defmodule JSON.LD.TestSuite.ToRdfTest do use ExUnit.Case, async: false import JSON.LD.TestSuite import RDF.Sigils setup_all do [base_iri: manifest("toRdf")["baseIri"]] end test_cases("toRdf") # TODO: Ordering problems # |> Enum.filter(fn %{"@id" => id} -> id in ~w[#t0118] end) # TODO: Fixed in next Elixir release # |> Enum.filter(fn %{"@id" => id} -> id in ~w[#t0102] end) |> Enum.each(fn %{"name" => name, "input" => input} = test_case -> if input in ~w[toRdf-0102-in.jsonld] do @tag skip: """ caused by a another problem in Elixirs URI.merge which should be fixed with next Elixir release """ end if input in ~w[toRdf-0118-in.jsonld] do @tag skip: """ Actually an isomorphic graph is generated, but due to different ordering during expansion the generated blank nodes are named different. """ end @tag :test_suite @tag :to_rdf_test_suite @tag data: test_case test "#{input}: #{name}", %{data: %{"input" => input, "expect" => output} = test_case, base_iri: base_iri} do # This requires a special handling, since the N-Quad ouput file is not valid, by using blank nodes as predicates dataset = if input == "toRdf-0118-in.jsonld", do: toRdf_0118_dataset(), else: RDF.NQuads.read_file!(file(output)) assert JSON.LD.read_file!(file(input), test_case_options(test_case, base_iri)) == dataset end end) def toRdf_0118_dataset do[ {RDF.bnode("b0"), ~I, RDF.bnode("b0")}, {RDF.bnode("b0"), RDF.bnode("b0"), "plain value"}, {RDF.bnode("b0"), RDF.bnode("b0"), ~I}, {RDF.bnode("b0"), RDF.bnode("b0"), RDF.bnode("b0")}, {RDF.bnode("b0"), RDF.bnode("b0"), RDF.bnode("b1")}, {RDF.bnode("b0"), RDF.bnode("b0"), RDF.bnode("b2")}, {RDF.bnode("b0"), RDF.bnode("b0"), RDF.bnode("b3")}, {RDF.bnode("b1"), RDF.bnode("b0"), "term"}, {RDF.bnode("b2"), RDF.bnode("b0"), "termId"}, ]) end end