import { TIMELINE_UPDATE, TIMELINE_DELETE, TIMELINE_EXPIRE, TIMELINE_CLEAR, TIMELINE_EXPAND_SUCCESS, TIMELINE_EXPAND_REQUEST, TIMELINE_EXPAND_FAIL, TIMELINE_SCROLL_TOP, TIMELINE_CONNECT, TIMELINE_DISCONNECT, TIMELINE_LOAD_PENDING, TIMELINE_MARK_AS_PARTIAL, } from '../actions/timelines'; import { ACCOUNT_BLOCK_SUCCESS, ACCOUNT_MUTE_SUCCESS, ACCOUNT_UNFOLLOW_SUCCESS, ACCOUNT_UNSUBSCRIBE_SUCCESS, } from '../actions/accounts'; import { Map as ImmutableMap, List as ImmutableList, fromJS } from 'immutable'; import compareId from '../compare_id'; import { uniqWithoutNull } from '../utils/uniq'; const initialState = ImmutableMap(); const initialTimeline = ImmutableMap({ unread: 0, online: false, top: true, isLoading: false, hasMore: true, pendingItems: ImmutableList(), items: ImmutableList(), }); const expandNormalizedTimeline = (state, timeline, statuses, next, isPartial, isLoadingRecent, usePendingItems) => { return state.update(timeline, initialTimeline, map => map.withMutations(mMap => { mMap.set('isLoading', false); mMap.set('isPartial', isPartial); if (!next && !isLoadingRecent) mMap.set('hasMore', false); if (timeline.endsWith(':pinned')) { mMap.set('items', => status.get('id'))); } else if (!statuses.isEmpty()) { usePendingItems = isLoadingRecent && (usePendingItems || !mMap.get('pendingItems').isEmpty()); mMap.update(usePendingItems ? 'pendingItems' : 'items', ImmutableList(), oldIds => { const newIds = => status.get('id')); const lastIndex = oldIds.findLastIndex(id => id !== null && compareId(id, newIds.last()) >= 0) + 1; const firstIndex = oldIds.take(lastIndex).findLastIndex(id => id !== null && compareId(id, newIds.first()) > 0); if (firstIndex < 0) { return uniqWithoutNull(isPartial ? newIds.unshift(null) : newIds).concat(oldIds.skip(lastIndex)); } return uniqWithoutNull(oldIds.take(firstIndex + 1).concat( isPartial && oldIds.get(firstIndex) !== null ? newIds.unshift(null) : newIds, oldIds.skip(lastIndex), )); }); } })); }; const updateTimeline = (state, timeline, status, usePendingItems) => { const top = state.getIn([timeline, 'top']); if (usePendingItems || !state.getIn([timeline, 'pendingItems'], ImmutableList()).isEmpty()) { if (state.getIn([timeline, 'pendingItems'], ImmutableList()).includes(status.get('id')) || state.getIn([timeline, 'items'], ImmutableList()).includes(status.get('id'))) { return state; } return state.update(timeline, initialTimeline, map => map.update('pendingItems', list => list.unshift(status.get('id'))).update('unread', unread => unread + 1)); } const ids = state.getIn([timeline, 'items'], ImmutableList()); const includesId = ids.includes(status.get('id')); const unread = state.getIn([timeline, 'unread'], 0); if (includesId) { return state; } let newIds = ids; return state.update(timeline, initialTimeline, map => map.withMutations(mMap => { if (!top) mMap.set('unread', unread + 1); if (top && ids.size > 40) newIds = newIds.take(20); mMap.set('items', newIds.unshift(status.get('id'))); })); }; const deleteStatus = (state, id, references, exclude_account = null) => { state.keySeq().forEach(timeline => { if (exclude_account === null || (timeline !== `account:${exclude_account}` && !timeline.startsWith(`account:${exclude_account}:`))) { const helper = list => list.filterNot(item => item === id); state = state.updateIn([timeline, 'items'], helper).updateIn([timeline, 'pendingItems'], helper); } }); // Remove reblogs of deleted status references.forEach(ref => { state = deleteStatus(state, ref, [], exclude_account); }); return state; }; const expireStatus = (state, id, references, exclude_account) => { state.keySeq().forEach(timeline => { if (exclude_account === null || (timeline !== `account:${exclude_account}` && !timeline.startsWith(`account:${exclude_account}:`))) { const helper = list => list.filterNot(item => item === id); state = state.updateIn([timeline, 'items'], helper).updateIn([timeline, 'pendingItems'], helper); } }); // Remove reblogs of deleted status references.forEach(ref => { state = deleteStatus(state, ref, []); }); return state; }; const clearTimeline = (state, timeline) => { return state.set(timeline, initialTimeline); }; const filterTimelines = (state, relationship, statuses) => { let references; statuses.forEach(status => { if (status.get('account') !== { return; } references = statuses.filter(item => item.get('reblog') === status.get('id')).map(item => item.get('id')); state = deleteStatus(state, status.get('id'), references,; }); return state; }; const filterTimeline = (timeline, state, relationship, statuses) => { const helper = list => list.filterNot(statusId => statuses.getIn([statusId, 'account']) ===; return state.updateIn([timeline, 'items'], ImmutableList(), helper).updateIn([timeline, 'pendingItems'], ImmutableList(), helper); }; const updateTop = (state, timeline, top) => { return state.update(timeline, initialTimeline, map => map.withMutations(mMap => { if (top) mMap.set('unread', mMap.get('pendingItems').size); mMap.set('top', top); })); }; export default function timelines(state = initialState, action) { switch(action.type) { case TIMELINE_LOAD_PENDING: return state.update(action.timeline, initialTimeline, map => map.update('items', list => map.get('pendingItems').concat(list.take(40))).set('pendingItems', ImmutableList()).set('unread', 0)); case TIMELINE_EXPAND_REQUEST: return state.update(action.timeline, initialTimeline, map => map.set('isLoading', true)); case TIMELINE_EXPAND_FAIL: return state.update(action.timeline, initialTimeline, map => map.set('isLoading', false)); case TIMELINE_EXPAND_SUCCESS: return expandNormalizedTimeline(state, action.timeline, fromJS(action.statuses),, action.partial, action.isLoadingRecent, action.usePendingItems); case TIMELINE_UPDATE: return updateTimeline(state, action.timeline, fromJS(action.status), action.usePendingItems); case TIMELINE_DELETE: return deleteStatus(state,, action.references); case TIMELINE_EXPIRE: return expireStatus(state,, action.references, action.accountId); case TIMELINE_CLEAR: return clearTimeline(state, action.timeline); case ACCOUNT_BLOCK_SUCCESS: case ACCOUNT_MUTE_SUCCESS: return filterTimelines(state, action.relationship, action.statuses); case ACCOUNT_UNFOLLOW_SUCCESS: case ACCOUNT_UNSUBSCRIBE_SUCCESS: state = filterTimeline('home', state, action.relationship, action.statuses); state = filterTimeline('limited', state, action.relationship, action.statuses); return state; case TIMELINE_SCROLL_TOP: return updateTop(state, action.timeline,; case TIMELINE_CONNECT: return state.update(action.timeline, initialTimeline, map => map.set('online', true)); case TIMELINE_DISCONNECT: return state.update( action.timeline, initialTimeline, map => map.set('online', false).update(action.usePendingItems ? 'pendingItems' : 'items', items => items.first() ? items.unshift(null) : items), ); case TIMELINE_MARK_AS_PARTIAL: return state.update( action.timeline, initialTimeline, map => map.set('isPartial', true).set('items', ImmutableList()).set('pendingItems', ImmutableList()).set('unread', 0), ); default: return state; } };