defmodule Pleroma.Akkoma.Translators.DeepLTest do use Pleroma.DataCase, async: true alias Pleroma.Akkoma.Translators.DeepL describe "translating with deepl" do setup do clear_config([:deepl, :api_key], "deepl_api_key") end test "should work with the free tier" do clear_config([:deepl, :tier], :free) Tesla.Mock.mock(fn %{method: :post, url: ""} = env -> auth_header = Enum.find(env.headers, fn {k, _v} -> k == "authorization" end) assert {"authorization", "DeepL-Auth-Key deepl_api_key"} = auth_header %Tesla.Env{ status: 200, body: Jason.encode!(%{ translations: [ %{ "text" => "I will crush you", "detected_source_language" => "ja" } ] }) } end) assert {:ok, "ja", "I will crush you"} = DeepL.translate("ギュギュ握りつぶしちゃうぞ", "en") end test "should work with the pro tier" do clear_config([:deepl, :tier], :pro) Tesla.Mock.mock(fn %{method: :post, url: ""} = env -> auth_header = Enum.find(env.headers, fn {k, _v} -> k == "authorization" end) assert {"authorization", "DeepL-Auth-Key deepl_api_key"} = auth_header %Tesla.Env{ status: 200, body: Jason.encode!(%{ translations: [ %{ "text" => "I will crush you", "detected_source_language" => "ja" } ] }) } end) assert {:ok, "ja", "I will crush you"} = DeepL.translate("ギュギュ握りつぶしちゃうぞ", "en") end test "should gracefully fail if the API errors" do clear_config([:deepl, :tier], :free) Tesla.Mock.mock(fn %{method: :post, url: ""} -> %Tesla.Env{ status: 403, body: "" } end) assert {:error, "DeepL request failed (code 403)"} = DeepL.translate("ギュギュ握りつぶしちゃうぞ", "en") end end end