defmodule JSON.LD.IRICompactionTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: false import JSON.LD.Compaction, only: [compact_iri: 3, compact_iri: 4, compact_iri: 5] alias RDF.NS.{XSD} setup do context = JSON.LD.context(%{ "@base" => "http://base/", "xsd" => "", "ex" => "", "" => "http://empty/", # TODO: "Invalid JSON-LD syntax; a term cannot be an empty string." "_" => "http://underscore/", "rex" => %{"@reverse" => "ex"}, "lex" => %{"@id" => "ex", "@language" => "en"}, "tex" => %{"@id" => "ex", "@type" => "xsd:string"}, "exp" => %{"@id" => "ex:pert"}, "experts" => %{"@id" => "ex:perts"} }) %{example_context: context, inverse_context: JSON.LD.Context.inverse(context)} end %{ "nil" => [nil, nil], "absolute IRI" => ["", ""], "prefix:suffix" => ["ex:suffix", ""], "keyword" => ["@type", "@type"], "empty" => [":suffix", "http://empty/suffix"], "unmapped" => ["foo", "foo"], "bnode" => ["_:a", "_:a"], "relative" => ["foo/bar", "http://base/foo/bar"], "odd CURIE" => ["exp:s", ""] } |> Enum.each(fn {title, data} -> @tag data: data test title, %{data: [result, input], example_context: context, inverse_context: inverse_context} do assert compact_iri(input, context, inverse_context) == result end end) describe "with :vocab option" do %{ "absolute IRI" => ["", ""], "prefix:suffix" => ["ex:suffix", ""], "keyword" => ["@type", "@type"], "empty" => [":suffix", "http://empty/suffix"], "unmapped" => ["foo", "foo"], "bnode" => ["_:a", "_:a"], "relative" => ["http://base/foo/bar", "http://base/foo/bar"], "odd CURIE" => ["experts", ""] } |> Enum.each(fn {title, data} -> @tag data: data test title, %{data: [result, input], example_context: context, inverse_context: inverse_context} do assert compact_iri(input, context, inverse_context, nil, true) == result end end) end describe "with @vocab" do setup %{example_context: context} do context = %JSON.LD.Context{context | vocab: ""} %{example_context: context, inverse_context: JSON.LD.Context.inverse(context)} end %{ "absolute IRI" => ["", ""], "prefix:suffix" => ["suffix", ""], "keyword" => ["@type", "@type"], "empty" => [":suffix", "http://empty/suffix"], "unmapped" => ["foo", "foo"], "bnode" => ["_:a", "_:a"], "relative" => ["http://base/foo/bar", "http://base/foo/bar"], "odd CURIE" => ["experts", ""] } |> Enum.each(fn {title, data} -> @tag data: data test title, %{data: [result, input], example_context: context, inverse_context: inverse_context} do assert compact_iri(input, context, inverse_context, nil, true) == result end end) # TODO: we don't support 'position: :predicate'" # test "does not use @vocab if it would collide with a term" do # subject.set_mapping("name", "") # subject.set_mapping("ex", nil) # expect(subject.compact_iri("", position: :predicate)). # to produce("lex:name", logger) # end end describe "with value" do setup do context = JSON.LD.context(%{ "xsd" => XSD.__base_iri__, "plain" => "", "lang" => %{"@id" => "", "@language" => "en"}, "bool" => %{"@id" => "", "@type" => "xsd:boolean"}, "integer" => %{"@id" => "", "@type" => "xsd:integer"}, "double" => %{"@id" => "", "@type" => "xsd:double"}, "date" => %{"@id" => "", "@type" => "xsd:date"}, "id" => %{"@id" => "", "@type" => "@id"}, "listplain" => %{"@id" => "", "@container" => "@list"}, "listlang" => %{"@id" => "", "@language" => "en", "@container" => "@list"}, "listbool" => %{"@id" => "", "@type" => "xsd:boolean", "@container" => "@list"}, "listinteger" => %{"@id" => "", "@type" => "xsd:integer", "@container" => "@list"}, "listdouble" => %{"@id" => "", "@type" => "xsd:double", "@container" => "@list"}, "listdate" => %{"@id" => "", "@type" => "xsd:date", "@container" => "@list"}, "listid" => %{"@id" => "", "@type" => "@id", "@container" => "@list"}, "setplain" => %{"@id" => "", "@container" => "@set"}, "setlang" => %{"@id" => "", "@language" => "en", "@container" => "@set"}, "setbool" => %{"@id" => "", "@type" => "xsd:boolean", "@container" => "@set"}, "setinteger" => %{"@id" => "", "@type" => "xsd:integer", "@container" => "@set"}, "setdouble" => %{"@id" => "", "@type" => "xsd:double", "@container" => "@set"}, "setdate" => %{"@id" => "", "@type" => "xsd:date", "@container" => "@set"}, "setid" => %{"@id" => "", "@type" => "@id", "@container" => "@set"}, "langmap" => %{"@id" => "", "@container" => "@language"}, }) %{example_context: context, inverse_context: JSON.LD.Context.inverse(context)} end %{ "langmap" => %{"@value" => "en", "@language" => "en"}, #"plain" => %{"@value" => "foo"}, "setplain" => %{"@value" => "foo", "@language" => "pl"} } |> Enum.each(fn {prop, value} -> @tag data: {prop, value} test "uses #{prop} for #{inspect value}", %{data: {prop, value}, example_context: context, inverse_context: inverse_context} do assert compact_iri("{String.replace(prop, "set", "")}", context, inverse_context, value, true) == prop end end) %{ "listplain" => [ [%{"@value" => "foo"}], [%{"@value" => "foo"}, %{"@value" => "bar"}, %{"@value" => "baz"}], [%{"@value" => "foo"}, %{"@value" => "bar"}, %{"@value" => 1}], [%{"@value" => "foo"}, %{"@value" => "bar"}, %{"@value" => 1.1}], [%{"@value" => "foo"}, %{"@value" => "bar"}, %{"@value" => true}], [%{"@value" => "de", "@language" => "de"}, %{"@value" => "jp", "@language" => "jp"}], [%{"@value" => true}], [%{"@value" => false}], [%{"@value" => 1}], [%{"@value" => 1.1}], ], "listlang" => [[%{"@value" => "en", "@language" => "en"}]], "listbool" => [[%{"@value" => "true", "@type" => to_string(XSD.boolean)}]], "listinteger" => [[%{"@value" => "1", "@type" => to_string(XSD.integer)}]], "listdouble" => [[%{"@value" => "1", "@type" => to_string(XSD.double)}]], "listdate" => [[%{"@value" => "2012-04-17", "@type" => to_string(}]], } |> Enum.each(fn {prop, values} -> Enum.each values, fn value -> @tag data: {prop, value} test "for @list uses #{prop} for #{inspect %{"@list" => value}}", %{data: {prop, value}, example_context: context, inverse_context: inverse_context} do assert compact_iri("{String.replace(prop, "list", "")}", context, inverse_context, %{"@list" => value}, true) == prop end end end) end # describe "with :simple_compact_iris" do # before(:each) { subject.instance_variable_get(:@options)[:simple_compact_iris] = true} # # %{ # "nil" => [nil, nil], # "absolute IRI" => ["", ""], # "prefix:suffix" => ["ex:suffix", ""], # "keyword" => ["@type", "@type"], # "empty" => [":suffix", "http://empty/suffix"], # "unmapped" => ["foo", "foo"], # "bnode" => ["_:a", RDF::Node("a")], # "relative" => ["foo/bar", "http://base/foo/bar"], # "odd CURIE" => ["ex:perts", ""] # }.each do |title, (result, input)| # test title do # expect(subject.compact_iri(input)).to produce(result, logger) # end # end # # describe "and @vocab" do # before(:each) { subject.vocab = ""} # # %{ # "absolute IRI" => ["", ""], # "prefix:suffix" => ["suffix", ""], # "keyword" => ["@type", "@type"], # "empty" => [":suffix", "http://empty/suffix"], # "unmapped" => ["foo", "foo"], # "bnode" => ["_:a", RDF::Node("a")], # "relative" => ["http://base/foo/bar", "http://base/foo/bar"], # "odd CURIE" => ["experts", ""] # }.each do |title, (result, input)| # test title do # expect(subject.compact_iri(input, vocab: true)).to produce(result, logger) # end # end # end # end describe "compact-0018" do setup do context = JSON.LD.context(Jason.decode! """ { "id1": "", "type1": "", "type2": "", "@language": "de", "term": { "@id": "" }, "term1": { "@id": "", "@container": "@list" }, "term2": { "@id": "", "@container": "@list", "@language": "en" }, "term3": { "@id": "", "@container": "@list", "@language": null }, "term4": { "@id": "", "@container": "@list", "@type": "type1" }, "term5": { "@id": "", "@container": "@list", "@type": "type2" } } """) %{example_context: context, inverse_context: JSON.LD.Context.inverse(context)} end %{ "term" => [ '{ "@value": "v0.1", "@language": "de" }', '{ "@value": "v0.2", "@language": "en" }', '{ "@value": "v0.3"}', '{ "@value": 4}', '{ "@value": true}', '{ "@value": false}' ], "term1" => """ { "@list": [ { "@value": "v1.1", "@language": "de" }, { "@value": "v1.2", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "v1.3"}, { "@value": 14}, { "@value": true}, { "@value": false} ] } """, "term2" => """ { "@list": [ { "@value": "v2.1", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "v2.2", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "v2.3", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "v2.4", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "v2.5", "@language": "en" }, { "@value": "v2.6", "@language": "en" } ] } """, "term3" => """ { "@list": [ { "@value": "v3.1"}, { "@value": "v3.2"}, { "@value": "v3.3"}, { "@value": "v3.4"}, { "@value": "v3.5"}, { "@value": "v3.6"} ] } """, "term4" => """ { "@list": [ { "@value": "v4.1", "@type": "" }, { "@value": "v4.2", "@type": "" }, { "@value": "v4.3", "@type": "" }, { "@value": "v4.4", "@type": "" }, { "@value": "v4.5", "@type": "" }, { "@value": "v4.6", "@type": "" } ] } """, "term5" => """ { "@list": [ { "@value": "v5.1", "@type": "" }, { "@value": "v5.2", "@type": "" }, { "@value": "v5.3", "@type": "" }, { "@value": "v5.4", "@type": "" }, { "@value": "v5.5", "@type": "" }, { "@value": "v5.6", "@type": "" } ] } """, } |> Enum.each(fn {term, values} -> values = if is_binary(values), do: [values], else: values Enum.each(values, fn value -> value = Jason.decode!(value) @tag data: {term, value} test "uses #{term} for #{inspect value, limit: 3}", %{data: {term, value}, example_context: context, inverse_context: inverse_context} do assert compact_iri("", context, inverse_context, value, true) == term end end) end) end describe "compact-0020" do setup do context = JSON.LD.context(%{ "ex" => "", "ex:property" => %{"@container" => "@list"} }) %{example_context: context, inverse_context: JSON.LD.Context.inverse(context)} end @tag skip: "TODO: we don't support 'position: :subject'" test "Compact @id that is a property IRI when @container is @list", %{ example_context: context, inverse_context: inverse_context} do assert compact_iri("", context, inverse_context) == "ex:property" # expect(ctx.compact_iri("", position: :subject)). # to produce("ex:property", logger) end end describe "compact-0041" do setup do context = JSON.LD.context(%{ "name" => %{"@id" => "", "@container" => "@list"} }) %{example_context: context, inverse_context: JSON.LD.Context.inverse(context)} end test "Does not use @list with @index", %{ example_context: context, inverse_context: inverse_context} do assert compact_iri("", context, inverse_context, %{ "@list" => ["one item"], "@index" => "an annotation" }) == "" end end end