defmodule Pleroma.Repo.Migrations.UpdateCounterCacheTable do use Ecto.Migration @function_name "update_status_visibility_counter_cache" @trigger_name "status_visibility_counter_cache_trigger" def up do execute("drop trigger if exists #{@trigger_name} on activities") execute("drop function if exists #{@function_name}()") drop_if_exists(unique_index(:counter_cache, [:name])) drop_if_exists(table(:counter_cache)) create_if_not_exists table(:counter_cache) do add(:instance, :string, null: false) add(:direct, :bigint, null: false, default: 0) add(:private, :bigint, null: false, default: 0) add(:unlisted, :bigint, null: false, default: 0) add(:public, :bigint, null: false, default: 0) end create_if_not_exists(unique_index(:counter_cache, [:instance])) """ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION #{@function_name}() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ DECLARE hostname character varying(255); visibility_new character varying(64); visibility_old character varying(64); actor character varying(255); BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'DELETE' THEN actor :=; ELSE actor :=; END IF; hostname := split_part(actor, '/', 3); IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN visibility_new := activity_visibility(, NEW.recipients,; IF>>'type' = 'Create' AND visibility_new IN ('public', 'unlisted', 'private', 'direct') THEN EXECUTE format('INSERT INTO "counter_cache" ("instance", %1$I) VALUES ($1, 1) ON CONFLICT ("instance") DO UPDATE SET %1$I = "counter_cache".%1$I + 1', visibility_new) USING hostname; END IF; RETURN NEW; ELSIF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN visibility_new := activity_visibility(, NEW.recipients,; visibility_old := activity_visibility(, OLD.recipients,; IF (>>'type' = 'Create') AND (>>'type' = 'Create') AND visibility_new != visibility_old AND visibility_new IN ('public', 'unlisted', 'private', 'direct') THEN EXECUTE format('UPDATE "counter_cache" SET %1$I = greatest("counter_cache".%1$I - 1, 0), %2$I = "counter_cache".%2$I + 1 WHERE "instance" = $1', visibility_old, visibility_new) USING hostname; END IF; RETURN NEW; ELSIF TG_OP = 'DELETE' THEN IF>>'type' = 'Create' THEN visibility_old := activity_visibility(, OLD.recipients,; EXECUTE format('UPDATE "counter_cache" SET %1$I = greatest("counter_cache".%1$I - 1, 0) WHERE "instance" = $1', visibility_old) USING hostname; END IF; RETURN OLD; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; """ |> execute() execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS #{@trigger_name} ON activities") """ CREATE TRIGGER #{@trigger_name} BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE of recipients, data OR DELETE ON activities FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE #{@function_name}(); """ |> execute() end def down do execute("DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS #{@trigger_name} ON activities") execute("DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS #{@function_name}()") drop_if_exists(unique_index(:counter_cache, [:instance])) drop_if_exists(table(:counter_cache)) create_if_not_exists table(:counter_cache) do add(:name, :string, null: false) add(:count, :bigint, null: false, default: 0) end create_if_not_exists(unique_index(:counter_cache, [:name])) """ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION #{@function_name}() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN IF>>'type' = 'Create' THEN EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO counter_cache (name, count) VALUES (''status_visibility_' || activity_visibility(, NEW.recipients, || ''', 1) ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET count = counter_cache.count + 1'; END IF; RETURN NEW; ELSIF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN IF (>>'type' = 'Create') and (>>'type' = 'Create') and activity_visibility(, NEW.recipients, != activity_visibility(, OLD.recipients, THEN EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO counter_cache (name, count) VALUES (''status_visibility_' || activity_visibility(, NEW.recipients, || ''', 1) ON CONFLICT (name) DO UPDATE SET count = counter_cache.count + 1'; EXECUTE 'update counter_cache SET count = counter_cache.count - 1 where count > 0 and name = ''status_visibility_' || activity_visibility(, OLD.recipients, || ''';'; END IF; RETURN NEW; ELSIF TG_OP = 'DELETE' THEN IF>>'type' = 'Create' THEN EXECUTE 'update counter_cache SET count = counter_cache.count - 1 where count > 0 and name = ''status_visibility_' || activity_visibility(, OLD.recipients, || ''';'; END IF; RETURN OLD; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; """ |> execute() """ CREATE TRIGGER #{@trigger_name} BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE of recipients, data OR DELETE ON activities FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE #{@function_name}(); """ |> execute() end end