#!/bin/sh read -p "Instance URL (e.g https://example.com): " INSTANCE_URL echo "Creating oauth app..." RESP=$(curl \ -XPOST \ $INSTANCE_URL/api/v1/apps \ --silent \ --data-urlencode 'client_name=fedibash' \ --data-urlencode 'redirect_uris=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' \ --data-urlencode 'scopes=admin:metrics' \ --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ) client_id=$(echo $RESP | jq -r .client_id) client_secret=$(echo $RESP | jq -r .client_secret) if [ -z "$client_id"]; then echo "Could not create an app" echo "$RESP" exit 1 fi echo "Please visit the following URL and input the code provided" AUTH_URL="$INSTANCE_URL/oauth/authorize?client_id=$client_id&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&scope=admin:metrics&response_type=code" if [ ! -z "$BROWSER" ]; then $BROWSER $AUTH_URL fi; echo $AUTH_URL read -p "Code: " CODE echo "Requesting code..." RESP=$(curl \ -XPOST \ $INSTANCE_URL/oauth/token \ --silent \ --header "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \ --data-urlencode "client_id=$client_id" \ --data-urlencode "client_secret=$client_secret" \ --data-urlencode "code=$CODE" \ --data-urlencode "grant_type=authorization_code" \ --data-urlencode 'redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' \ --data-urlencode "scope=admin:metrics" ) ACCESS_TOKEN="$(echo $RESP | jq -r .access_token)" echo "Token is $ACCESS_TOKEN" DOMAIN=$(echo $INSTANCE_URL | sed -e 's/^https:\/\///') echo "Use the following config in your prometheus.yml: - job_name: akkoma scheme: https authorization: credentials: $ACCESS_TOKEN metrics_path: /api/v1/akkoma/metrics static_configs: - targets: - $DOMAIN "