json_ld: use false instead of :undefined to signify the absence of @base, @vocab and @language

This commit is contained in:
Marcel Otto 2017-02-24 16:40:16 +01:00
parent 4d06504f8d
commit e5348bca3b
3 changed files with 68 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ defmodule JSON.LD.Context do
# 3.4) - 3.8)
defp do_update(%JSON.LD.Context{} = active, local, remote) when is_map(local) do
with {base, local} <- Map.pop(local, "@base", :undefined),
{vocab, local} <- Map.pop(local, "@vocab", :undefined),
{language, local} <- Map.pop(local, "@language", :undefined) do
with {base, local} <- Map.pop(local, "@base", false),
{vocab, local} <- Map.pop(local, "@vocab", false),
{language, local} <- Map.pop(local, "@language", false) do
|> set_base(base, remote)
|> set_vocab(vocab)
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ defmodule JSON.LD.Context do
message: "#{inspect local} is not a valid @context value"
defp set_base(active, :undefined, _),
defp set_base(active, false, _),
do: active
defp set_base(active, _, remote) when is_list(remote) and length(remote) > 0,
do: active
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ defmodule JSON.LD.Context do
defp set_vocab(active, :undefined), do: active
defp set_vocab(active, false), do: active
defp set_vocab(active, vocab) do
if is_nil(vocab) or absolute_iri?(vocab) or blank_node_id?(vocab) do
%JSON.LD.Context{active | vocab: vocab}
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ defmodule JSON.LD.Context do
defp set_language(active, :undefined), do: active
defp set_language(active, false), do: active
defp set_language(active, nil),
do: %JSON.LD.Context{active | default_language: nil}
defp set_language(active, language) when is_binary(language),
@ -209,8 +209,8 @@ defmodule JSON.LD.Context do
raise JSON.LD.InvalidIRIMappingError,
message: "#{inspect reverse} is not a valid IRI mapping"
case Map.get(value, "@container", {:undefined}) do # 11.4)
{:undefined} -> nil
case Map.get(value, "@container", {false}) do # 11.4)
{false} -> nil
container when is_nil(container) or container in ~w[@set @index] ->
definition = %TermDefinition{definition | container_mapping: container}
_ ->
@ -308,4 +308,61 @@ defmodule JSON.LD.Context do
defp do_create_language_definition(definition, _), do: definition
@doc """
Inverse Context Creation algorithm
Details at <https://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld-api/#inverse-context-creation>
def inverse(%JSON.LD.Context{} = context) do
# 2) Initialize default language to @none. If the active context has a default language, set default language to it.
default_language = context.default_language || "@none"
# 3) For each key term and value term definition in the active context, ordered by shortest term first (breaking ties by choosing the lexicographically least term)
|> Enum.sort_by(fn {term, _} -> String.length(term) end)
|> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn ({term, term_def}, result) ->
# 3.1) If the term definition is null, term cannot be selected during compaction, so continue to the next term.
if term_def do
# 3.2) Initialize container to @none. If there is a container mapping in term definition, set container to its associated value.
container = term_def.container_mapping || "@none"
# 3.3) Initialize iri to the value of the IRI mapping for the term definition.
iri = term_def.iri_mapping
type_map = get_in(result, [iri, container, "@type"]) || %{}
language_map = get_in(result, [iri, container, "@language"]) || %{}
case term_def do
# 3.8) If the term definition indicates that the term represents a reverse property
%TermDefinition{reverse_property: true} ->
type_map = Map.put_new(type_map, "@reverse", term)
# 3.9) Otherwise, if term definition has a type mapping
%TermDefinition{type_mapping: type_mapping}
when type_mapping != false ->
type_map = Map.put_new(type_map, type_mapping, term)
# 3.10) Otherwise, if term definition has a language mapping (might be null)
%TermDefinition{language_mapping: language_mapping}
when language_mapping != false ->
language = language_mapping || "@null"
language_map = Map.put_new(language_map, language, term)
# 3.11) Otherwise
_ ->
language_map = Map.put_new(language_map, default_language, term)
language_map = Map.put_new(language_map, "@none", term)
type_map = Map.put_new(type_map, "@none", term)
|> Map.put_new(iri, %{})
|> Map.update(iri, %{}, fn container_map ->
Map.put container_map, container, %{
"@type" => type_map,
"@language" => language_map,

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
defmodule JSON.LD.Context.TermDefinition do
defstruct iri_mapping: nil,
reverse_property: false,
type_mapping: nil, language_mapping: :undefined,
type_mapping: false, language_mapping: false,
container_mapping: nil

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@ -357,9 +357,9 @@ defmodule JSON.LD.Expansion do
is_binary(value) ->
language_mapping = term_def.language_mapping
cond do
not language_mapping in [nil, :undefined] ->
language_mapping ->
%{"@value" => value, "@language" => language_mapping}
language_mapping == :undefined && active_context.default_language ->
language_mapping == false && active_context.default_language ->
%{"@value" => value, "@language" => active_context.default_language}
true ->
%{"@value" => value}