WIP: Prebuilt docker image #803

floatingghost wants to merge 37 commits from customizable-docker-db into develop
4 changed files with 95 additions and 47 deletions
Showing only changes of commit dbbfeeb748 - Show all commits

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
# If you use a config generator, use the value below for your
# "ram" size
shm_size: 4gb
- "postgres"
- "-c"
- "max_connections=40"
- "-c"
- "shared_buffers=1GB"
- "-c"
- "effective_cache_size=3GB"
- "-c"
- "maintenance_work_mem=512MB"
- "-c"
- "checkpoint_completion_target=0.9"
- "-c"
- "wal_buffers=16MB"
- "-c"
- "default_statistics_target=500"
- "-c"
- "random_page_cost=1.1"
- "-c"
- "effective_io_concurrency=200"
- "-c"
- "work_mem=6553kB"
- "-c"
- "min_wal_size=4GB"
- "-c"
- "max_wal_size=16GB"
- "-c"
- "max_worker_processes=4"
- "-c"
- "max_parallel_workers_per_gather=2"
- "-c"
- "max_parallel_workers=4"
- "-c"
- "max_parallel_maintenance_workers=2"

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

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@ -8,9 +8,7 @@ mkdir -p pgdata
docker compose run \
--rm \
akkoma ./bin/pleroma_ctl instance gen --no-sql-user --no-db-creation --dbhost db --dbname akkoma --dbuser akkoma --dbpass akkoma --listen-ip --listen-port 4000 --static-dir /opt/akkoma/instance/ --uploads-dir /opt/akkoma/uploads/ --db-configurable true --output /opt/akkoma/config/generated_config.exs --output-psql /opt/akkoma/config/setup_db.psql
echo "Instance generated!"
akkoma ./bin/pleroma_ctl instance gen --no-sql-user --no-db-creation --dbhost db --dbname akkoma --dbuser akkoma --dbpass akkoma --listen-ip --listen-port 4000 --static-dir /opt/akkoma/instance/ --uploads-dir /opt/akkoma/uploads/ --db-configurable y --output /opt/akkoma/config/generated_config.exs --output-psql /opt/akkoma/config/setup_db.psql
# setup database from generated config
# we run from the akkoma container to ensure we have the right environment! can't connect to a DB that doesn't exist yet...
@ -19,3 +17,10 @@ docker compose run \
-e "PGPASSWORD=akkoma" \
akkoma psql -h db -U akkoma -d akkoma -f /opt/akkoma/config/setup_db.psql
# stop tzdata trying to write to places it shouldn't
echo "config :tzdata, :data_dir, "/var/tmp/elixir_tzdata_storage" >> /opt/akkoma/config/generated_config.exs
echo "Instance generated!"
echo "Make sure you check your config and copy it to config/prod.secret.exs before starting the instance!"

View file

@ -28,31 +28,14 @@ echo "DOCKER_USER=$(id -u):$(id -g)" >> .env
This probably won't need to be changed, it's only there to set basic environment
variables for the docker compose file.
### Building the container
The container provided is a thin wrapper around akkoma's dependencies,
it does not contain the code itself. This is to allow for easy updates
and debugging if required.
This will generate a container called `akkoma` which we can use
in our compose environment.
### Generating your instance
mkdir pgdata
./docker-resources/manage.sh mix deps.get
./docker-resources/manage.sh mix compile
./docker-resources/manage.sh mix pleroma.instance gen
This will ask you a few questions - the defaults are fine for most things,
the database hostname is `db`, the database password is `akkoma`
(not auto generated), and you will want to set the ip to ``.
This will ask you a few questions - the defaults are fine for most things!
Now we'll want to copy over the config it just created
@ -60,24 +43,6 @@ Now we'll want to copy over the config it just created
cp config/generated_config.exs config/prod.secret.exs
### Setting up the database
We need to run a few commands on the database container, this isn't too bad
docker compose run --rm --user akkoma -d db
# Note down the name it gives here, it will be something like akkoma_db_run
docker compose run --rm akkoma psql -h db -U akkoma -f config/setup_db.psql
docker stop akkoma_db_run # Replace with the name you noted down
Now we can actually run our migrations
./docker-resources/manage.sh mix ecto.migrate
# this will recompile your files at the same time, since we changed the config
### Start the server
We're going to run it in the foreground on the first run, just to make sure
@ -102,7 +67,7 @@ docker compose up -d
If your instance is up and running, you can create your first user with administrative rights with the following task:
./docker-resources/manage.sh mix pleroma.user new MY_USERNAME MY_EMAIL@SOMEWHERE --admin
./docker-resources/manage.sh user new MY_USERNAME MY_EMAIL@SOMEWHERE --admin
And follow the prompts
@ -154,23 +119,43 @@ If you want, you can also run the reverse proxy on the host. This is a bit more
Follow the guides for source install for your distribution of choice, or adapt
as needed. Your standard setup can be found in the [Debian Guide](../debian_based_en/#nginx)
### Applying Postgresql optimisations
Your postgresql server will behave better if you tune its settings to your machine.
There is a file at `docker-resources/docker-compose.pgsql-tuning.yml` which shows you how to apply settings, for example
those generated by [PgTune](https://pgtune.leopard.in.ua/)
You can merge this config into a `docker-compose.override.yml` file to apply them. Make sure that you generate your options
based on the shm_size you allocate!
### You're done!
All that's left is to set up your frontends.
The standard from-source commands will apply to you, just make sure you
The standard OTP commands will apply to you, just make sure you
prefix them with `./docker-resources/manage.sh`!
So, for example, if an OTP command would be
./bin/pleroma_ctl user new myuser
The equivalent docker command would be
./docker-resources/manage.sh user new myuser
{! installation/frontends.include !}
### Updating Docker Installs
git pull
./docker-resources/manage.sh mix deps.get
./docker-resources/manage.sh mix compile
./docker-resources/manage.sh mix ecto.migrate
docker compose pull
./docker-resources/manage.sh migrate
docker compose restart akkoma db
@ -180,6 +165,20 @@ create a new file called `docker-compose.override.yml`. There you can add any
overrides or additional services without worrying about git conflicts when a
new release comes out.
### Migrating from the old docker install system
If you were running akkoma in docker before 2024.06, you will need to do a few little migration steps.
First off, we need to migrate our postgres installation to a newer version!
./docker-resources/migrate-postgresql-version.sh pgdata 14 16
This should be nice and quick.
After that you can just `docker compose pull` and all should be fine.
#### Further reading
{! installation/further_reading.include !}