[bug] #528

opened 2023-04-24 23:56:34 +00:00 by Flexstrongo · 1 comment

Your setup


Extra details

No response


2023.04 stable

PostgreSQL version

No response

What were you trying to do?

Akkoma is reading any connections from a streams instance as errors. I've discussed with the streams dev who says that streams is following the activitypub standard, and the streams serer doesn't appear to have any issues following or being seen by any other mastodon or calckey etc. servers. This appears to be an akkoma only issue. Here is the relevant connection info from my logs. I've done a few connects and deletes from streams to try to get this to work, which may be why it's seeing an old username. From the streams side any deliveries are reported back from akkoma as not deliverable

What did you expect to happen?

akkoma to receive the follow requests/post notifications and notify user.

What actually happened?

no notifications or received posts


[[36makkoma_1  |^[[0m 23:43:35.776 request_id=F1kDhynfYkqz0RUAfpHh [warning] Can't find LRDD template in "https://diablocanyon2.com/.well-known/host-meta": {:ok, %Tesla.Env{method: :get, url: "https://diablocanyon2.com/.well-known/host-meta", query: [], headers: [{"server", "nginx/1.23.4"}, {"date", "Mon, 24 Apr 2023 23:43:35 GMT"}, {"content-type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"}, {"transfer-encoding", "chunked"}, {"connection", "keep-alive"}, {"x-powered-by", "PHP/8.2.5"}, {"set-cookie", "PHPSESSID=kg4h0v6o1sjj72rtrfuh74efad; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=None"}, {"expires", "Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT"}, {"cache-control", "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"}, {"pragma", "no-cache"}], body: "", status: 404, opts: [adapter: [receive_timeout: 15000, pool_timeout: 5000, name: MyFinch]], __module__: Tesla, __client__: %Tesla.Client{fun: nil, pre: [{Tesla.Middleware.FollowRedirects, :call, [[]]}, {Tesla.Middleware.Telemetry, :call, [[]]}], post: [], adapter: nil}}}
^[[36makkoma_1  |^[[0m
^[[36makkoma_1  |^[[0m 23:43:36.058 request_id=F1kDhynfYkqz0RUAfpHh [info] Found an old user for akkomatest@diablocanyon2.com, but the ap id https://diablocanyon2.com/channel/akkomatest is the same as the new user. Race condition? Not changing anything.
^[[36makkoma_1  |^[[0m
^[[36makkoma_1  |^[[0m 23:43:36.066 request_id=F1kDhynfYkqz0RUAfpHh [error] Could not fetch user https://diablocanyon2.com/channel/akkomatest?operation=getkey, {nil, {:error, #Ecto.Changeset<action: :insert, changes: %{is_discoverable: true, disclose_client: true, tags: [], hide_followers: false, ap_enabled: true, domain_blocks: [], shared_inbox: "https://diablocanyon2.com/inbox", default_scope: "public", uri: "https://diablocanyon2.com/channel/akkomatest", is_admin: false, pleroma_settings_store: %{}, pinned_objects: %{}, show_role: true, email_notifications: %{"digest" => false}, name: "AkkomaTest", inbox: "https://diablocanyon2.com/inbox/akkomatest", fields: [], follower_address: "https://diablocanyon2.com/followers/akkomatest", nickname: "akkomatest@diablocanyon2.com", password_reset_pending: false, emoji: %{}, hide_favorites: true, note_count: 0, hide_follows_count: false, bio: "", following_count: 0, no_rich_text: false, is_suggested: false, background: %{}, is_moderator: false, hide_follows: false, is_locked: true, following_address: "https://diablocanyon2.com/following/akkomatest", actor_type: "Person", local: false, invisible: false, raw_fields: [], public_key: "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----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\nnAGngnlrNvlh7wvUxZ5T/3cCAwEAAQ==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", banner: nil, ap_id: "https://diablocanyon2.com/channel/akkomatest", is_approved: true, avatar: %{"type" => "Image", "url" => [...]}, allow_following_move: true, is_active: true, ...}, errors: [nickname: {"has already been taken", [constraint: :unique, constraint_name: "users_nickname_index"]}], data: #Pleroma.User<>, valid?: false>}}


I cannot use it as easily as I'd like

Have you searched for this issue?

  • I have double-checked and have not found this issue mentioned anywhere.
### Your setup Docker ### Extra details _No response_ ### Version 2023.04 stable ### PostgreSQL version _No response_ ### What were you trying to do? Akkoma is reading any connections from a streams instance as errors. I've discussed with the streams dev who says that streams is following the activitypub standard, and the streams serer doesn't appear to have any issues following or being seen by any other mastodon or calckey etc. servers. This appears to be an akkoma only issue. Here is the relevant connection info from my logs. I've done a few connects and deletes from streams to try to get this to work, which may be why it's seeing an old username. From the streams side any deliveries are reported back from akkoma as not deliverable ### What did you expect to happen? akkoma to receive the follow requests/post notifications and notify user. ### What actually happened? no notifications or received posts ### Logs ```shell [[36makkoma_1 |^[[0m 23:43:35.776 request_id=F1kDhynfYkqz0RUAfpHh [warning] Can't find LRDD template in "https://diablocanyon2.com/.well-known/host-meta": {:ok, %Tesla.Env{method: :get, url: "https://diablocanyon2.com/.well-known/host-meta", query: [], headers: [{"server", "nginx/1.23.4"}, {"date", "Mon, 24 Apr 2023 23:43:35 GMT"}, {"content-type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"}, {"transfer-encoding", "chunked"}, {"connection", "keep-alive"}, {"x-powered-by", "PHP/8.2.5"}, {"set-cookie", "PHPSESSID=kg4h0v6o1sjj72rtrfuh74efad; path=/; secure; HttpOnly; SameSite=None"}, {"expires", "Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT"}, {"cache-control", "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"}, {"pragma", "no-cache"}], body: "", status: 404, opts: [adapter: [receive_timeout: 15000, pool_timeout: 5000, name: MyFinch]], __module__: Tesla, __client__: %Tesla.Client{fun: nil, pre: [{Tesla.Middleware.FollowRedirects, :call, [[]]}, {Tesla.Middleware.Telemetry, :call, [[]]}], post: [], adapter: nil}}} ^[[36makkoma_1 |^[[0m ^[[36makkoma_1 |^[[0m 23:43:36.058 request_id=F1kDhynfYkqz0RUAfpHh [info] Found an old user for akkomatest@diablocanyon2.com, but the ap id https://diablocanyon2.com/channel/akkomatest is the same as the new user. Race condition? Not changing anything. ^[[36makkoma_1 |^[[0m ^[[36makkoma_1 |^[[0m 23:43:36.066 request_id=F1kDhynfYkqz0RUAfpHh [error] Could not fetch user https://diablocanyon2.com/channel/akkomatest?operation=getkey, {nil, {:error, #Ecto.Changeset<action: :insert, changes: %{is_discoverable: true, disclose_client: true, tags: [], hide_followers: false, ap_enabled: true, domain_blocks: [], shared_inbox: "https://diablocanyon2.com/inbox", default_scope: "public", uri: "https://diablocanyon2.com/channel/akkomatest", is_admin: false, pleroma_settings_store: %{}, pinned_objects: %{}, show_role: true, email_notifications: %{"digest" => false}, name: "AkkomaTest", inbox: "https://diablocanyon2.com/inbox/akkomatest", fields: [], follower_address: "https://diablocanyon2.com/followers/akkomatest", nickname: "akkomatest@diablocanyon2.com", password_reset_pending: false, emoji: %{}, hide_favorites: true, note_count: 0, hide_follows_count: false, bio: "", following_count: 0, no_rich_text: false, is_suggested: false, background: %{}, is_moderator: false, hide_follows: false, is_locked: true, following_address: "https://diablocanyon2.com/following/akkomatest", actor_type: "Person", local: false, invisible: false, raw_fields: [], public_key: "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----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\nnAGngnlrNvlh7wvUxZ5T/3cCAwEAAQ==\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n", banner: nil, ap_id: "https://diablocanyon2.com/channel/akkomatest", is_approved: true, avatar: %{"type" => "Image", "url" => [...]}, allow_following_move: true, is_active: true, ...}, errors: [nickname: {"has already been taken", [constraint: :unique, constraint_name: "users_nickname_index"]}], data: #Pleroma.User<>, valid?: false>}} ``` ### Severity I cannot use it as easily as I'd like ### Have you searched for this issue? - [x] I have double-checked and have not found this issue mentioned anywhere.
Flexstrongo added the
label 2023-04-24 23:56:34 +00:00

oh they just had to be special and use a completely stupid public key ID didn't they

oh they just had to be special and use a completely stupid public key ID didn't they
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Reference: AkkomaGang/akkoma#528
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