const StillImage = { props: [ 'src', 'referrerpolicy', 'mimetype', 'imageLoadError', 'imageLoadHandler', 'alt', 'height', 'width' ], data () { return { stopGifs: this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.stopGifs || window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)').matches, isAnimated: false, } }, computed: { animated () { return this.stopGifs && this.isAnimated }, style () { const appendPx = (str) => /\d$/.test(str) ? str + 'px' : str return { height: this.height ? appendPx(this.height) : null, width: this.width ? appendPx(this.width) : null } } }, methods: { onLoad () { const image = this.$refs.src if (!image) return this.imageLoadHandler && this.imageLoadHandler(image) this.detectAnimation(image) this.drawThumbnail() }, onError () { this.imageLoadError && this.imageLoadError() }, detectAnimation (image) { // It's a bit aggressive to assume all images we can't find the mimetype of is animated, but necessary for // people in need of reduced motion accessibility. As such, we'll consider those images animated if the user // agent is set to prefer reduced motion. Otherwise, it'll just be used as an early exit. if (window.matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion: reduce)').matches) { this.isAnimated = true } const mediaProxyAvailable = this.$store.state.instance.mediaProxyAvailable // harmless CORS errors without-- clean console with if (!mediaProxyAvailable) return // Browser Cache should ensure image doesn't get loaded twice if cache exists fetch(image.src, { referrerPolicy: 'same-origin' }) .then(data => { // We don't need to read the whole file so only call it once data.body.getReader().read() .then(reader => { // Ordered from least to most intensive if (this.isGIF(reader.value)) { this.isAnimated = true return } if (this.isAnimatedWEBP(reader.value)) { this.isAnimated = true return } if (this.isAnimatedPNG(reader.value)) { this.isAnimated = true } }) }) .catch(() => { // this.imageLoadError && this.imageLoadError() }) }, isGIF (data) { // I am a perfectly sane individual // // GIF HEADER CHUNK // === START HEADER === // 47 49 46 38 ("GIF8") const gifHeader = [0x47, 0x49, 0x46]; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (data[i] !== gifHeader[i]) { return false; } } return true }, isAnimatedWEBP (data) { /** * WEBP HEADER CHUNK * === START HEADER === * 82 73 70 70 ("RIFF") * xx xx xx xx (SIZE) * 87 69 66 80 ("WEBP") * === END OF HEADER === * 86 80 56 88 ("VP8X") ← Extended VP8X * xx xx xx xx (VP8X) * [++] ← RSVILEX(A)R (1 byte) * A → Animated bit */ // Relevant bytes const segment = data.slice(4 * 3, (4 * 5) + 1) // Check for VP8X string if (segment.join('').includes(['86805688'])) { // Check for Animation bit return !!((segment[8] >> 1) & 1) } // No VP8X = Not Animated (X is for Extended) return false }, isAnimatedPNG (data) { // Find acTL before IDAT in PNG; if found it is animated const segment = [] for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { segment.push(String.fromCharCode(data[i])) } const str = segment.join('') const idatPos = str.indexOf('IDAT') return (str.substring(0, idatPos > 0 ? idatPos : 0).indexOf('acTL') > 0) }, drawThumbnail() { const canvas = this.$refs.canvas; if (!canvas) return; const context = canvas.getContext('2d'); const image = this.$refs.src; const parentElement = canvas.parentElement; // Draw the quick, unscaled version first context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, parentElement.clientWidth, parentElement.clientHeight); // Use requestAnimationFrame to schedule the scaling to the next frame requestAnimationFrame(() => { // Adjust for high-DPI displays const ratio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1; canvas.width = parentElement.clientWidth * ratio; canvas.height = parentElement.clientHeight * ratio; = `${parentElement.clientWidth}px`; = `${parentElement.clientHeight}px`; context.scale(ratio, ratio); // Maintain the aspect ratio of the image const imgAspectRatio = image.naturalWidth / image.naturalHeight; const canvasAspectRatio = parentElement.clientWidth / parentElement.clientHeight; let drawWidth, drawHeight; if (imgAspectRatio > canvasAspectRatio) { drawWidth = parentElement.clientWidth; drawHeight = parentElement.clientWidth / imgAspectRatio; } else { drawHeight = parentElement.clientHeight; drawWidth = parentElement.clientHeight * imgAspectRatio; } context.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // Clear the previous unscaled image context.imageSmoothingEnabled = true; context.imageSmoothingQuality = 'high'; // Draw the good one for realsies const dx = (parentElement.clientWidth - drawWidth) / 2; const dy = (parentElement.clientHeight - drawHeight) / 2; context.drawImage(image, dx, dy, drawWidth, drawHeight); }); } }, updated () { // On computed animated change this.drawThumbnail() } } export default StillImage