# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2021 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Activity.HTML do alias Pleroma.HTML alias Pleroma.Object @cachex Pleroma.Config.get([:cachex, :provider], Cachex) # We store a list of cache keys related to an activity in a # separate cache, scrubber_management_cache. It has the same # size as scrubber_cache (see application.ex). Every time we add # a cache to scrubber_cache, we update scrubber_management_cache. # # The most recent write of a certain key in the management cache # is the same as the most recent write of any record related to that # key in the main cache. # Assuming LRW ( https://hexdocs.pm/cachex/Cachex.Policy.LRW.html ), # this means when the management cache is evicted by cachex, all # related records in the main cache will also have been evicted. defp get_cache_keys_for(activity_id) do with {:ok, list} when is_list(list) <- @cachex.get(:scrubber_management_cache, activity_id) do list else _ -> [] end end def add_cache_key_for(activity_id, additional_key) do current = get_cache_keys_for(activity_id) unless additional_key in current do @cachex.put(:scrubber_management_cache, activity_id, [additional_key | current]) end end def invalidate_cache_for(activity_id) do keys = get_cache_keys_for(activity_id) for key <- keys do @cachex.del(:scrubber_cache, key) end @cachex.del(:scrubber_management_cache, activity_id) end def get_cached_scrubbed_html_for_activity( content, scrubbers, activity, key \\ "", callback \\ fn x -> x end ) do key = "#{key}#{generate_scrubber_signature(scrubbers)}|#{activity.id}" @cachex.fetch!(:scrubber_cache, key, fn _key -> object = Object.normalize(activity, fetch: false) add_cache_key_for(activity.id, key) HTML.ensure_scrubbed_html(content, scrubbers, object.data["fake"] || false, callback) end) end def get_cached_stripped_html_for_activity(content, activity, key) do get_cached_scrubbed_html_for_activity( content, FastSanitize.Sanitizer.StripTags, activity, key, &HtmlEntities.decode/1 ) end defp generate_scrubber_signature(scrubber) when is_atom(scrubber) do generate_scrubber_signature([scrubber]) end defp generate_scrubber_signature(scrubbers) do Enum.reduce(scrubbers, "", fn scrubber, signature -> "#{signature}#{to_string(scrubber)}" end) end end