# Configuring Ejabberd (XMPP Server) to use Akkoma for authentication If you want to give your Akkoma users an XMPP (chat) account, you can configure [Ejabberd](https://github.com/processone/ejabberd) to use your Akkoma server for user authentication, automatically giving every local user an XMPP account. In general, you just have to follow the configuration described at [https://docs.ejabberd.im/admin/configuration/authentication/#external-script](https://docs.ejabberd.im/admin/configuration/authentication/#external-script). Please read this section carefully. Copy the script below to suitable path on your system and set owner and permissions. Also do not forget adjusting `AKKOMA_HOST` and `AKKOMA_PORT`, if necessary. ```bash cp akkoma_ejabberd_auth.py /etc/ejabberd/akkoma_ejabberd_auth.py chown ejabberd /etc/ejabberd/akkoma_ejabberd_auth.py chmod 700 /etc/ejabberd/akkoma_ejabberd_auth.py ``` Set external auth params in ejabberd.yaml file: ```bash auth_method: [external] extauth_program: "python3 /etc/ejabberd/akkoma_ejabberd_auth.py" extauth_instances: 3 auth_use_cache: false ``` Restart / reload your ejabberd service. After restarting your Ejabberd server, your users should now be able to connect with their Akkoma credentials. ```python import sys import struct import http.client from base64 import b64encode import logging AKKOMA_HOST = "" AKKOMA_PORT = "4000" AUTH_ENDPOINT = "/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials" USER_ENDPOINT = "/api/v1/accounts" LOGFILE = "/var/log/ejabberd/akkoma_auth.log" logging.basicConfig(filename=LOGFILE, level=logging.INFO) # Akkoma functions def create_connection(): return http.client.HTTPConnection(AKKOMA_HOST, AKKOMA_PORT) def verify_credentials(user: str, password: str) -> bool: user_pass_b64 = b64encode("{}:{}".format( user, password).encode('utf-8')).decode("ascii") params = {} headers = { "Authorization": "Basic {}".format(user_pass_b64) } try: conn = create_connection() conn.request("GET", AUTH_ENDPOINT, params, headers) response = conn.getresponse() if response.status == 200: return True return False except Exception as e: logging.info("Can not connect: %s", str(e)) return False def does_user_exist(user: str) -> bool: conn = create_connection() conn.request("GET", "{}/{}".format(USER_ENDPOINT, user)) response = conn.getresponse() if response.status == 200: return True return False def auth(username: str, server: str, password: str) -> bool: return verify_credentials(username, password) def isuser(username, server): return does_user_exist(username) def read(): (pkt_size,) = struct.unpack('>H', bytes(sys.stdin.read(2), encoding='utf8')) pkt = sys.stdin.read(pkt_size) cmd = pkt.split(':')[0] if cmd == 'auth': username, server, password = pkt.split(':', 3)[1:] write(auth(username, server, password)) elif cmd == 'isuser': username, server = pkt.split(':', 2)[1:] write(isuser(username, server)) elif cmd == 'setpass': # u, s, p = pkt.split(':', 3)[1:] write(False) elif cmd == 'tryregister': # u, s, p = pkt.split(':', 3)[1:] write(False) elif cmd == 'removeuser': # u, s = pkt.split(':', 2)[1:] write(False) elif cmd == 'removeuser3': # u, s, p = pkt.split(':', 3)[1:] write(False) else: write(False) def write(result): if result: sys.stdout.write('\x00\x02\x00\x01') else: sys.stdout.write('\x00\x02\x00\x00') sys.stdout.flush() if __name__ == "__main__": logging.info("Starting akkoma ejabberd auth daemon...") while True: try: read() except Exception as e: logging.info( "Error while processing data from ejabberd %s", str(e)) pass ```