Tusooa Zhu 20880cdf0b
Make replying and mediaPlaying controlled
$refs is not a reliable way to deal with child components under
tree threading as it is not reactive, but the children may change at
any time. The only good way seems to be making these states aggregated on
the conversation component.

Ref: tree-threading
2022-03-07 19:19:31 -05:00

521 lines
15 KiB

import { reduce, filter, findIndex, clone, get } from 'lodash'
import Status from '../status/status.vue'
import ThreadTree from '../thread_tree/thread_tree.vue'
import { library } from '@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core'
import {
} from '@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'
const sortById = (a, b) => {
const idA = a.type === 'retweet' ? a.retweeted_status.id : a.id
const idB = b.type === 'retweet' ? b.retweeted_status.id : b.id
const seqA = Number(idA)
const seqB = Number(idB)
const isSeqA = !Number.isNaN(seqA)
const isSeqB = !Number.isNaN(seqB)
if (isSeqA && isSeqB) {
return seqA < seqB ? -1 : 1
} else if (isSeqA && !isSeqB) {
return -1
} else if (!isSeqA && isSeqB) {
return 1
} else {
return idA < idB ? -1 : 1
const sortAndFilterConversation = (conversation, statusoid) => {
if (statusoid.type === 'retweet') {
conversation = filter(
(status) => (status.type === 'retweet' || status.id !== statusoid.retweeted_status.id)
} else {
conversation = filter(conversation, (status) => status.type !== 'retweet')
return conversation.filter(_ => _).sort(sortById)
const conversation = {
data () {
return {
highlight: null,
expanded: false,
threadDisplayStatusObject: {}, // id => 'showing' | 'hidden'
statusContentPropertiesObject: {},
inlineDivePosition: null
props: [
created () {
if (this.isPage) {
computed: {
maxDepthToShowByDefault () {
// maxDepthInThread = max number of depths that is *visible*
// since our depth starts with 0 and "showing" means "showing children"
// there is a -2 here
const maxDepth = this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.maxDepthInThread - 2
return maxDepth >= 1 ? maxDepth : 1
displayStyle () {
return this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.conversationDisplay
isTreeView () {
return this.displayStyle === 'tree' || this.displayStyle === 'simple_tree'
treeViewIsSimple () {
return this.displayStyle === 'simple_tree'
isLinearView () {
return this.displayStyle === 'linear'
otherRepliesButtonPosition () {
return this.$store.getters.mergedConfig.conversationOtherRepliesButton
showOtherRepliesButtonBelowStatus () {
return this.otherRepliesButtonPosition === 'below'
showOtherRepliesButtonInsideStatus () {
return this.otherRepliesButtonPosition === 'inside'
suspendable () {
if (this.isTreeView) {
return Object.entries(this.statusContentProperties)
.every(([k, prop]) => !prop.replying && prop.mediaPlaying.length === 0)
if (this.$refs.statusComponent && this.$refs.statusComponent[0]) {
return this.$refs.statusComponent.every(s => s.suspendable)
} else {
return true
hideStatus () {
return this.virtualHidden && this.suspendable
status () {
return this.$store.state.statuses.allStatusesObject[this.statusId]
originalStatusId () {
if (this.status.retweeted_status) {
return this.status.retweeted_status.id
} else {
return this.statusId
conversationId () {
return this.getConversationId(this.statusId)
conversation () {
if (!this.status) {
return []
if (!this.isExpanded) {
return [this.status]
const conversation = clone(this.$store.state.statuses.conversationsObject[this.conversationId])
const statusIndex = findIndex(conversation, { id: this.originalStatusId })
if (statusIndex !== -1) {
conversation[statusIndex] = this.status
return sortAndFilterConversation(conversation, this.status)
conversationDive () {
statusMap () {
return this.conversation.reduce((res, s) => {
res[s.id] = s
return res
}, {})
threadTree () {
const reverseLookupTable = this.conversation.reduce((table, status, index) => {
table[status.id] = index
return table
}, {})
const threads = this.conversation.reduce((a, cur) => {
const id = cur.id
a.forest[id] = this.getReplies(id)
.map(s => s.id)
return a
}, {
forest: {}
const walk = (forest, topLevel, depth = 0, processed = {}) => topLevel.map(id => {
if (processed[id]) {
return []
processed[id] = true
return [{
status: this.conversation[reverseLookupTable[id]],
}, walk(forest, forest[id], depth + 1, processed)].reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), [])
}).reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), [])
const linearized = walk(threads.forest, this.topLevel.map(k => k.id))
return linearized
replyIds () {
return this.conversation.map(k => k.id)
.reduce((res, id) => {
res[id] = (this.replies[id] || []).map(k => k.id)
return res
}, {})
totalReplyCount () {
const sizes = {}
const subTreeSizeFor = (id) => {
if (sizes[id]) {
return sizes[id]
sizes[id] = 1 + this.replyIds[id].map(cid => subTreeSizeFor(cid)).reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0)
return sizes[id]
this.conversation.map(k => k.id).map(subTreeSizeFor)
return Object.keys(sizes).reduce((res, id) => {
res[id] = sizes[id] - 1 // exclude itself
return res
}, {})
totalReplyDepth () {
const depths = {}
const subTreeDepthFor = (id) => {
if (depths[id]) {
return depths[id]
depths[id] = 1 + this.replyIds[id].map(cid => subTreeDepthFor(cid)).reduce((a, b) => a > b ? a : b, 0)
return depths[id]
this.conversation.map(k => k.id).map(subTreeDepthFor)
return Object.keys(depths).reduce((res, id) => {
res[id] = depths[id] - 1 // exclude itself
return res
}, {})
depths () {
return this.threadTree.reduce((a, k) => {
a[k.id] = k.depth
return a
}, {})
topLevel () {
const topLevel = this.conversation.reduce((tl, cur) =>
tl.filter(k => this.getReplies(cur.id).map(v => v.id).indexOf(k.id) === -1), this.conversation)
return topLevel
otherTopLevelCount () {
return this.topLevel.length - 1
showingTopLevel () {
if (this.canDive && this.diveRoot) {
return [this.statusMap[this.diveRoot]]
return this.topLevel
diveRoot () {
const statusId = this.inlineDivePosition || this.statusId
const isTopLevel = !this.parentOf(statusId)
return isTopLevel ? null : statusId
diveDepth () {
return this.canDive && this.diveRoot ? this.depths[this.diveRoot] : 0
diveMode () {
return this.canDive && !!this.diveRoot
shouldShowAllConversationButton () {
// The "show all conversation" button tells the user that there exist
// other toplevel statuses, so do not show it if there is only a single root
return this.isTreeView && this.isExpanded && this.diveMode && this.topLevel.length > 1
shouldShowAncestors () {
return this.isTreeView && this.isExpanded && this.ancestorsOf(this.diveRoot).length
replies () {
let i = 1
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
return reduce(this.conversation, (result, { id, in_reply_to_status_id }) => {
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
const irid = in_reply_to_status_id
/* eslint-enable camelcase */
if (irid) {
result[irid] = result[irid] || []
name: `#${i}`,
id: id
return result
}, {})
isExpanded () {
return !!(this.expanded || this.isPage)
hiddenStyle () {
const height = (this.status && this.status.virtualHeight) || '120px'
return this.virtualHidden ? { height } : {}
threadDisplayStatus () {
return this.conversation.reduce((a, k) => {
const id = k.id
const depth = this.depths[id]
const status = (() => {
if (this.threadDisplayStatusObject[id]) {
return this.threadDisplayStatusObject[id]
if ((depth - this.diveDepth) <= this.maxDepthToShowByDefault) {
return 'showing'
} else {
return 'hidden'
a[id] = status
return a
}, {})
statusContentProperties () {
return this.conversation.reduce((a, k) => {
const id = k.id
const props = (() => {
const def = {
showingTall: false,
expandingSubject: false,
showingLongSubject: false,
isReplying: false,
mediaPlaying: []
if (this.statusContentPropertiesObject[id]) {
return {
return def
a[id] = props
return a
}, {})
canDive () {
return this.isTreeView && this.isExpanded
focused () {
return (id) => {
return (this.isExpanded) && id === this.highlight
maybeHighlight () {
return this.isExpanded ? this.highlight : null
components: {
watch: {
statusId (newVal, oldVal) {
const newConversationId = this.getConversationId(newVal)
const oldConversationId = this.getConversationId(oldVal)
if (newConversationId && oldConversationId && newConversationId === oldConversationId) {
} else {
expanded (value) {
if (value) {
} else {
virtualHidden (value) {
{ statusId: this.statusId, height: `${this.$el.clientHeight}px` }
methods: {
fetchConversation () {
if (this.status) {
this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.fetchConversation({ id: this.statusId })
.then(({ ancestors, descendants }) => {
this.$store.dispatch('addNewStatuses', { statuses: ancestors })
this.$store.dispatch('addNewStatuses', { statuses: descendants })
} else {
this.$store.state.api.backendInteractor.fetchStatus({ id: this.statusId })
.then((status) => {
this.$store.dispatch('addNewStatuses', { statuses: [status] })
getReplies (id) {
return this.replies[id] || []
getHighlight () {
return this.isExpanded ? this.highlight : null
setHighlight (id) {
if (!id) return
this.highlight = id
this.$store.dispatch('fetchFavsAndRepeats', id)
this.$store.dispatch('fetchEmojiReactionsBy', id)
toggleExpanded () {
this.expanded = !this.expanded
getConversationId (statusId) {
const status = this.$store.state.statuses.allStatusesObject[statusId]
return get(status, 'retweeted_status.statusnet_conversation_id', get(status, 'statusnet_conversation_id'))
setThreadDisplay (id, nextStatus) {
this.threadDisplayStatusObject = {
[id]: nextStatus
toggleThreadDisplay (id) {
const curStatus = this.threadDisplayStatus[id]
const nextStatus = curStatus === 'showing' ? 'hidden' : 'showing'
this.setThreadDisplay(id, nextStatus)
setThreadDisplayRecursively (id, nextStatus) {
this.setThreadDisplay(id, nextStatus)
this.getReplies(id).map(k => k.id).map(id => this.setThreadDisplayRecursively(id, nextStatus))
showThreadRecursively (id) {
this.setThreadDisplayRecursively(id, 'showing')
setStatusContentProperty (id, name, value) {
this.statusContentPropertiesObject = {
[id]: {
[name]: value
toggleStatusContentProperty (id, name) {
this.setStatusContentProperty(id, name, !this.statusContentProperties[id][name])
leastVisibleAncestor (id) {
let cur = id
let parent = this.parentOf(cur)
while (cur) {
// if the parent is showing it means cur is visible
if (this.threadDisplayStatus[parent] === 'showing') {
return cur
parent = this.parentOf(parent)
cur = this.parentOf(cur)
// nothing found, fall back to toplevel
return this.topLevel[0] ? this.topLevel[0].id : undefined
diveIntoStatus (id, preventScroll) {
diveToTopLevel () {
this.tryScrollTo(this.topLevelAncestorOrSelfId(this.diveRoot) || this.topLevel[0].id)
// only used when we are not on a page
undive () {
this.inlineDivePosition = null
tryScrollTo (id) {
if (!id) {
if (this.isPage) {
// set statusId
this.$router.push({ name: 'conversation', params: { id } })
} else {
this.inlineDivePosition = id
goToCurrent () {
this.tryScrollTo(this.diveRoot || this.topLevel[0].id)
statusById (id) {
return this.statusMap[id]
parentOf (id) {
const status = this.statusById(id)
if (!status) {
return undefined
const { in_reply_to_status_id: parentId } = status
if (!this.statusMap[parentId]) {
return undefined
return parentId
parentOrSelf (id) {
return this.parentOf(id) || id
// Ancestors of some status, from top to bottom
ancestorsOf (id) {
const ancestors = []
let cur = this.parentOf(id)
while (cur) {
cur = this.parentOf(cur)
return ancestors
topLevelAncestorOrSelfId (id) {
let cur = id
let parent = this.parentOf(id)
while (parent) {
cur = this.parentOf(cur)
parent = this.parentOf(parent)
return cur
resetDisplayState () {
this.threadDisplayStatusObject = {}
export default conversation