# Pleroma: A lightweight social networking server # Copyright © 2017-2020 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only defmodule Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.StatusOperation do alias OpenApiSpex.Operation alias OpenApiSpex.Schema alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.AccountOperation alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Schemas.ApiError alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Schemas.BooleanLike alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Schemas.FlakeID alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Schemas.ScheduledStatus alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Schemas.Status alias Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Schemas.VisibilityScope import Pleroma.Web.ApiSpec.Helpers def open_api_operation(action) do operation = String.to_existing_atom("#{action}_operation") apply(__MODULE__, operation, []) end def index_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Get multiple statuses by IDs", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["read:statuses"]}], parameters: [ Operation.parameter( :ids, :query, %Schema{type: :array, items: FlakeID}, "Array of status IDs" ) ], operationId: "StatusController.index", responses: %{ 200 => Operation.response("Array of Status", "application/json", array_of_statuses()) } } end def create_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Publish new status", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write:statuses"]}], description: "Post a new status", operationId: "StatusController.create", requestBody: request_body("Parameters", create_request(), required: true), responses: %{ 200 => Operation.response( "Status. When `scheduled_at` is present, ScheduledStatus is returned instead", "application/json", %Schema{oneOf: [Status, ScheduledStatus]} ), 422 => Operation.response("Bad Request / MRF Rejection", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def show_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "View specific status", description: "View information about a status", operationId: "StatusController.show", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["read:statuses"]}], parameters: [id_param()], responses: %{ 200 => status_response(), 404 => Operation.response("Not Found", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def delete_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Delete status", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write:statuses"]}], description: "Delete one of your own statuses", operationId: "StatusController.delete", parameters: [id_param()], responses: %{ 200 => status_response(), 403 => Operation.response("Forbidden", "application/json", ApiError), 404 => Operation.response("Not Found", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def reblog_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Boost", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write:statuses"]}], description: "Share a status", operationId: "StatusController.reblog", parameters: [id_param()], requestBody: request_body("Parameters", %Schema{ type: :object, properties: %{ visibility: %Schema{allOf: [VisibilityScope], default: "public"} } }), responses: %{ 200 => status_response(), 404 => Operation.response("Not Found", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def unreblog_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Undo boost", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write:statuses"]}], description: "Undo a reshare of a status", operationId: "StatusController.unreblog", parameters: [id_param()], responses: %{ 200 => status_response(), 404 => Operation.response("Not Found", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def favourite_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Favourite", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write:favourites"]}], description: "Add a status to your favourites list", operationId: "StatusController.favourite", parameters: [id_param()], responses: %{ 200 => status_response(), 404 => Operation.response("Not Found", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def unfavourite_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Undo favourite", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write:favourites"]}], description: "Remove a status from your favourites list", operationId: "StatusController.unfavourite", parameters: [id_param()], responses: %{ 200 => status_response(), 404 => Operation.response("Not Found", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def pin_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Pin to profile", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write:accounts"]}], description: "Feature one of your own public statuses at the top of your profile", operationId: "StatusController.pin", parameters: [id_param()], responses: %{ 200 => status_response(), 400 => Operation.response("Error", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def unpin_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Unpin to profile", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write:accounts"]}], description: "Unfeature a status from the top of your profile", operationId: "StatusController.unpin", parameters: [id_param()], responses: %{ 200 => status_response(), 400 => Operation.response("Error", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def bookmark_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Bookmark", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write:bookmarks"]}], description: "Privately bookmark a status", operationId: "StatusController.bookmark", parameters: [id_param()], responses: %{ 200 => status_response() } } end def unbookmark_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Undo bookmark", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write:bookmarks"]}], description: "Remove a status from your private bookmarks", operationId: "StatusController.unbookmark", parameters: [id_param()], responses: %{ 200 => status_response() } } end def mute_conversation_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Mute conversation", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write:mutes"]}], description: "Do not receive notifications for the thread that this status is part of.", operationId: "StatusController.mute_conversation", parameters: [id_param()], responses: %{ 200 => status_response(), 400 => Operation.response("Error", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def unmute_conversation_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Unmute conversation", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["write:mutes"]}], description: "Start receiving notifications again for the thread that this status is part of", operationId: "StatusController.unmute_conversation", parameters: [id_param()], responses: %{ 200 => status_response(), 400 => Operation.response("Error", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def card_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], deprecated: true, summary: "Preview card", description: "Deprecated in favor of card property inlined on Status entity", operationId: "StatusController.card", parameters: [id_param()], security: [%{"oAuth" => ["read:statuses"]}], responses: %{ 200 => Operation.response("Card", "application/json", %Schema{ type: :object, nullable: true, properties: %{ type: %Schema{type: :string, enum: ["link", "photo", "video", "rich"]}, provider_name: %Schema{type: :string, nullable: true}, provider_url: %Schema{type: :string, format: :uri}, url: %Schema{type: :string, format: :uri}, image: %Schema{type: :string, nullable: true, format: :uri}, title: %Schema{type: :string}, description: %Schema{type: :string} } }) } } end def favourited_by_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Favourited by", description: "View who favourited a given status", operationId: "StatusController.favourited_by", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["read:accounts"]}], parameters: [id_param()], responses: %{ 200 => Operation.response( "Array of Accounts", "application/json", AccountOperation.array_of_accounts() ), 404 => Operation.response("Not Found", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def reblogged_by_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Boosted by", description: "View who boosted a given status", operationId: "StatusController.reblogged_by", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["read:accounts"]}], parameters: [id_param()], responses: %{ 200 => Operation.response( "Array of Accounts", "application/json", AccountOperation.array_of_accounts() ), 404 => Operation.response("Not Found", "application/json", ApiError) } } end def context_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Parent and child statuses", description: "View statuses above and below this status in the thread", operationId: "StatusController.context", security: [%{"oAuth" => ["read:statuses"]}], parameters: [id_param()], responses: %{ 200 => Operation.response("Context", "application/json", context()) } } end def favourites_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Favourited statuses", description: "Statuses the user has favourited. Please note that you have to use the link headers to paginate this. You can not build the query parameters yourself.", operationId: "StatusController.favourites", parameters: pagination_params(), security: [%{"oAuth" => ["read:favourites"]}], responses: %{ 200 => Operation.response("Array of Statuses", "application/json", array_of_statuses()) } } end def bookmarks_operation do %Operation{ tags: ["Statuses"], summary: "Bookmarked statuses", description: "Statuses the user has bookmarked", operationId: "StatusController.bookmarks", parameters: pagination_params(), security: [%{"oAuth" => ["read:bookmarks"]}], responses: %{ 200 => Operation.response("Array of Statuses", "application/json", array_of_statuses()) } } end def array_of_statuses do %Schema{type: :array, items: Status, example: [Status.schema().example]} end defp create_request do %Schema{ title: "StatusCreateRequest", type: :object, properties: %{ status: %Schema{ type: :string, nullable: true, description: "Text content of the status. If `media_ids` is provided, this becomes optional. Attaching a `poll` is optional while `status` is provided." }, media_ids: %Schema{ nullable: true, type: :array, items: %Schema{type: :string}, description: "Array of Attachment ids to be attached as media." }, poll: %Schema{ nullable: true, type: :object, required: [:options], properties: %{ options: %Schema{ type: :array, items: %Schema{type: :string}, description: "Array of possible answers. Must be provided with `poll[expires_in]`." }, expires_in: %Schema{ type: :integer, nullable: true, description: "Duration the poll should be open, in seconds. Must be provided with `poll[options]`" }, multiple: %Schema{ allOf: [BooleanLike], nullable: true, description: "Allow multiple choices?" }, hide_totals: %Schema{ allOf: [BooleanLike], nullable: true, description: "Hide vote counts until the poll ends?" } } }, in_reply_to_id: %Schema{ nullable: true, allOf: [FlakeID], description: "ID of the status being replied to, if status is a reply" }, sensitive: %Schema{ allOf: [BooleanLike], nullable: true, description: "Mark status and attached media as sensitive?" }, spoiler_text: %Schema{ type: :string, nullable: true, description: "Text to be shown as a warning or subject before the actual content. Statuses are generally collapsed behind this field." }, scheduled_at: %Schema{ type: :string, format: :"date-time", nullable: true, description: "ISO 8601 Datetime at which to schedule a status. Providing this paramter will cause ScheduledStatus to be returned instead of Status. Must be at least 5 minutes in the future." }, language: %Schema{ type: :string, nullable: true, description: "ISO 639 language code for this status." }, # Pleroma-specific properties: preview: %Schema{ allOf: [BooleanLike], nullable: true, description: "If set to `true` the post won't be actually posted, but the status entitiy would still be rendered back. This could be useful for previewing rich text/custom emoji, for example" }, content_type: %Schema{ type: :string, nullable: true, description: "The MIME type of the status, it is transformed into HTML by the backend. You can get the list of the supported MIME types with the nodeinfo endpoint." }, to: %Schema{ type: :array, nullable: true, items: %Schema{type: :string}, description: "A list of nicknames (like `lain@soykaf.club` or `lain` on the local server) that will be used to determine who is going to be addressed by this post. Using this will disable the implicit addressing by mentioned names in the `status` body, only the people in the `to` list will be addressed. The normal rules for for post visibility are not affected by this and will still apply" }, visibility: %Schema{ nullable: true, anyOf: [ VisibilityScope, %Schema{type: :string, description: "`list:LIST_ID`", example: "LIST:123"} ], description: "Visibility of the posted status. Besides standard MastoAPI values (`direct`, `private`, `unlisted` or `public`) it can be used to address a List by setting it to `list:LIST_ID`" }, expires_in: %Schema{ nullable: true, type: :integer, description: "The number of seconds the posted activity should expire in. When a posted activity expires it will be deleted from the server, and a delete request for it will be federated. This needs to be longer than an hour." }, in_reply_to_conversation_id: %Schema{ nullable: true, type: :string, description: "Will reply to a given conversation, addressing only the people who are part of the recipient set of that conversation. Sets the visibility to `direct`." }, local_only: %Schema{ type: :boolean, description: "Post the status as local only" } }, example: %{ "status" => "What time is it?", "sensitive" => "false", "poll" => %{ "options" => ["Cofe", "Adventure"], "expires_in" => 420 } } } end def id_param do Operation.parameter(:id, :path, FlakeID, "Status ID", example: "9umDrYheeY451cQnEe", required: true ) end defp status_response do Operation.response("Status", "application/json", Status) end defp context do %Schema{ title: "StatusContext", description: "Represents the tree around a given status. Used for reconstructing threads of statuses.", type: :object, required: [:ancestors, :descendants], properties: %{ ancestors: array_of_statuses(), descendants: array_of_statuses() }, example: %{ "ancestors" => [Status.schema().example], "descendants" => [Status.schema().example] } } end end