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2022-07-23 14:51:13 +00:00
defmodule MfmParser do
alias MfmParser.Parser
alias MfmParser.Node
2022-07-23 14:51:13 +00:00
@moduledoc """
2022-07-23 17:15:08 +00:00
`MfmParser` is a parser for [Misskey Flavoured Markdown](
It can parse MFM and return a tree. It can also turn a tree into HTML.
It only works for the MFM specific tags of the form $[name.opts content].
2022-07-23 14:51:13 +00:00
2022-07-23 17:15:08 +00:00
Other parts of MFM (html, Markdown and [KaTeX]( are out of scope here.
2022-07-23 14:51:13 +00:00
## Examples
2022-07-23 17:15:08 +00:00
iex> MfmParser.Parser.parse("$[twitch.speed=5s 🍮]")
children: [%MfmParser.Node.Text{props: %{text: "🍮"}}],
props: %{speed: "5s"}
iex> MfmParser.Parser.parse("$[twitch.speed=5s 🍮]") |> MfmParser.to_html()
"<span style=\\"display: inline-block; animation: 5s ease 0s infinite normal none running mfm-twitch;\\">🍮</span><style>@keyframes mfm-twitch { 0% { transform:translate(7px,-2px) } 5% { transform:translate(-3px,1px) } 10% { transform:translate(-7px,-1px) } 15% { transform:translateY(-1px) } 20% { transform:translate(-8px,6px) } 25% { transform:translate(-4px,-3px) } 30% { transform:translate(-4px,-6px) } 35% { transform:translate(-8px,-8px) } 40% { transform:translate(4px,6px) } 45% { transform:translate(-3px,1px) } 50% { transform:translate(2px,-10px) } 55% { transform:translate(-7px) } 60% { transform:translate(-2px,4px) } 65% { transform:translate(3px,-8px) } 70% { transform:translate(6px,7px) } 75% { transform:translate(-7px,-2px) } 80% { transform:translate(-7px,-8px) } 85% { transform:translate(9px,3px) } 90% { transform:translate(-3px,-2px) } 95% { transform:translate(-10px,2px) } to { transform:translate(-2px,-6px) }}</style>"
2022-07-23 14:51:13 +00:00
def to_html(tree) when is_list(tree) do
{html, styles} = to_html_styles(tree)
html |> append_styles_when_not_empty(styles)
def to_html(input) when is_binary(input) do
Parser.parse(input) |> to_html()
def to_html_styles(tree, _style \\ []) do
|> Enum.reduce({"", []}, fn node, {html, styles} ->
case node do
%Node.Text{} ->
{html <> node.props.text, styles}
%Node.Newline{} ->
{html <> node.props.text, styles}
%Node.MFM.Flip{} ->
{html_child, styles_child} = to_html_styles(node.children)
case node.props do
%{v: true, h: true} ->
{html <>
"<span style=\"display: inline-block; transform: scale(-1);\">#{html_child}</span>",
%{v: true} ->
{html <>
"<span style=\"display: inline-block; transform: scaleY(-1);\">#{html_child}</span>",
_ ->
{html <>
"<span style=\"display: inline-block; transform: scaleX(-1);\">#{html_child}</span>",
styles ++ styles_child}
%Node.MFM.Font{} ->
{html_child, styles_child} = to_html_styles(node.children)
{html <>
"<span style=\"display: inline-block; font-family: #{node.props.font};\">#{html_child}</span>",
styles ++ styles_child}
%Node.MFM.X{} ->
{html_child, styles_child} = to_html_styles(node.children)
{html <>
"<span font-size: \"#{node.props.size}\">#{html_child}</span>",
styles ++ styles_child}
%Node.MFM.Blur{} ->
{html_child, styles_child} = to_html_styles(node.children)
{html <> "<span class=\"_mfm_blur_\">#{html_child}</span>",
styles ++
"._mfm_blur_ { filter: blur(6px); transition: filter .3s; } ._mfm_blur_:hover { filter: blur(0px); }"
] ++ styles_child}
%Node.MFM.Jelly{} ->
{html_child, styles_child} = to_html_styles(node.children)
{html <>
"<span style=\"display: inline-block; animation: #{node.props.speed} linear 0s infinite normal both running mfm-rubberBand;\">#{html_child}</span>",
styles ++
"@keyframes mfm-rubberBand { 0% { transform:scaleZ(1) } 30% { transform:scale3d(1.25,.75,1) } 40% { transform:scale3d(.75,1.25,1) } 50% { transform:scale3d(1.15,.85,1) } 65% { transform:scale3d(.95,1.05,1) } 75% { transform:scale3d(1.05,.95,1) } to { transform:scaleZ(1) }}"
] ++ styles_child}
%Node.MFM.Tada{} ->
{html_child, styles_child} = to_html_styles(node.children)
{html <>
"<span style=\"display: inline-block; font-size: 150%; animation: #{node.props.speed} linear 0s infinite normal both running tada;\">#{html_child}</span>",
styles ++
"@keyframes tada { 0% { transform: scaleZ(1); } 10%, 20% { transform: scale3d(.9,.9,.9) rotate3d(0,0,1,-3deg); } 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% { transform: scale3d(1.1,1.1,1.1) rotate3d(0,0,1,3deg); } 40%, 60%, 80% { transform: scale3d(1.1,1.1,1.1) rotate3d(0,0,1,-3deg); } 100% { transform: scaleZ(1); }}"
] ++ styles_child}
%Node.MFM.Jump{} ->
{html_child, styles_child} = to_html_styles(node.children)
{html <>
"<span style=\"display: inline-block; animation: #{node.props.speed} linear 0s infinite normal none running mfm-jump;\">#{html_child}</span>",
styles ++
"@keyframes mfm-jump { 0% { transform:translateY(0) } 25% { transform:translateY(-16px) } 50% { transform:translateY(0) } 75% { transform:translateY(-8px) } to { transform:translateY(0) }}"
] ++ styles_child}
%Node.MFM.Bounce{} ->
{html_child, styles_child} = to_html_styles(node.children)
{html <>
"<span style=\"display: inline-block; animation: #{node.props.speed} linear 0s infinite normal none running mfm-bounce; transform-origin: center bottom 0px;\">#{html_child}</span>",
styles ++
"@keyframes mfm-bounce { 0% { transform:translateY(0) scale(1) } 25% { transform:translateY(-16px) scale(1) } 50% { transform:translateY(0) scale(1) } 75% { transform:translateY(0) scale(1.5,.75) } to { transform:translateY(0) scale(1) }}"
] ++ styles_child}
%Node.MFM.Spin{} ->
{html_child, styles_child} = to_html_styles(node.children)
stylemap = %{
"mfm-spin" =>
"@keyframes mfm-spin { 0% { transform:rotate(0) } to { transform:rotate(360deg) }}",
"mfm-spinX" =>
"@keyframes mfm-spinX { 0% { transform:perspective(128px) rotateX(0) } to { transform:perspective(128px) rotateX(360deg) }}",
"mfm-spinY" =>
"@keyframes mfm-spinY { 0% { transform:perspective(128px) rotateY(0) } to { transform:perspective(128px) rotateY(360deg) }}"
{html <>
"<span style=\"display: inline-block; animation: #{node.props.speed} linear 0s infinite #{node.props.direction} none running #{node.props.keyframes_name};\">#{html_child}</span>",
styles ++ [Map.get(stylemap, node.props.keyframes_name, "")] ++ styles_child}
%Node.MFM.Shake{} ->
{html_child, styles_child} = to_html_styles(node.children)
{html <>
"<span style=\"display: inline-block; animation: #{node.props.speed} ease 0s infinite normal none running mfm-shake;\">#{html_child}</span>",
styles ++
"@keyframes mfm-shake { 0% { transform:translate(-3px,-1px) rotate(-8deg) } 5% { transform:translateY(-1px) rotate(-10deg) } 10% { transform:translate(1px,-3px) rotate(0) } 15% { transform:translate(1px,1px) rotate(11deg) } 20% { transform:translate(-2px,1px) rotate(1deg) } 25% { transform:translate(-1px,-2px) rotate(-2deg) } 30% { transform:translate(-1px,2px) rotate(-3deg) } 35% { transform:translate(2px,1px) rotate(6deg) } 40% { transform:translate(-2px,-3px) rotate(-9deg) } 45% { transform:translateY(-1px) rotate(-12deg) } 50% { transform:translate(1px,2px) rotate(10deg) } 55% { transform:translateY(-3px) rotate(8deg) } 60% { transform:translate(1px,-1px) rotate(8deg) } 65% { transform:translateY(-1px) rotate(-7deg) } 70% { transform:translate(-1px,-3px) rotate(6deg) } 75% { transform:translateY(-2px) rotate(4deg) } 80% { transform:translate(-2px,-1px) rotate(3deg) } 85% { transform:translate(1px,-3px) rotate(-10deg) } 90% { transform:translate(1px) rotate(3deg) } 95% { transform:translate(-2px) rotate(-3deg) } to { transform:translate(2px,1px) rotate(2deg) }}"
] ++ styles_child}
%Node.MFM.Twitch{} ->
{html_child, styles_child} = to_html_styles(node.children)
{html <>
"<span style=\"display: inline-block; animation: #{node.props.speed} ease 0s infinite normal none running mfm-twitch;\">#{html_child}</span>",
styles ++
"@keyframes mfm-twitch { 0% { transform:translate(7px,-2px) } 5% { transform:translate(-3px,1px) } 10% { transform:translate(-7px,-1px) } 15% { transform:translateY(-1px) } 20% { transform:translate(-8px,6px) } 25% { transform:translate(-4px,-3px) } 30% { transform:translate(-4px,-6px) } 35% { transform:translate(-8px,-8px) } 40% { transform:translate(4px,6px) } 45% { transform:translate(-3px,1px) } 50% { transform:translate(2px,-10px) } 55% { transform:translate(-7px) } 60% { transform:translate(-2px,4px) } 65% { transform:translate(3px,-8px) } 70% { transform:translate(6px,7px) } 75% { transform:translate(-7px,-2px) } 80% { transform:translate(-7px,-8px) } 85% { transform:translate(9px,3px) } 90% { transform:translate(-3px,-2px) } 95% { transform:translate(-10px,2px) } to { transform:translate(-2px,-6px) }}"
] ++ styles_child}
%Node.MFM.Rainbow{} ->
{html_child, styles_child} = to_html_styles(node.children)
{html <>
"<span style=\"display: inline-block; animation: #{node.props.speed} linear 0s infinite normal none running mfm-rainbow;\">#{html_child}</span>",
styles ++
"@keyframes mfm-rainbow { 0% { filter:hue-rotate(0deg) contrast(150%) saturate(150%) } to { filter:hue-rotate(360deg) contrast(150%) saturate(150%) }}"
] ++ styles_child}
%Node.MFM.Sparkle{} ->
# TODO: This is not how Misskey does it and should be changed to make it work like Misskey.
{html_child, styles_child} = to_html_styles(node.children)
{html <>
"<span style=\"display: inline-block; animation: 1s linear 0s infinite normal none running mfm-sparkle;\">#{html_child}</span>",
styles ++
"@keyframes mfm-sparkle { 0% { filter: brightness(100%) } to { filter: brightness(300%) }}"
] ++ styles_child}
%Node.MFM.Rotate{} ->
{html_child, styles_child} = to_html_styles(node.children)
{html <>
"<span style=\"display: inline-block; transform: rotate(90deg); transform-origin: center center 0px;\">#{html_child}</span>",
styles ++ styles_child}
%Node.MFM.Undefined{} ->
{html_child, styles_child} = to_html_styles(node.children)
{html <>
"<span>#{html_child}</span>", styles ++ styles_child}
_ ->
{html, styles}
defp append_styles_when_not_empty(html, []) do
defp append_styles_when_not_empty(html, styles) do
styles = styles |> Enum.uniq() |> Enum.reduce("", fn style, acc -> style <> acc end)
html <> "<style>" <> styles <> "</style>"
2022-07-23 14:51:13 +00:00