defmodule JSON.LD.TestSuite.FromRdfTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: false import JSON.LD.TestSuite setup_all do [base_iri: manifest("fromRdf")["baseIri"]] end test_cases("fromRdf") # TODO: # |> Enum.filter(fn %{"@id" => id} -> id in ~w[#t0020] end) # |> Enum.filter(fn %{"@id" => id} -> id in ~w[#t0021] end) # TODO: Ordering problems # |> Enum.filter(fn %{"@id" => id} -> id in ~w[#t0001] end) # |> Enum.filter(fn %{"@id" => id} -> id in ~w[#t0002] end) # |> Enum.filter(fn %{"@id" => id} -> id in ~w[#t0017] end) # |> Enum.filter(fn %{"@id" => id} -> id in ~w[#t0018] end) # |> Enum.filter(fn %{"@id" => id} -> id in ~w[#t0019] end) |> Enum.each(fn %{"name" => name, "input" => input} = test_case -> if input in ~w[fromRdf-0001-in.nq fromRdf-0002-in.nq fromRdf-0017-in.nq fromRdf-0018-in.nq fromRdf-0019-in.nq] do @tag skip: """ The values are correct, but the order not, because Elixirs maps with the input graphs have no order. So, fixing that would require a different representation of graphs in general. """ end if input in ~w[fromRdf-0020-in.nq fromRdf-0021-in.nq] do @tag skip: "" end @tag :test_suite @tag :from_rdf_test_suite @tag data: test_case test "#{input}: #{name}", %{data: %{"input" => input, "expect" => output} = test_case, base_iri: base_iri} do assert serialize(input, test_case_options(test_case, base_iri)) == json(output) end end) def serialize(filename, options) do filename |> file |> RDF.NQuads.read_file! |> JSON.LD.Encoder.from_rdf!(options) end def json(filename) do filename |> file |>! |> Poison.Parser.parse! end end