defmodule JSON.LD.Compaction do @moduledoc nil import JSON.LD.Utils alias JSON.LD.Context def compact(input, context, options \\ %JSON.LD.Options{}) do with options =, active_context = JSON.LD.context(context, options), inverse_context = Context.inverse(active_context), expanded = JSON.LD.expand(input, options) do result = case do_compact(expanded, active_context, inverse_context, nil, options.compact_arrays) do [] -> %{} result when is_list(result) -> # TODO: Spec fixme? We're setting vocab to true, as other implementations do it, but this is not mentioned in the spec %{compact_iri("@graph", active_context, inverse_context, nil, true) => result} result -> result end if Context.empty?(active_context), do: result, else: Map.put(result, "@context", context["@context"] || context) end end defp do_compact(element, active_context, inverse_context, active_property, compact_arrays \\ true) # 1) If element is a scalar, it is already in its most compact form, so simply return element. defp do_compact(element, _, _, _, _) when is_binary(element) or is_number(element) or is_boolean(element), do: element # 2) If element is an array defp do_compact(element, active_context, inverse_context, active_property, compact_arrays) when is_list(element) do result = Enum.reduce(element, [], fn (item, result) -> case do_compact(item, active_context, inverse_context, active_property, compact_arrays) do nil -> result compacted_item -> [compacted_item | result] end end) |> Enum.reverse if compact_arrays and length(result) == 1 and is_nil((term_def = active_context.term_defs[active_property]) && term_def.container_mapping) do List.first(result) else result end end # 3) Otherwise element is a JSON object. defp do_compact(element, active_context, inverse_context, active_property, compact_arrays) when is_map(element) do # 4) if (Map.has_key?(element, "@value") or Map.has_key?(element, "@id")) and scalar?(result = compact_value(element, active_context, inverse_context, active_property)) do result else # 5) inside_reverse = active_property == "@reverse" # 6) + 7) element |> Enum.sort_by(fn {expanded_property , _} -> expanded_property end) |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn ({expanded_property, expanded_value}, result) -> cond do # 7.1) expanded_property in ~w[@id @type] -> # 7.1.1) compacted_value = if is_binary(expanded_value) do compact_iri(expanded_value, active_context, inverse_context, nil, expanded_property == "@type") # 7.1.2) else # # TODO: RDF.rb calls also Array#compact if(is_list(expanded_value), do: expanded_value, else: [expanded_value]) # |> Enum.reduce([], fn (expanded_type, compacted_value) -> compacted_value ++ [compact_iri(expanded_type, active_context, inverse_context, nil, true)] end) # |> case(do: ( [compacted_value] -> compacted_value compacted_value -> compacted_value)) end # 7.1.3) alias = compact_iri(expanded_property, active_context, inverse_context, nil, true) # 7.1.4) Map.put(result, alias, compacted_value) # 7.2) expanded_property == "@reverse" -> # 7.2.1) compacted_value = do_compact(expanded_value, active_context, inverse_context, "@reverse") # 7.2.2) {compacted_value, result} = Enum.reduce compacted_value, {%{}, result}, fn ({property, value}, {compacted_value, result}) -> term_def = active_context.term_defs[property] # if term_def && term_def.reverse_property do # if (!compact_arrays or term_def.container_mapping == "@set") and !is_list(value) do value = [value] end # + {compacted_value, merge_compacted_value(result, property, value)} else {Map.put(compacted_value, property, value), result} end end # 7.2.3) unless Enum.empty?(compacted_value) do # alias = compact_iri("@reverse", active_context, inverse_context, nil, true) # Map.put(result, alias, compacted_value) else result end # 7.3) expanded_property == "@index" && (term_def = active_context.term_defs[active_property]) && term_def.container_mapping == "@index" -> result # 7.4) expanded_property in ~w[@index @value @language] -> # 7.4.1) alias = compact_iri(expanded_property, active_context, inverse_context, nil, true) # 7.4.2) Map.put(result, alias, expanded_value) true -> # 7.5) if expanded_value == [] do # 7.5.1) item_active_property = compact_iri(expanded_property, active_context, inverse_context, expanded_value, true, inside_reverse) # 7.5.2) result = Map.update(result, item_active_property, [], fn value when not is_list(value) -> [value] value -> value end) end # 7.6) Enum.reduce(expanded_value, result, fn (expanded_item, result) -> # 7.6.1) item_active_property = compact_iri(expanded_property, active_context, inverse_context, expanded_item, true, inside_reverse) # 7.6.2) term_def = active_context.term_defs[item_active_property] container = (term_def && term_def.container_mapping) || nil # 7.6.3) value = (is_map(expanded_item) && expanded_item["@list"]) || expanded_item compacted_item = do_compact(value, active_context, inverse_context, item_active_property, compact_arrays) # 7.6.4) if list?(expanded_item) do # unless is_list(compacted_item), do: compacted_item = [compacted_item] # unless container == "@list" do # compacted_item = %{ # TODO: Spec fixme? We're setting vocab to true, as other implementations do it, but this is not mentioned in the spec compact_iri("@list", active_context, inverse_context, nil, true) => compacted_item} # if Map.has_key?(expanded_item, "@index") do compacted_item = Map.put(compacted_item, # TODO: Spec fixme? We're setting vocab to true, as other implementations do it, but this is not mentioned in the spec compact_iri("@index", active_context, inverse_context, nil, true), expanded_item["@index"]) end # else if Map.has_key?(result, item_active_property), do: raise JSON.LD.CompactionToListOfListsError, message: "The compacted document contains a list of lists as multiple lists have been compacted to the same term." end end # 7.6.5) if container in ~w[@language @index] do map_object = result[item_active_property] || %{} if container == "@language" and is_map(compacted_item) and Map.has_key?(compacted_item, "@value"), do: compacted_item = compacted_item["@value"] map_key = expanded_item[container] map_object = merge_compacted_value(map_object, map_key, compacted_item) Map.put(result, item_active_property, map_object) # 7.6.6) else if !is_list(compacted_item) and (!compact_arrays or container in ~w[@set @list] or expanded_property in ~w[@list @graph]), do: compacted_item = [compacted_item] merge_compacted_value(result, item_active_property, compacted_item) end end) end end) end end defp merge_compacted_value(map, key, value) do Map.update map, key, value, fn old_value when is_list(old_value) and is_list(value) -> old_value ++ value old_value when is_list(old_value) -> old_value ++ [value] old_value when is_list(value) -> [old_value | value] old_value -> [old_value, value] end end @doc """ IRI Compaction Details at """ def compact_iri(iri, active_context, inverse_context, value \\ nil, vocab \\ false, reverse \\ false) # 1) If iri is null, return null. def compact_iri(nil, _, _, _, _, _), do: nil def compact_iri(iri, active_context, inverse_context, value, vocab, reverse) do # 2) If vocab is true and iri is a key in inverse context: term = if vocab && Map.has_key?(inverse_context, iri) do # 2.1) Initialize default language to active context's default language, if it has one, otherwise to @none. default_language = active_context.default_language || "@none" # 2.3) Initialize type/language to @language, and type/language value to @null. These two variables will keep track of the preferred type mapping or language mapping for a term, based on what is compatible with value. type_language = "@language" type_language_value = "@null" # 2.2) Initialize containers to an empty array. This array will be used to keep track of an ordered list of preferred container mappings for a term, based on what is compatible with value. # 2.4) If value is a JSON object that contains the key @index, then append the value @index to containers. containers = if index?(value), do: ["@index"], else: [] cond do # 2.5) If reverse is true, set type/language to @type, type/language value to @reverse, and append @set to containers. reverse -> containers = containers ++ ["@set"] type_language = "@type" type_language_value = "@reverse" # 2.6) Otherwise, if value is a list object, then set type/language and type/language value to the most specific values that work for all items in the list as follows: list?(value) -> # 2.6.1) If @index is a not key in value, then append @list to containers. if not index?(value), do: containers = containers ++ ["@list"] # 2.6.2) Initialize list to the array associated with the key @list in value. list = value["@list"] # 2.6.3) Initialize common type and common language to null. If list is empty, set common language to default language. {common_type, common_language} = {nil, nil} if Enum.empty?(list) do common_language = default_language else # 2.6.4) For each item in list: {common_type, common_language} = Enum.reduce_while list, {common_type, common_language}, fn (item, {common_type, common_language}) -> # Initialize item language to @none and item type to @none. {item_type, item_language} = {"@none", "@none"} # If item contains the key @value: if Map.has_key?(item, "@value") do cond do # If item contains the key @language, then set item language to its associated value. Map.has_key?(item, "@language") -> item_language = item["@language"] # Otherwise, if item contains the key @type, set item type to its associated value. Map.has_key?(item, "@type") -> item_type = item["@type"] # Otherwise, set item language to @null. true -> item_language = "@null" end # Otherwise, set item type to @id. else item_type = "@id" end cond do # If common language is null, set it to item language. is_nil(common_language) -> common_language = item_language # Otherwise, if item language does not equal common language and item contains the key @value, then set common language to @none because list items have conflicting languages. item_language != common_language and Map.has_key?(item, "@value") -> common_language = "@none" true -> end cond do # If common type is null, set it to item type. is_nil(common_type) -> common_type = item_type # Otherwise, if item type does not equal common type, then set common type to @none because list items have conflicting types. item_type != common_type -> common_type = "@none" true -> end # If common language is @none and common type is @none, then stop processing items in the list because it has been detected that there is no common language or type amongst the items. if common_language == "@none" and common_type == "@none" do {:halt, {common_type, common_language}} else {:cont, {common_type, common_language}} end end # 2.6.5) If common language is null, set it to @none. if is_nil(common_language), do: common_language = "@none" # 2.6.6) If common type is null, set it to @none. if is_nil(common_type), do: common_type = "@none" # 2.6.7) If common type is not @none then set type/language to @type and type/language value to common type. if common_type != "@none" do type_language = "@type" type_language_value = common_type # 2.6.8) Otherwise, set type/language value to common language. else type_language_value = common_language end end # 2.7) Otherwise true -> # 2.7.1) If value is a value object: if is_map(value) and Map.has_key?(value, "@value") do # If value contains the key @language and does not contain the key @index, then set type/language value to its associated value and append @language to containers. if Map.has_key?(value, "@language") and not Map.has_key?(value, "@index") do type_language_value = value["@language"] containers = containers ++ ["@language"] else # Otherwise, if value contains the key @type, then set type/language value to its associated value and set type/language to @type. if Map.has_key?(value, "@type") do type_language_value = value["@type"] type_language = "@type" end end # 2.7.2) Otherwise, set type/language to @type and set type/language value to @id. else type_language = "@type" type_language_value = "@id" end # 2.7.3) Append @set to containers. containers = containers ++ ["@set"] end # 2.8) Append @none to containers. This represents the non-existence of a container mapping, and it will be the last container mapping value to be checked as it is the most generic. containers = containers ++ ["@none"] # 2.9) If type/language value is null, set it to @null. This is the key under which null values are stored in the inverse context entry. if is_nil(type_language_value), do: type_language_value = "@null" # 2.10) Initialize preferred values to an empty array. This array will indicate, in order, the preferred values for a term's type mapping or language mapping. preferred_values = [] # 2.11) If type/language value is @reverse, append @reverse to preferred values. if type_language_value == "@reverse", do: preferred_values = preferred_values ++ ["@reverse"] # 2.12) If type/language value is @id or @reverse and value has an @id member: if type_language_value in ~w[@id @reverse] and is_map(value) and Map.has_key?(value, "@id") do # 2.12.1) If the result of using the IRI compaction algorithm, passing active context, inverse context, the value associated with the @id key in value for iri, true for vocab, and true for document relative has a term definition in the active context with an IRI mapping that equals the value associated with the @id key in value, then append @vocab, @id, and @none, in that order, to preferred values. # TODO: Spec fixme? document_relative is not a specified parameter of compact_iri compact_id = compact_iri(value["@id"], active_context, inverse_context, nil, true) if (term_def = active_context.term_defs[compact_id]) && term_def.iri_mapping == value["@id"] do preferred_values = preferred_values ++ ~w[@vocab @id @none] # 2.12.2) Otherwise, append @id, @vocab, and @none, in that order, to preferred values. else preferred_values = preferred_values ++ ~w[@id @vocab @none] end # 2.13) Otherwise, append type/language value and @none, in that order, to preferred values. else preferred_values = preferred_values ++ [type_language_value, "@none"] end # 2.14) Initialize term to the result of the Term Selection algorithm, passing inverse context, iri, containers, type/language, and preferred values. select_term(inverse_context, iri, containers, type_language, preferred_values) end cond do # 2.15) If term is not null, return term. not is_nil(term) -> term # 3) At this point, there is no simple term that iri can be compacted to. If vocab is true and active context has a vocabulary mapping: # 3.1) If iri begins with the vocabulary mapping's value but is longer, then initialize suffix to the substring of iri that does not match. If suffix does not have a term definition in active context, then return suffix. vocab && active_context.vocab && String.starts_with?(iri, active_context.vocab) && (suffix = String.replace_prefix(iri, active_context.vocab, "")) != "" && is_nil(active_context.term_defs[suffix]) -> suffix true -> # 4) The iri could not be compacted using the active context's vocabulary mapping. Try to create a compact IRI, starting by initializing compact IRI to null. This variable will be used to tore the created compact IRI, if any. compact_iri = # 5) For each key term and value term definition in the active context: Enum.reduce(active_context.term_defs, nil, fn ({term, term_def}, compact_iri) -> cond do # 5.1) If the term contains a colon (:), then continue to the next term because terms with colons can't be used as prefixes. String.contains?(term, ":") -> compact_iri # 5.2) If the term definition is null, its IRI mapping equals iri, or its IRI mapping is not a substring at the beginning of iri, the term cannot be used as a prefix because it is not a partial match with iri. Continue with the next term. is_nil(term_def) || term_def.iri_mapping == iri || not String.starts_with?(iri, term_def.iri_mapping) -> compact_iri true -> # 5.3) Initialize candidate by concatenating term, a colon (:), and the substring of iri that follows after the value of the term definition's IRI mapping. candidate = term <> ":" <> (String.split_at(iri, String.length(term_def.iri_mapping)) |> elem(1)) # 5.4) If either compact IRI is null or candidate is shorter or the same length but lexicographically less than compact IRI and candidate does not have a term definition in active context or if the term definition has an IRI mapping that equals iri and value is null, set compact IRI to candidate. # TODO: Spec fixme: The specified expression is pretty ambiguous without brackets ... # TODO: Spec fixme: "if the term definition has an IRI mapping that equals iri" is already catched in 5.2, so will never happen here ... if (is_nil(compact_iri) or shortest_or_least?(candidate, compact_iri)) and (is_nil(active_context.term_defs[candidate]) or (active_context.term_defs[candidate].iri_mapping == iri and is_nil(value))) do candidate else compact_iri end end end) cond do # 6) If compact IRI is not null, return compact IRI. not is_nil(compact_iri) -> compact_iri # 7) If vocab is false then transform iri to a relative IRI using the document's base IRI. not vocab -> remove_base(iri, Context.base(active_context)) # 8) Finally, return iri as is. true -> iri end end end defp shortest_or_least?(a, b) do (a_len = String.length(a)) < (b_len = String.length(b)) or (a_len == b_len and a < b) end defp remove_base(iri, nil), do: iri defp remove_base(iri, base) do base_len = String.length(base) if String.starts_with?(iri, base) and, base_len) in ~w(? #) do String.split_at(iri, base_len) |> elem(1) else case URI.parse(base) do %URI{path: nil} -> iri base -> do_remove_base(iri, %URI{base | path: parent_path(base.path)}, 0) end end end defp do_remove_base(iri, base, index) do base_str = URI.to_string(base) cond do String.starts_with?(iri, base_str) -> case String.duplicate("../", index) <> (String.split_at(iri, String.length(base_str)) |> elem(1)) do "" -> "./" rel -> rel end base.path == "/" -> iri true -> do_remove_base(iri, %URI{base | path: parent_path(base.path)}, index + 1) end end defp parent_path("/"), do: "/" defp parent_path(path) do case Path.dirname(String.trim_trailing(path, "/")) do "/" -> "/" parent -> parent <> "/" end end @doc """ Value Compaction Details at """ def compact_value(value, active_context, inverse_context, active_property) do term_def = active_context.term_defs[active_property] # 1) Initialize number members to the number of members value contains. number_members = Enum.count(value) # 2) If value has an @index member and the container mapping associated to active property is set to @index, decrease number members by 1. number_members = if term_def != nil and Map.has_key?(value, "@index") and term_def.container_mapping == "@index", do: number_members - 1, else: number_members # 3) If number members is greater than 2, return value as it cannot be compacted. unless number_members > 2 do {type_mapping, language_mapping} = if term_def, do: {term_def.type_mapping, term_def.language_mapping}, else: {nil, nil} cond do # 4) If value has an @id member id = Map.get(value, "@id") -> cond do # 4.1) If number members is 1 and the type mapping of active property is set to @id, return the result of using the IRI compaction algorithm, passing active context, inverse context, and the value of the @id member for iri. number_members == 1 and type_mapping == "@id" -> compact_iri(id, active_context, inverse_context) # 4.2) Otherwise, if number members is 1 and the type mapping of active property is set to @vocab, return the result of using the IRI compaction algorithm, passing active context, inverse context, the value of the @id member for iri, and true for vocab. number_members == 1 and type_mapping == "@vocab" -> compact_iri(id, active_context, inverse_context, nil, true) # 4.3) Otherwise, return value as is. true -> value end # 5) Otherwise, if value has an @type member whose value matches the type mapping of active property, return the value associated with the @value member of value. (type = Map.get(value, "@type")) && type == type_mapping -> value["@value"] # 6) Otherwise, if value has an @language member whose value matches the language mapping of active property, return the value associated with the @value member of value. (language = Map.get(value, "@language")) && # TODO: Spec fixme: doesn't specify to check default language as well language in [language_mapping, active_context.default_language] -> value["@value"] true -> # 7) Otherwise, if number members equals 1 and either the value of the @value member is not a string, or the active context has no default language, or the language mapping of active property is set to null,, return the value associated with the @value member. if number_members == 1 and (not is_binary(value_value = value["@value"]) or !active_context.default_language or # TODO: Spec fixme: doesn't specify to check default language as well Context.language(active_context, active_property) == nil) do value_value # 8) Otherwise, return value as is. else value end end else value end end @doc """ Term Selection Details at """ def select_term(inverse_context, iri, containers, type_language, preferred_values) do container_map = inverse_context[iri] Enum.find_value containers, fn container -> if type_language_map = container_map[container] do value_map = type_language_map[type_language] Enum.find_value preferred_values, fn item -> value_map[item] end end end end end