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# Updating your instance
You should **always check the [release notes/changelog](https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma/src/branch/develop/CHANGELOG.md)** in case there are config deprecations, special update steps, etc.
Besides that, doing the following is generally enough:
## Switch to the akkoma user
# Using sudo
sudo -su akkoma
# Using doas
doas -su akkoma
# Using su
su -s "$SHELL" akkoma
## For OTP installations
# Download latest stable release
./bin/pleroma_ctl update --branch stable
# Stop akkoma
./bin/pleroma stop # or using the system service manager (e.g. systemctl stop akkoma)
# Run database migrations
./bin/pleroma_ctl migrate
# Update frontend(s). See Frontend Configuration doc for more information.
./bin/pleroma_ctl frontend install pleroma-fe --ref stable
# Start akkoma
./bin/pleroma daemon # or using the system service manager (e.g. systemctl start akkoma)
If you selected an alternate flavour on installation,
you _may_ need to specify `--flavour`, in the same way as
[when installing](../../installation/otp_en#detecting-flavour).
## For from source installations (using git)
Run as the `akkoma` user:
# Pull in new changes
git pull
# Run with production configuration
export MIX_ENV=prod
# Download and compile dependencies
mix deps.get
mix compile
# Stop akkoma (replace with your system service manager's equivalent if different)
sudo systemctl stop akkoma
# Run database migrations
mix ecto.migrate
# Update frontend(s). See Frontend Configration doc for more information.
mix pleroma.frontend install pleroma-fe --ref stable
# Start akkoma (replace with your system service manager's equivalent if different)
sudo systemctl start akkoma