Allow deleting uploaded files after media migration
Some checks are pending
ci/woodpecker/pr/build-amd64 Pipeline is pending
ci/woodpecker/pr/build-arm64 Pipeline is pending
ci/woodpecker/pr/docs Pipeline is pending
ci/woodpecker/pr/lint Pipeline is pending
ci/woodpecker/pr/test Pipeline is pending

Until now only the current base_url was checked.
After a media domain migration all pre-existing files
thus turned undeletable. Fix this with a new config
option allowing to list all old media base urls.
(This may also come in handy for a later db refactor, see
This commit is contained in:
Oneric 2024-06-02 21:54:06 +02:00
parent 34cb5b350c
commit 219fffa0c3
5 changed files with 54 additions and 6 deletions

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@ -15,10 +15,12 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
- New standalone `prune_orphaned_activities` mix task with configurable batch limit
- The `prune_objects` mix task now accepts a `--limit` parameter for initial object pruning
- New config option `:instance, :cleanup_attachments_delay`
- New config option `Pleroma.Upload, :all_base_urls`
## Fixed
- Meilisearch: order of results returned from our REST API now actually matches how Meilisearch ranks results
- Fix “Delete & Redraft” often losing attachments if attachment cleanup was enabled
- If `Pleroma.Upload, :all_base_urls` is set accordingly, uploaded files can now be deleted after a domain migration.
## Changed
- Refactored Rich Media to cache the content in the database. Fetching operations that could block status rendering have been eliminated.

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@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
link_name: false,
filename_display_max_length: 30,
base_url: nil,
all_base_urls: nil,
allowed_mime_types: ["image", "audio", "video"]
config :pleroma, Pleroma.Uploaders.Local, uploads: "uploads"

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@ -606,6 +606,7 @@ the source code is here: [kocaptcha]( Th
* `link_name`: When enabled Akkoma will add a `name` parameter to the url of the upload, for example `https://instance.tld/media/corndog.png?name=corndog.png`. This is needed to provide the correct filename in Content-Disposition headers
* `base_url`: The base URL to access a user-uploaded file; MUST be configured explicitly.
Using a (sub)domain distinct from the instance endpoint is **strongly** recommended. A good value might be `https://media.myakkoma.instance/media/`.
* `all_base_url`: list of all base urls ever used *(**both** current and past)*; if unset defaults to a single-entry list containig the current `base_url`
* `proxy_opts`: Proxy options, see `Pleroma.ReverseProxy` documentation.
* `filename_display_max_length`: Set max length of a filename to display. 0 = no limit. Default: 30.

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@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ def enqueue_if_needed(%{
}) do
with true <- Config.get([:instance, :cleanup_attachments]),
true <- URI.parse(actor).host ==,
attachments <- Enum.filter(attachments, &deletable_attachment/1),
[_ | _] <- attachments do
@ -35,6 +36,18 @@ def enqueue_if_needed(%{
def enqueue_if_needed(_), do: {:ok, :skip}
defp base_urls() do
Config.get([Pleroma.Upload, :all_base_urls]) ||
[Config.get!([Pleroma.Upload, :base_url])]
defp deletable_attachment(%{"id" => _id, "url" => [%{"href" => href} | _]}) do
# We can't delete files later if we can't strip the prefix
Enum.any?(base_urls(), fn url -> String.starts_with?(href, url) end)
defp deletable_attachment(_), do: false
@impl Oban.Worker
def perform(%Job{
args: %{
@ -66,18 +79,28 @@ def perform(%Job{
def perform(%Job{args: %{"op" => "cleanup_attachments", "object" => _object}}), do: {:ok, :skip}
defp trim_first_leading(string, []), do: string
defp trim_first_leading(string, [prefix | rest]) do
trimmed = String.trim_leading(string, prefix)
if trimmed != string do
trim_first_leading(string, rest)
defp do_clean({object_ids, attachment_urls}) do
uploader = Pleroma.Config.get([Pleroma.Upload, :uploader])
base_url =
base_urls =
|> url -> String.trim_trailing(url, "/") end)
Enum.each(attachment_urls, fn href ->
|> String.trim_leading("#{base_url}")
|> trim_first_leading(base_urls)
|> uploader.delete_file()

View file

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Workers.AttachmentsCleanupWorkerTest do
setup do
clear_config([:instance, :cleanup_attachments], true)
clear_config([Pleroma.Upload, :all_base_urls])
file = %Plug.Upload{
content_type: "image/jpeg",
@ -83,4 +84,24 @@ test "doesn't delete immediately", %{attachment: attachment, user: user} do
assert Object.get_by_id( == nil
refute File.exists?(path)
test "skips localpost with unmappable URLs", %{attachment: attachment, user: user} do
local_url = Pleroma.Web.Endpoint.url()
attach_data =
|> Map.update!("url", fn
[%{"href" => _} = url | _] ->
[%{url | "href" => "https://oldmedia.example/files/123.png"}]
local_data = %{
"id" => local_url <> "/obj/123",
"actor" => user.ap_id,
"content" => "content",
"attachment" => [attach_data]
assert {:ok, :skip} = AttachmentsCleanupWorker.enqueue_if_needed(local_data)