...mapGetters(['mergedConfig']) }, watch: { 'attachment.description' (newVal) { this.localDescription = newVal }, localDescription (newVal) { this.onEdit(newVal) } }, methods: { linkClicked ({ target }) { if (target.tagName === 'A') {, '_blank') } }, openModal (event) { if (this.useModal) { this.$emit('setMedia') this.$store.dispatch('setCurrentMedia', this.attachment) } else if (this.type === 'unknown') { } }, openModalForce (event) { this.$emit('setMedia') this.$store.dispatch('setCurrentMedia', this.attachment) }, onEdit (event) { this.edit && this.edit(this.attachment, event) }, onRemove () { this.remove && this.remove(this.attachment) }, onShiftUp () { this.shiftUp && this.shiftUp(this.attachment) }, onShiftDn () { this.shiftDn && this.shiftDn(this.attachment) }, stopFlash () { this.$refs.flash.closePlayer() }, setFlashLoaded (event) { this.flashLoaded = event }, toggleDescription () { this.showDescription = !this.showDescription }, toggleHidden (event) { if ( (this.mergedConfig.useOneClickNsfw && !this.showHidden) && (this.type !== 'video' || this.mergedConfig.playVideosInModal) ) { this.openModal(event) return } if (this.img && !this.preloadImage) { if (this.img.onload) { this.img.onload() } else { this.loading = true this.img.src = this.attachment.url this.img.onload = () => { this.loading = false this.showHidden = !this.showHidden } } } else { this.showHidden = !this.showHidden } }, onImageLoad (image) { const width = image.naturalWidth const height = image.naturalHeight this.$emit('naturalSizeLoad', { id:, width, height }) }, resize (e) { const target = || e if (!(target instanceof window.Element)) { return } // Reset to default height for empty form, nothing else to do here. if (target.value === '') { = null this.$emit('resize') return } const paddingString = getComputedStyle(target)['padding'] // remove -px suffix const padding = Number(paddingString.substring(0, paddingString.length - 2)) = 'auto' const newHeight = Math.floor(target.scrollHeight - padding * 2) = `${newHeight}px` this.$emit('resize', newHeight) }, postStatus (event) { this.statusForm.postStatus(event, this.statusForm.newStatus) } } } export default Attachment