follow hashtags #253

opened 2022-11-06 13:38:43 +00:00 by aetios · 4 comments

mastodon has the ability to follow hashtags and this seems like a nice feature that i wouldn't mind being yoinked. Maybe in order to not clog the feed it could be in a 'hashtags' timeline, or something.

mastodon has the ability to follow hashtags and this seems like a nice feature that i wouldn't mind being yoinked. Maybe in order to not clog the feed it could be in a 'hashtags' timeline, or something.

Well, there is alreade a 'list' feature where you can create lists/timelines which only include specific users. maybe we could use this and follow/filter hashtags?

Well, there is alreade a 'list' feature where you can create lists/timelines which only include specific users. maybe we could use this and follow/filter hashtags?

Pleroma-FE: Use /tag/foo URL to view all posts with hashtags #foo

E.g. is a "timeline" for #bar

Mastodon-FE has built-in follow hashtag function with live refresh, but seems a bit buggy last time I tested it

Pleroma-FE: Use `/tag/foo` URL to view all posts with hashtags `#foo` E.g. is a "timeline" for `#bar` Mastodon-FE has built-in follow hashtag function with live refresh, but seems a bit buggy last time I tested it

closed by #341?

closed by #341?


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Reference: AkkomaGang/akkoma#253
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