# frozen_string_literal: true # == Schema Information # # Table name: announcements # # id :bigint(8) not null, primary key # text :text default(""), not null # published :boolean default(FALSE), not null # all_day :boolean default(FALSE), not null # scheduled_at :datetime # starts_at :datetime # ends_at :datetime # created_at :datetime not null # updated_at :datetime not null # published_at :datetime # status_ids :bigint(8) is an Array # class Announcement < ApplicationRecord scope :unpublished, -> { where(published: false) } scope :published, -> { where(published: true) } scope :without_muted, ->(account) { joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN announcement_mutes ON announcement_mutes.announcement_id = announcements.id AND announcement_mutes.account_id = #{account.id}").where('announcement_mutes.id IS NULL') } scope :chronological, -> { order(Arel.sql('COALESCE(announcements.starts_at, announcements.scheduled_at, announcements.published_at, announcements.created_at) ASC')) } scope :reverse_chronological, -> { order(Arel.sql('COALESCE(announcements.starts_at, announcements.scheduled_at, announcements.published_at, announcements.created_at) DESC')) } has_many :announcement_mutes, dependent: :destroy has_many :announcement_reactions, dependent: :destroy validates :text, presence: true validates :starts_at, presence: true, if: -> { ends_at.present? } validates :ends_at, presence: true, if: -> { starts_at.present? } before_validation :set_all_day before_validation :set_published, on: :create def publish! update!(published: true, published_at: Time.now.utc, scheduled_at: nil) end def unpublish! update!(published: false, scheduled_at: nil) end def time_range? starts_at.present? && ends_at.present? end def mentions @mentions ||= Account.from_text(text) end def statuses @statuses ||= begin if status_ids.nil? [] else Status.where(id: status_ids, visibility: [:public, :unlisted]) end end end def tags @tags ||= Tag.find_or_create_by_names(Extractor.extract_hashtags(text)) end def emojis @emojis ||= CustomEmoji.from_text(text) end def reactions(account = nil) records = begin scope = announcement_reactions.group(:announcement_id, :name, :custom_emoji_id).order(Arel.sql('MIN(created_at) ASC')) if account.nil? scope.select('name, custom_emoji_id, count(*) as count, false as me') else scope.select(ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize_sql_array(["name, custom_emoji_id, count(*) as count, exists(select 1 from announcement_reactions r where r.account_id = :account_id and r.announcement_id = announcement_reactions.announcement_id and r.name = announcement_reactions.name) as me", account_id: account.id])) end end ActiveRecord::Associations::Preloader.new.preload(records, :custom_emoji) records end private def set_all_day self.all_day = false if starts_at.blank? || ends_at.blank? end def set_published return unless scheduled_at.blank? || scheduled_at.past? self.published = true self.published_at = Time.now.utc end end