mastodon websocket: bring back infinity timeout

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William Pitcock 2019-02-28 16:23:24 +00:00
parent f1d37a5e23
commit 388a3f4ca2
1 changed files with 5 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -23,13 +23,16 @@ defmodule Pleroma.Web.MastodonAPI.WebsocketHandler do
@anonymous_streams ["public", "public:local", "hashtag"]
def init(%{qs: qs} = req, _state) do
# Handled by periodic keepalive in Pleroma.Web.Streamer.
@timeout :infinity
def init(%{qs: qs} = req, state) do
with params <- :cow_qs.parse_qs(qs),
access_token <- List.keyfind(params, "access_token", 0),
{_, stream} <- List.keyfind(params, "stream", 0),
{:ok, user} <- allow_request(stream, access_token),
topic when is_binary(topic) <- expand_topic(stream, params) do
{:cowboy_websocket, req, %{user: user, topic: topic}}
{:cowboy_websocket, req, %{user: user, topic: topic}, %{idle_timeout: @timeout}}
{:error, code} ->
Logger.debug("#{__MODULE__} denied connection: #{inspect(code)} - #{inspect(req)}")