// @ts-check import WebSocketClient from '@gamestdio/websocket'; /** * @type {WebSocketClient | undefined} */ let sharedConnection; /** * @typedef Subscription * @property {string} channelName * @property {Object.} params * @property {function(): void} onConnect * @property {function(StreamEvent): void} onReceive * @property {function(): void} onDisconnect */ /** * @typedef StreamEvent * @property {string} event * @property {object} payload */ /** * @type {Array.} */ const subscriptions = []; /** * @type {Object.} */ const subscriptionCounters = {}; /** * @param {Subscription} subscription */ const addSubscription = subscription => { subscriptions.push(subscription); }; /** * @param {Subscription} subscription */ const removeSubscription = subscription => { const index = subscriptions.indexOf(subscription); if (index !== -1) { subscriptions.splice(index, 1); } }; /** * @param {Subscription} subscription */ const subscribe = ({ channelName, params, onConnect }) => { const key = channelNameWithInlineParams(channelName, params); subscriptionCounters[key] = subscriptionCounters[key] || 0; if (subscriptionCounters[key] === 0) { sharedConnection.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'subscribe', stream: channelName, ...params })); } subscriptionCounters[key] += 1; onConnect(); }; /** * @param {Subscription} subscription */ const unsubscribe = ({ channelName, params, onDisconnect }) => { const key = channelNameWithInlineParams(channelName, params); subscriptionCounters[key] = subscriptionCounters[key] || 1; if (subscriptionCounters[key] === 1 && sharedConnection.readyState === WebSocketClient.OPEN) { sharedConnection.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'unsubscribe', stream: channelName, ...params })); } subscriptionCounters[key] -= 1; onDisconnect(); }; const sharedCallbacks = { connected () { subscriptions.forEach(subscription => subscribe(subscription)); }, received (data) { const { stream } = data; subscriptions.filter(({ channelName, params }) => { const streamChannelName = stream[0]; if (stream.length === 1) { return channelName === streamChannelName; } const streamIdentifier = stream[1]; if (channelName === 'hashtag') { return channelName === streamChannelName && params.tag === streamIdentifier; } else if (channelName === 'list') { return channelName === streamChannelName && params.list === streamIdentifier; } else if (['public:domain', 'public:domain:media'].includes(channelName)) { return channelName === streamChannelName && params.domain === streamIdentifier; } else if (['group', 'group:media'].includes(channelName)) { return channelName === streamChannelName && params.id === streamIdentifier; } return false; }).forEach(subscription => { subscription.onReceive(data); }); }, disconnected () { subscriptions.forEach(subscription => unsubscribe(subscription)); }, reconnected () { }, }; /** * @param {string} channelName * @param {Object.} params * @return {string} */ const channelNameWithInlineParams = (channelName, params) => { if (Object.keys(params).length === 0) { return channelName; } return `${channelName}&${Object.keys(params).map(key => `${key}=${params[key]}`).join('&')}`; }; /** * @param {string} channelName * @param {Object.} params * @param {function(Function, Function): { onConnect: (function(): void), onReceive: (function(StreamEvent): void), onDisconnect: (function(): void) }} callbacks * @return {function(): void} */ export const connectStream = (channelName, params, callbacks) => (dispatch, getState) => { const streamingAPIBaseURL = getState().getIn(['meta', 'streaming_api_base_url']); const accessToken = getState().getIn(['meta', 'access_token']); const { onConnect, onReceive, onDisconnect } = callbacks(dispatch, getState); // If we cannot use a websockets connection, we must fall back // to using individual connections for each channel if (!streamingAPIBaseURL.startsWith('ws')) { const connection = createConnection(streamingAPIBaseURL, accessToken, channelNameWithInlineParams(channelName, params), { connected () { onConnect(); }, received (data) { onReceive(data); }, disconnected () { onDisconnect(); }, reconnected () { onConnect(); }, }); return () => { connection.close(); }; } const subscription = { channelName, params, onConnect, onReceive, onDisconnect, }; addSubscription(subscription); // If a connection is open, we can execute the subscription right now. Otherwise, // because we have already registered it, it will be executed on connect if (!sharedConnection) { sharedConnection = /** @type {WebSocketClient} */ (createConnection(streamingAPIBaseURL, accessToken, '', sharedCallbacks)); } else if (sharedConnection.readyState === WebSocketClient.OPEN) { subscribe(subscription); } return () => { removeSubscription(subscription); unsubscribe(subscription); }; }; const KNOWN_EVENT_TYPES = [ 'update', 'delete', 'notification', 'conversation', 'filters_changed', 'encrypted_message', 'announcement', 'announcement.delete', 'announcement.reaction', ]; /** * @param {MessageEvent} e * @param {function(StreamEvent): void} received */ const handleEventSourceMessage = (e, received) => { received({ event: e.type, payload: e.data, }); }; /** * @param {string} streamingAPIBaseURL * @param {string} accessToken * @param {string} channelName * @param {{ connected: Function, received: function(StreamEvent): void, disconnected: Function, reconnected: Function }} callbacks * @return {WebSocketClient | EventSource} */ const createConnection = (streamingAPIBaseURL, accessToken, channelName, { connected, received, disconnected, reconnected }) => { const params = channelName.split('&'); channelName = params.shift(); if (streamingAPIBaseURL.startsWith('ws')) { const ws = new WebSocketClient(`${streamingAPIBaseURL}/api/v1/streaming/?${params.join('&')}`, accessToken); ws.onopen = connected; ws.onmessage = e => received(JSON.parse(e.data)); ws.onclose = disconnected; ws.onreconnect = reconnected; return ws; } channelName = channelName.replace(/:/g, '/'); if (channelName.endsWith(':media')) { channelName = channelName.replace('/media', ''); params.push('only_media=true'); } params.push(`access_token=${accessToken}`); const es = new EventSource(`${streamingAPIBaseURL}/api/v1/streaming/${channelName}?${params.join('&')}`); es.onopen = () => { connected(); }; KNOWN_EVENT_TYPES.forEach(type => { es.addEventListener(type, e => handleEventSourceMessage(/** @type {MessageEvent} */ (e), received)); }); es.onerror = /** @type {function(): void} */ (disconnected); return es; };