defmodule JSON.LD.Compaction do @moduledoc nil import JSON.LD.Utils alias JSON.LD.Context def compact(input, context, options \\ %JSON.LD.Options{}) do with options =, active_context = JSON.LD.context(context, options), inverse_context = Context.inverse(active_context), expanded = JSON.LD.expand(input, options) do result = case do_compact(expanded, active_context, inverse_context, nil, options.compact_arrays) do [] -> %{} result when is_list(result) -> # TODO: Spec fixme? We're setting vocab to true, as other implementations do it, but this is not mentioned in the spec %{compact_iri("@graph", active_context, inverse_context, nil, true) => result} result -> result end if Context.empty?(active_context), do: result, else: Map.put(result, "@context", context["@context"] || context) end end defp do_compact(element, active_context, inverse_context, active_property, compact_arrays \\ true) # 1) If element is a scalar, it is already in its most compact form, so simply return element. defp do_compact(element, _, _, _, _) when is_binary(element) or is_number(element) or is_boolean(element), do: element # 2) If element is an array defp do_compact(element, active_context, inverse_context, active_property, compact_arrays) when is_list(element) do result = Enum.reduce(element, [], fn (item, result) -> case do_compact(item, active_context, inverse_context, active_property, compact_arrays) do nil -> result compacted_item -> [compacted_item | result] end end) |> Enum.reverse if compact_arrays and length(result) == 1 and is_nil((term_def = active_context.term_defs[active_property]) && term_def.container_mapping) do List.first(result) else result end end # 3) Otherwise element is a JSON object. defp do_compact(element, active_context, inverse_context, active_property, compact_arrays) when is_map(element) do # 4) if (Map.has_key?(element, "@value") or Map.has_key?(element, "@id")) do result = compact_value(element, active_context, inverse_context, active_property) if scalar?(result) do result else do_compact_non_scalar(element, active_context, inverse_context, active_property, compact_arrays) end else do_compact_non_scalar(element, active_context, inverse_context, active_property, compact_arrays) end end defp do_compact_non_scalar(element, active_context, inverse_context, active_property, compact_arrays) do # 5) inside_reverse = active_property == "@reverse" # 6) + 7) element |> Enum.sort_by(fn {expanded_property , _} -> expanded_property end) |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn ({expanded_property, expanded_value}, result) -> cond do # 7.1) expanded_property in ~w[@id @type] -> # 7.1.1) compacted_value = if is_binary(expanded_value) do compact_iri(expanded_value, active_context, inverse_context, nil, expanded_property == "@type") # 7.1.2) else # # TODO: RDF.rb calls also Array#compact if(is_list(expanded_value), do: expanded_value, else: [expanded_value]) # |> Enum.reduce([], fn (expanded_type, compacted_value) -> compacted_value ++ [compact_iri(expanded_type, active_context, inverse_context, nil, true)] end) # |> case(do: ( [compacted_value] -> compacted_value compacted_value -> compacted_value)) end # 7.1.3) alias = compact_iri(expanded_property, active_context, inverse_context, nil, true) # 7.1.4) Map.put(result, alias, compacted_value) # 7.2) expanded_property == "@reverse" -> # 7.2.1) compacted_value = do_compact(expanded_value, active_context, inverse_context, "@reverse") # 7.2.2) {compacted_value, result} = Enum.reduce compacted_value, {%{}, result}, fn ({property, value}, {compacted_value, result}) -> term_def = active_context.term_defs[property] # if term_def && term_def.reverse_property do # value = if (!compact_arrays or term_def.container_mapping == "@set") and !is_list(value) do [value] else value end # + {compacted_value, merge_compacted_value(result, property, value)} else {Map.put(compacted_value, property, value), result} end end # 7.2.3) unless Enum.empty?(compacted_value) do # alias = compact_iri("@reverse", active_context, inverse_context, nil, true) # Map.put(result, alias, compacted_value) else result end # 7.3) expanded_property == "@index" && active_context.term_defs[active_property] && active_context.term_defs[active_property].container_mapping == "@index" -> result # 7.4) expanded_property in ~w[@index @value @language] -> # 7.4.1) alias = compact_iri(expanded_property, active_context, inverse_context, nil, true) # 7.4.2) Map.put(result, alias, expanded_value) true -> # 7.5) result = if expanded_value == [] do # 7.5.1) item_active_property = compact_iri(expanded_property, active_context, inverse_context, expanded_value, true, inside_reverse) # 7.5.2) Map.update(result, item_active_property, [], fn value when not is_list(value) -> [value] value -> value end) else result end # 7.6) Enum.reduce(expanded_value, result, fn (expanded_item, result) -> # 7.6.1) item_active_property = compact_iri(expanded_property, active_context, inverse_context, expanded_item, true, inside_reverse) # 7.6.2) term_def = active_context.term_defs[item_active_property] container = (term_def && term_def.container_mapping) || nil # 7.6.3) value = (is_map(expanded_item) && expanded_item["@list"]) || expanded_item compacted_item = do_compact(value, active_context, inverse_context, item_active_property, compact_arrays) # 7.6.4) compacted_item = if list?(expanded_item) do # compacted_item = unless is_list(compacted_item), do: [compacted_item], else: compacted_item # unless container == "@list" do # compacted_item = %{ # TODO: Spec fixme? We're setting vocab to true, as other implementations do it, but this is not mentioned in the spec compact_iri("@list", active_context, inverse_context, nil, true) => compacted_item} # if Map.has_key?(expanded_item, "@index") do Map.put(compacted_item, # TODO: Spec fixme? We're setting vocab to true, as other implementations do it, but this is not mentioned in the spec compact_iri("@index", active_context, inverse_context, nil, true), expanded_item["@index"]) else compacted_item end # else if Map.has_key?(result, item_active_property) do raise JSON.LD.CompactionToListOfListsError, message: "The compacted document contains a list of lists as multiple lists have been compacted to the same term." else compacted_item end end else compacted_item end # 7.6.5) if container in ~w[@language @index] do map_object = result[item_active_property] || %{} compacted_item = if container == "@language" and is_map(compacted_item) and Map.has_key?(compacted_item, "@value"), do: compacted_item["@value"], else: compacted_item map_key = expanded_item[container] map_object = merge_compacted_value(map_object, map_key, compacted_item) Map.put(result, item_active_property, map_object) # 7.6.6) else compacted_item = if !is_list(compacted_item) and (!compact_arrays or container in ~w[@set @list] or expanded_property in ~w[@list @graph]), do: [compacted_item], else: compacted_item merge_compacted_value(result, item_active_property, compacted_item) end end) end end) end defp merge_compacted_value(map, key, value) do Map.update map, key, value, fn old_value when is_list(old_value) and is_list(value) -> old_value ++ value old_value when is_list(old_value) -> old_value ++ [value] old_value when is_list(value) -> [old_value | value] old_value -> [old_value, value] end end @doc """ IRI Compaction Details at """ def compact_iri(iri, active_context, inverse_context, value \\ nil, vocab \\ false, reverse \\ false) # 1) If iri is null, return null. def compact_iri(nil, _, _, _, _, _), do: nil def compact_iri(iri, active_context, inverse_context, value, vocab, reverse) do # 2) If vocab is true and iri is a key in inverse context: term = if vocab && Map.has_key?(inverse_context, iri) do # 2.1) Initialize default language to active context's default language, if it has one, otherwise to @none. # TODO: Spec fixme: This step is effectively useless; see Spec fixme on step 2.6.3 # default_language = active_context.default_language || "@none" # 2.3) Initialize type/language to @language, and type/language value to @null. These two variables will keep track of the preferred type mapping or language mapping for a term, based on what is compatible with value. type_language = "@language" type_language_value = "@null" # 2.2) Initialize containers to an empty array. This array will be used to keep track of an ordered list of preferred container mappings for a term, based on what is compatible with value. # 2.4) If value is a JSON object that contains the key @index, then append the value @index to containers. containers = if index?(value), do: ["@index"], else: [] {containers, type_language, type_language_value} = cond do # 2.5) If reverse is true, set type/language to @type, type/language value to @reverse, and append @set to containers. reverse -> containers = containers ++ ["@set"] type_language = "@type" type_language_value = "@reverse" {containers, type_language, type_language_value} # 2.6) Otherwise, if value is a list object, then set type/language and type/language value to the most specific values that work for all items in the list as follows: list?(value) -> # 2.6.1) If @index is a not key in value, then append @list to containers. containers = if not index?(value), do: containers ++ ["@list"], else: containers # 2.6.2) Initialize list to the array associated with the key @list in value. list = value["@list"] # 2.6.3) Initialize common type and common language to null. If list is empty, set common language to default language. # TODO: Spec fixme: Setting common language to default language is effectively useless, since the only place it is used is the follow loop in 2.6.4, which is immediately left when the list is empty {common_type, common_language} = {nil, nil} {type_language, type_language_value} = if Enum.empty?(list) do {type_language, type_language_value} else # 2.6.4) For each item in list: {common_type, common_language} = Enum.reduce_while list, {common_type, common_language}, fn (item, {common_type, common_language}) -> # Initialize item language to @none and item type to @none. {item_type, item_language} = {"@none", "@none"} # If item contains the key @value: {item_type, item_language} = if Map.has_key?(item, "@value") do cond do # If item contains the key @language, then set item language to its associated value. Map.has_key?(item, "@language") -> {item_type, item["@language"]} # Otherwise, if item contains the key @type, set item type to its associated value. Map.has_key?(item, "@type") -> {item["@type"], item_language} # Otherwise, set item language to @null. true -> {item_type, "@null"} end # Otherwise, set item type to @id. else {"@id", item_language} end common_language = cond do # If common language is null, set it to item language. is_nil(common_language) -> item_language # Otherwise, if item language does not equal common language and item contains the key @value, then set common language to @none because list items have conflicting languages. item_language != common_language and Map.has_key?(item, "@value") -> "@none" true -> common_language end common_type = cond do # If common type is null, set it to item type. is_nil(common_type) -> item_type # Otherwise, if item type does not equal common type, then set common type to @none because list items have conflicting types. item_type != common_type -> "@none" true -> common_type end # If common language is @none and common type is @none, then stop processing items in the list because it has been detected that there is no common language or type amongst the items. if common_language == "@none" and common_type == "@none" do {:halt, {common_type, common_language}} else {:cont, {common_type, common_language}} end end # 2.6.5) If common language is null, set it to @none. common_language = if is_nil(common_language), do: "@none", else: common_language # 2.6.6) If common type is null, set it to @none. common_type = if is_nil(common_type), do: "@none", else: common_type # 2.6.7) If common type is not @none then set type/language to @type and type/language value to common type. if common_type != "@none" do type_language = "@type" type_language_value = common_type {type_language, type_language_value} # 2.6.8) Otherwise, set type/language value to common language. else type_language_value = common_language {type_language, type_language_value} end end {containers, type_language, type_language_value} # 2.7) Otherwise true -> # 2.7.1) If value is a value object: {containers, type_language, type_language_value} = if is_map(value) and Map.has_key?(value, "@value") do # If value contains the key @language and does not contain the key @index, then set type/language value to its associated value and append @language to containers. if Map.has_key?(value, "@language") and not Map.has_key?(value, "@index") do type_language_value = value["@language"] containers = containers ++ ["@language"] {containers, type_language, type_language_value} else # Otherwise, if value contains the key @type, then set type/language value to its associated value and set type/language to @type. if Map.has_key?(value, "@type") do type_language_value = value["@type"] type_language = "@type" {containers, type_language, type_language_value} else {containers, type_language, type_language_value} end end # 2.7.2) Otherwise, set type/language to @type and set type/language value to @id. else type_language = "@type" type_language_value = "@id" {containers, type_language, type_language_value} end # 2.7.3) Append @set to containers. containers = containers ++ ["@set"] {containers, type_language, type_language_value} end # 2.8) Append @none to containers. This represents the non-existence of a container mapping, and it will be the last container mapping value to be checked as it is the most generic. containers = containers ++ ["@none"] # 2.9) If type/language value is null, set it to @null. This is the key under which null values are stored in the inverse context entry. type_language_value = if is_nil(type_language_value), do: "@null", else: type_language_value # 2.10) Initialize preferred values to an empty array. This array will indicate, in order, the preferred values for a term's type mapping or language mapping. preferred_values = [] # 2.11) If type/language value is @reverse, append @reverse to preferred values. preferred_values = if type_language_value == "@reverse", do: preferred_values ++ ["@reverse"], else: preferred_values # 2.12) If type/language value is @id or @reverse and value has an @id member: preferred_values = if type_language_value in ~w[@id @reverse] and is_map(value) and Map.has_key?(value, "@id") do # 2.12.1) If the result of using the IRI compaction algorithm, passing active context, inverse context, the value associated with the @id key in value for iri, true for vocab, and true for document relative has a term definition in the active context with an IRI mapping that equals the value associated with the @id key in value, then append @vocab, @id, and @none, in that order, to preferred values. # TODO: Spec fixme? document_relative is not a specified parameter of compact_iri compact_id = compact_iri(value["@id"], active_context, inverse_context, nil, true) if (term_def = active_context.term_defs[compact_id]) && term_def.iri_mapping == value["@id"] do preferred_values ++ ~w[@vocab @id @none] # 2.12.2) Otherwise, append @id, @vocab, and @none, in that order, to preferred values. else preferred_values ++ ~w[@id @vocab @none] end # 2.13) Otherwise, append type/language value and @none, in that order, to preferred values. else preferred_values ++ [type_language_value, "@none"] end # 2.14) Initialize term to the result of the Term Selection algorithm, passing inverse context, iri, containers, type/language, and preferred values. select_term(inverse_context, iri, containers, type_language, preferred_values) end cond do # 2.15) If term is not null, return term. not is_nil(term) -> term # 3) At this point, there is no simple term that iri can be compacted to. If vocab is true and active context has a vocabulary mapping: # 3.1) If iri begins with the vocabulary mapping's value but is longer, then initialize suffix to the substring of iri that does not match. If suffix does not have a term definition in active context, then return suffix. vocab && active_context.vocab && String.starts_with?(iri, active_context.vocab) -> suffix = String.replace_prefix(iri, active_context.vocab, "") if suffix != "" && is_nil(active_context.term_defs[suffix]) do String.replace_prefix(iri, active_context.vocab, "") else create_compact_iri(iri, active_context, value, vocab) end true -> create_compact_iri(iri, active_context, value, vocab) end end defp create_compact_iri(iri, active_context, value, vocab) do # 4) The iri could not be compacted using the active context's vocabulary mapping. Try to create a compact IRI, starting by initializing compact IRI to null. This variable will be used to tore the created compact IRI, if any. compact_iri = # 5) For each key term and value term definition in the active context: Enum.reduce(active_context.term_defs, nil, fn ({term, term_def}, compact_iri) -> cond do # 5.1) If the term contains a colon (:), then continue to the next term because terms with colons can't be used as prefixes. String.contains?(term, ":") -> compact_iri # 5.2) If the term definition is null, its IRI mapping equals iri, or its IRI mapping is not a substring at the beginning of iri, the term cannot be used as a prefix because it is not a partial match with iri. Continue with the next term. is_nil(term_def) || term_def.iri_mapping == iri || not String.starts_with?(iri, term_def.iri_mapping) -> compact_iri true -> # 5.3) Initialize candidate by concatenating term, a colon (:), and the substring of iri that follows after the value of the term definition's IRI mapping. candidate = term <> ":" <> (String.split_at(iri, String.length(term_def.iri_mapping)) |> elem(1)) # 5.4) If either compact IRI is null or candidate is shorter or the same length but lexicographically less than compact IRI and candidate does not have a term definition in active context or if the term definition has an IRI mapping that equals iri and value is null, set compact IRI to candidate. # TODO: Spec fixme: The specified expression is pretty ambiguous without brackets ... # TODO: Spec fixme: "if the term definition has an IRI mapping that equals iri" is already catched in 5.2, so will never happen here ... if (is_nil(compact_iri) or shortest_or_least?(candidate, compact_iri)) and (is_nil(active_context.term_defs[candidate]) or (active_context.term_defs[candidate].iri_mapping == iri and is_nil(value))) do candidate else compact_iri end end end) cond do # 6) If compact IRI is not null, return compact IRI. not is_nil(compact_iri) -> compact_iri # 7) If vocab is false then transform iri to a relative IRI using the document's base IRI. not vocab -> remove_base(iri, Context.base(active_context)) # 8) Finally, return iri as is. true -> iri end end defp shortest_or_least?(a, b) do (a_len = String.length(a)) < (b_len = String.length(b)) or (a_len == b_len and a < b) end defp remove_base(iri, nil), do: iri defp remove_base(iri, base) do base_len = String.length(base) if String.starts_with?(iri, base) and, base_len) in ~w(? #) do String.split_at(iri, base_len) |> elem(1) else case URI.parse(base) do %URI{path: nil} -> iri base -> do_remove_base(iri, %URI{base | path: parent_path(base.path)}, 0) end end end defp do_remove_base(iri, base, index) do base_str = URI.to_string(base) cond do String.starts_with?(iri, base_str) -> case String.duplicate("../", index) <> (String.split_at(iri, String.length(base_str)) |> elem(1)) do "" -> "./" rel -> rel end base.path == "/" -> iri true -> do_remove_base(iri, %URI{base | path: parent_path(base.path)}, index + 1) end end defp parent_path("/"), do: "/" defp parent_path(path) do case Path.dirname(String.trim_trailing(path, "/")) do "/" -> "/" parent -> parent <> "/" end end @doc """ Value Compaction Details at """ def compact_value(value, active_context, inverse_context, active_property) do term_def = active_context.term_defs[active_property] # 1) Initialize number members to the number of members value contains. number_members = Enum.count(value) # 2) If value has an @index member and the container mapping associated to active property is set to @index, decrease number members by 1. number_members = if term_def != nil and Map.has_key?(value, "@index") and term_def.container_mapping == "@index", do: number_members - 1, else: number_members # 3) If number members is greater than 2, return value as it cannot be compacted. unless number_members > 2 do {type_mapping, language_mapping} = if term_def, do: {term_def.type_mapping, term_def.language_mapping}, else: {nil, nil} cond do # 4) If value has an @id member id = Map.get(value, "@id") -> cond do # 4.1) If number members is 1 and the type mapping of active property is set to @id, return the result of using the IRI compaction algorithm, passing active context, inverse context, and the value of the @id member for iri. number_members == 1 and type_mapping == "@id" -> compact_iri(id, active_context, inverse_context) # 4.2) Otherwise, if number members is 1 and the type mapping of active property is set to @vocab, return the result of using the IRI compaction algorithm, passing active context, inverse context, the value of the @id member for iri, and true for vocab. number_members == 1 and type_mapping == "@vocab" -> compact_iri(id, active_context, inverse_context, nil, true) # 4.3) Otherwise, return value as is. true -> value end # 5) Otherwise, if value has an @type member whose value matches the type mapping of active property, return the value associated with the @value member of value. (type = Map.get(value, "@type")) && type == type_mapping -> value["@value"] # 6) Otherwise, if value has an @language member whose value matches the language mapping of active property, return the value associated with the @value member of value. (language = Map.get(value, "@language")) && # TODO: Spec fixme: doesn't specify to check default language as well language in [language_mapping, active_context.default_language] -> value["@value"] true -> # 7) Otherwise, if number members equals 1 and either the value of the @value member is not a string, or the active context has no default language, or the language mapping of active property is set to null,, return the value associated with the @value member. value_value = value["@value"] if number_members == 1 and (not is_binary(value_value) or !active_context.default_language or # TODO: Spec fixme: doesn't specify to check default language as well Context.language(active_context, active_property) == nil) do value_value # 8) Otherwise, return value as is. else value end end else value end end @doc """ Term Selection Details at """ def select_term(inverse_context, iri, containers, type_language, preferred_values) do container_map = inverse_context[iri] Enum.find_value containers, fn container -> if type_language_map = container_map[container] do value_map = type_language_map[type_language] Enum.find_value preferred_values, fn item -> value_map[item] end end end end end