require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Account, type: :model do context do let(:bob) { Fabricate(:account, username: 'bob') } subject { Fabricate(:account) } describe '#follow!' do it 'creates a follow' do follow = subject.follow!(bob) expect(follow).to be_instance_of Follow expect(follow.account).to eq subject expect(follow.target_account).to eq bob end end describe '#unfollow!' do before do subject.follow!(bob) end it 'destroys a follow' do unfollow = subject.unfollow!(bob) expect(unfollow).to be_instance_of Follow expect(unfollow.account).to eq subject expect(unfollow.target_account).to eq bob expect(unfollow.destroyed?).to be true end end describe '#following?' do it 'returns true when the target is followed' do subject.follow!(bob) expect(subject.following?(bob)).to be true end it 'returns false if the target is not followed' do expect(subject.following?(bob)).to be false end end end describe '#local?' do it 'returns true when the account is local' do account = Fabricate(:account, domain: nil) expect(account.local?).to be true end it 'returns false when the account is on a different domain' do account = Fabricate(:account, domain: 'foreign.tld') expect(account.local?).to be false end end describe 'Local domain user methods' do around do |example| before = Rails.configuration.x.local_domain Rails.configuration.x.local_domain = before end subject { Fabricate(:account, domain: nil, username: 'alice') } describe '#to_webfinger_s' do it 'returns a webfinger string for the account' do Rails.configuration.x.local_domain = '' expect(subject.to_webfinger_s).to eq '' end end describe '#local_username_and_domain' do it 'returns the username and local domain for the account' do Rails.configuration.x.local_domain = '' expect(subject.local_username_and_domain).to eq '' end end end describe '#acct' do it 'returns username for local users' do account = Fabricate(:account, domain: nil, username: 'alice') expect(account.acct).to eql 'alice' end it 'returns username@domain for foreign users' do account = Fabricate(:account, domain: 'foreign.tld', username: 'alice') expect(account.acct).to eql 'alice@foreign.tld' end end describe '#save_with_optional_media!' do before do stub_request(:get, 'https://remote/valid_avatar').to_return(request_fixture('avatar.txt')) stub_request(:get, 'https://remote/invalid_avatar').to_return(request_fixture('feed.txt')) end let(:account) do Fabricate(:account, avatar_remote_url: 'https://remote/valid_avatar', header_remote_url: 'https://remote/valid_avatar') end let!(:expectation) { account.dup } context 'with valid properties' do before do account.save_with_optional_media! end it 'unchanges avatar, header, avatar_remote_url, and header_remote_url' do expect(account.avatar_remote_url).to eq expectation.avatar_remote_url expect(account.header_remote_url).to eq expectation.header_remote_url expect(account.avatar_file_name).to eq expectation.avatar_file_name expect(account.header_file_name).to eq expectation.header_file_name end end context 'with invalid properties' do before do account.avatar_remote_url = 'https://remote/invalid_avatar' account.save_with_optional_media! end it 'sets default avatar, header, avatar_remote_url, and header_remote_url' do expect(account.avatar_remote_url).to eq '' expect(account.header_remote_url).to eq '' expect(account.avatar_file_name).to eq nil expect(account.header_file_name).to eq nil end end end describe '#subscribed?' do it 'returns false when no subscription expiration information is present' do account = Fabricate(:account, subscription_expires_at: nil) expect(account.subscribed?).to be false end it 'returns true when subscription expiration has been set' do account = Fabricate(:account, subscription_expires_at: 30.days.from_now) expect(account.subscribed?).to be true end end describe '#possibly_stale?' do let(:account) { Fabricate(:account, last_webfingered_at: last_webfingered_at) } context 'last_webfingered_at is nil' do let(:last_webfingered_at) { nil } it 'returns true' do expect(account.possibly_stale?).to be true end end context 'last_webfingered_at is more than 24 hours before' do let(:last_webfingered_at) { 25.hours.ago } it 'returns true' do expect(account.possibly_stale?).to be true end end context 'last_webfingered_at is less than 24 hours before' do let(:last_webfingered_at) { 23.hours.ago } it 'returns false' do expect(account.possibly_stale?).to be false end end end describe '#to_param' do it 'returns username' do account = Fabricate(:account, username: 'alice') expect(account.to_param).to eq 'alice' end end describe '#keypair' do it 'returns an RSA key pair' do account = Fabricate(:account) expect(account.keypair).to be_instance_of OpenSSL::PKey::RSA end end describe '#subscription' do it 'returns an OStatus subscription' do account = Fabricate(:account) expect(account.subscription('')).to be_instance_of OStatus2::Subscription end end describe '#object_type' do it 'is always a person' do account = Fabricate(:account) expect(account.object_type).to be :person end end describe '#favourited?' do let(:original_status) do author = Fabricate(:account, username: 'original') Fabricate(:status, account: author) end subject { Fabricate(:account) } context 'when the status is a reblog of another status' do let(:original_reblog) do author = Fabricate(:account, username: 'original_reblogger') Fabricate(:status, reblog: original_status, account: author) end it 'is is true when this account has favourited it' do Fabricate(:favourite, status: original_reblog, account: subject) expect(subject.favourited?(original_status)).to eq true end it 'is false when this account has not favourited it' do expect(subject.favourited?(original_status)).to eq false end end context 'when the status is an original status' do it 'is is true when this account has favourited it' do Fabricate(:favourite, status: original_status, account: subject) expect(subject.favourited?(original_status)).to eq true end it 'is false when this account has not favourited it' do expect(subject.favourited?(original_status)).to eq false end end end describe '#reblogged?' do let(:original_status) do author = Fabricate(:account, username: 'original') Fabricate(:status, account: author) end subject { Fabricate(:account) } context 'when the status is a reblog of another status'do let(:original_reblog) do author = Fabricate(:account, username: 'original_reblogger') Fabricate(:status, reblog: original_status, account: author) end it 'is true when this account has reblogged it' do Fabricate(:status, reblog: original_reblog, account: subject) expect(subject.reblogged?(original_reblog)).to eq true end it 'is false when this account has not reblogged it' do expect(subject.reblogged?(original_reblog)).to eq false end end context 'when the status is an original status' do it 'is true when this account has reblogged it' do Fabricate(:status, reblog: original_status, account: subject) expect(subject.reblogged?(original_status)).to eq true end it 'is false when this account has not reblogged it' do expect(subject.reblogged?(original_status)).to eq false end end end describe '#excluded_from_timeline_account_ids' do it 'includes account ids of blockings, blocked_bys and mutes' do account = Fabricate(:account) block = Fabricate(:block, account: account) mute = Fabricate(:mute, account: account) block_by = Fabricate(:block, target_account: account) results = account.excluded_from_timeline_account_ids expect(results.size).to eq 3 expect(results).to include( expect(results).to include( expect(results).to include( end end describe '#excluded_from_timeline_domains' do it 'returns the domains blocked by the account' do account = Fabricate(:account) account.block_domain!('domain') expect(account.excluded_from_timeline_domains).to match_array ['domain'] end end describe '.search_for' do before do _missing = Fabricate( :account, display_name: "Missing", username: "missing", domain: "" ) end it 'accepts ?, \, : and space as delimiter' do match = Fabricate( :account, display_name: 'A & l & i & c & e', username: 'username', domain: '' ) results = Account.search_for('A?l\i:c e') expect(results).to eq [match] end it 'finds accounts with matching display_name' do match = Fabricate( :account, display_name: "Display Name", username: "username", domain: "" ) results = Account.search_for("display") expect(results).to eq [match] end it 'finds accounts with matching username' do match = Fabricate( :account, display_name: "Display Name", username: "username", domain: "" ) results = Account.search_for("username") expect(results).to eq [match] end it 'finds accounts with matching domain' do match = Fabricate( :account, display_name: "Display Name", username: "username", domain: "" ) results = Account.search_for("example") expect(results).to eq [match] end it 'limits by 10 by default' do 11.times.each { Fabricate(:account, display_name: "Display Name") } results = Account.search_for("display") expect(results.size).to eq 10 end it 'accepts arbitrary limits' do 2.times.each { Fabricate(:account, display_name: "Display Name") } results = Account.search_for("display", 1) expect(results.size).to eq 1 end it 'ranks multiple matches higher' do matches = [ { username: "username", display_name: "username" }, { display_name: "Display Name", username: "username", domain: "" }, ].map(&method(:Fabricate).curry(2).call(:account)) results = Account.search_for("username") expect(results).to eq matches end end describe '.advanced_search_for' do it 'accepts ?, \, : and space as delimiter' do account = Fabricate(:account) match = Fabricate( :account, display_name: 'A & l & i & c & e', username: 'username', domain: '' ) results = Account.advanced_search_for('A?l\i:c e', account) expect(results).to eq [match] end it 'limits by 10 by default' do 11.times { Fabricate(:account, display_name: "Display Name") } results = Account.search_for("display") expect(results.size).to eq 10 end it 'accepts arbitrary limits' do 2.times { Fabricate(:account, display_name: "Display Name") } results = Account.search_for("display", 1) expect(results.size).to eq 1 end it 'ranks followed accounts higher' do account = Fabricate(:account) match = Fabricate(:account, username: "Matching") followed_match = Fabricate(:account, username: "Matcher") Fabricate(:follow, account: account, target_account: followed_match) results = Account.advanced_search_for("match", account) expect(results).to eq [followed_match, match] expect(results.first.rank).to be > results.last.rank end end describe '.domains' do it 'returns domains' do Fabricate(:account, domain: 'domain') expect( match_array(['domain']) end end describe '.triadic_closures' do let!(:me) { Fabricate(:account) } let!(:friend) { Fabricate(:account) } let!(:friends_friend) { Fabricate(:account) } let!(:both_follow) { Fabricate(:account) } before do me.follow!(friend) friend.follow!(friends_friend) me.follow!(both_follow) friend.follow!(both_follow) end it 'finds accounts you dont follow which are followed by accounts you do follow' do expect(described_class.triadic_closures(me)).to eq [friends_friend] end it 'limits by 5 with offset 0 by defualt' do first_degree = { Fabricate(:account) } matches = { Fabricate(:account) } first_degree.each { |account| me.follow!(account) } matches.each do |match| first_degree.each { |account| account.follow!(match) } first_degree.shift end expect(described_class.triadic_closures(me)).to eq matches end it 'accepts arbitrary limits' do another_friend = Fabricate(:account) higher_friends_friend = Fabricate(:account) me.follow!(another_friend) friend.follow!(higher_friends_friend) another_friend.follow!(higher_friends_friend) expect(described_class.triadic_closures(me, limit: 1)).to eq [higher_friends_friend] end it 'acceps arbitrary offset' do another_friend = Fabricate(:account) higher_friends_friend = Fabricate(:account) me.follow!(another_friend) friend.follow!(higher_friends_friend) another_friend.follow!(higher_friends_friend) expect(described_class.triadic_closures(me, offset: 1)).to eq [friends_friend] end context 'when you block account' do before do me.block!(friends_friend) end it 'rejects blocked accounts' do expect(described_class.triadic_closures(me)).to be_empty end end context 'when you mute account' do before do me.mute!(friends_friend) end it 'rejects muted accounts' do expect(described_class.triadic_closures(me)).to be_empty end end end describe '.following_map' do it 'returns an hash' do expect(Account.following_map([], 1)).to be_a Hash end end describe '.followed_by_map' do it 'returns an hash' do expect(Account.followed_by_map([], 1)).to be_a Hash end end describe '.blocking_map' do it 'returns an hash' do expect(Account.blocking_map([], 1)).to be_a Hash end end describe '.requested_map' do it 'returns an hash' do expect(Account.requested_map([], 1)).to be_a Hash end end describe 'MENTION_RE' do subject { Account::MENTION_RE } it 'matches usernames in the middle of a sentence' do expect(subject.match('Hello to @alice from me')[1]).to eq 'alice' end it 'matches usernames in the beginning of status' do expect(subject.match('@alice Hey how are you?')[1]).to eq 'alice' end it 'matches full usernames' do expect(subject.match('')[1]).to eq '' end it 'matches full usernames with a dot at the end' do expect(subject.match('Hello')[1]).to eq '' end it 'matches dot-prepended usernames' do expect(subject.match('.@alice I want everybody to see this')[1]).to eq 'alice' end it 'does not match e-mails' do expect(subject.match('Drop me an e-mail at')).to be_nil end it 'does not match URLs' do expect(subject.match('Check this out')).to be_nil end xit 'does not match URL querystring' do expect(subject.match('')).to be_nil end end describe 'validations' do it 'has a valid fabricator' do account = account.valid? expect(account).to be_valid end it 'is invalid without a username' do account =, username: nil) account.valid? expect(account).to model_have_error_on_field(:username) end context 'when is local' do it 'is invalid if the username is not unique in case-insensitive comparsion among local accounts' do account_1 = Fabricate(:account, username: 'the_doctor') account_2 =, username: 'the_Doctor') account_2.valid? expect(account_2).to model_have_error_on_field(:username) end it 'is invalid if the username is reserved' do account =, username: 'support') account.valid? expect(account).to model_have_error_on_field(:username) end it 'is valid when username is reserved but record has already been created' do account =, username: 'support') false) expect(account.valid?).to be true end it 'is invalid if the username doesn\'t only contains letters, numbers and underscores' do account =, username: 'the-doctor') account.valid? expect(account).to model_have_error_on_field(:username) end it 'is invalid if the username is longer then 30 characters' do account =, username: Faker::Lorem.characters(31)) account.valid? expect(account).to model_have_error_on_field(:username) end it 'is invalid if the display name is longer than 30 characters' do account =, display_name: Faker::Lorem.characters(31)) account.valid? expect(account).to model_have_error_on_field(:display_name) end it 'is invalid if the note is longer than 160 characters' do account =, note: Faker::Lorem.characters(161)) account.valid? expect(account).to model_have_error_on_field(:note) end end context 'when is remote' do it 'is invalid if the username is not unique in case-sensitive comparison among accounts in the same normalized domain' do Fabricate(:account, domain: 'にゃん', username: 'username') account =, domain: 'xn--r9j5b5b', username: 'username') account.valid? expect(account).to model_have_error_on_field(:username) end it 'is valid even if the username is unique only in case-sensitive comparison among accounts in the same normalized domain' do Fabricate(:account, domain: 'にゃん', username: 'username') account =, domain: 'xn--r9j5b5b', username: 'Username') account.valid? expect(account).not_to model_have_error_on_field(:username) end it 'is valid even if the username doesn\'t only contains letters, numbers and underscores' do account =, domain: 'domain', username: 'the-doctor') account.valid? expect(account).not_to model_have_error_on_field(:username) end it 'is valid even if the username is longer then 30 characters' do account =, domain: 'domain', username: Faker::Lorem.characters(31)) account.valid? expect(account).not_to model_have_error_on_field(:username) end it 'is valid even if the display name is longer than 30 characters' do account =, domain: 'domain', display_name: Faker::Lorem.characters(31)) account.valid? expect(account).not_to model_have_error_on_field(:display_name) end it 'is valid even if the note is longer than 160 characters' do account =, domain: 'domain', note: Faker::Lorem.characters(161)) account.valid? expect(account).not_to model_have_error_on_field(:note) end end end describe 'scopes' do describe 'alphabetic' do it 'sorts by alphabetic order of domain and username' do matches = [ { username: 'a', domain: 'a' }, { username: 'b', domain: 'a' }, { username: 'a', domain: 'b' }, { username: 'b', domain: 'b' }, ].map(&method(:Fabricate).curry(2).call(:account)) expect(Account.alphabetic).to eq matches end end describe 'matches_display_name' do it 'matches display name which starts with the given string' do match = Fabricate(:account, display_name: 'pattern and suffix') Fabricate(:account, display_name: 'prefix and pattern') expect(Account.matches_display_name('pattern')).to eq [match] end end describe 'matches_username' do it 'matches display name which starts with the given string' do match = Fabricate(:account, username: 'pattern_and_suffix') Fabricate(:account, username: 'prefix_and_pattern') expect(Account.matches_username('pattern')).to eq [match] end end describe 'expiring' do it 'returns remote accounts with followers whose subscription expiration date is past or not given' do local = Fabricate(:account, domain: nil) matches = [ { domain: 'remote', subscription_expires_at: '2000-01-01T00:00:00Z' }, ].map(&method(:Fabricate).curry(2).call(:account)) matches.each(&local.method(:follow!)) Fabricate(:account, domain: 'remote', subscription_expires_at: nil) local.follow!(Fabricate(:account, domain: 'remote', subscription_expires_at: '2000-01-03T00:00:00Z')) local.follow!(Fabricate(:account, domain: nil, subscription_expires_at: nil)) expect(Account.expiring('2000-01-02T00:00:00Z').recent).to eq matches.reverse end end describe 'remote' do it 'returns an array of accounts who have a domain' do account_1 = Fabricate(:account, domain: nil) account_2 = Fabricate(:account, domain: '') expect(Account.remote).to match_array([account_2]) end end describe 'by_domain_accounts' do it 'returns accounts grouped by domain sorted by accounts' do 2.times { Fabricate(:account, domain: '') } Fabricate(:account, domain: '') results = Account.by_domain_accounts expect(results.length).to eq 2 expect(results.first.domain).to eq '' expect(results.first.accounts_count).to eq 2 expect(results.last.domain).to eq '' expect(results.last.accounts_count).to eq 1 end end describe 'local' do it 'returns an array of accounts who do not have a domain' do account_1 = Fabricate(:account, domain: nil) account_2 = Fabricate(:account, domain: '') expect(Account.local).to match_array([account_1]) end end describe 'partitioned' do it 'returns a relation of accounts partitioned by domain' do matches = ['a', 'b', 'a', 'b'] matches.size.times.to_a.shuffle.each do |index| matches[index] = Fabricate(:account, domain: matches[index]) end expect(Account.partitioned).to match_array(matches) end end describe 'recent' do it 'returns a relation of accounts sorted by recent creation' do matches = { Fabricate(:account) } expect(Account.recent).to match_array(matches) end end describe 'silenced' do it 'returns an array of accounts who are silenced' do account_1 = Fabricate(:account, silenced: true) account_2 = Fabricate(:account, silenced: false) expect(Account.silenced).to match_array([account_1]) end end describe 'suspended' do it 'returns an array of accounts who are suspended' do account_1 = Fabricate(:account, suspended: true) account_2 = Fabricate(:account, suspended: false) expect(Account.suspended).to match_array([account_1]) end end describe 'without_followers' do it 'returns a relation of accounts without followers' do account_1 = Fabricate(:account) account_2 = Fabricate(:account) Fabricate(:follow, account: account_1, target_account: account_2) expect(Account.without_followers).to match_array([account_1]) end end describe 'with_followers' do it 'returns a relation of accounts with followers' do account_1 = Fabricate(:account) account_2 = Fabricate(:account) Fabricate(:follow, account: account_1, target_account: account_2) expect(Account.with_followers).to match_array([account_2]) end end end context 'when is local' do it 'generates keys' do account = Account.create!(domain: nil, username: Faker::Internet.user_name(nil, ['_'])) expect(account.keypair.private?).to eq true end end context 'when is remote' do it 'does not generate keys' do key = account = Account.create!(domain: 'remote', username: Faker::Internet.user_name(nil, ['_']), public_key: key.to_pem) expect(account.keypair.params).to eq key.params end it 'normalizes domain' do account = Account.create!(domain: 'にゃん', username: Faker::Internet.user_name(nil, ['_'])) expect(account.domain).to eq 'xn--r9j5b5b' end end include_examples 'AccountAvatar', :account end