* <https://ilja.space/notice/ALpd6nux5hT2nsfetM>
* Previous commit: `|> fill_props(token) after the cond` in the parser
* Previous commit: Don't use intention-specific data in the tokens (e.g. left is reverse, x is mfm-spinX)
* <https://ilja.space/notice/ALpcK6W59UjkIUofU8>
* This commit: Use less files
* Previous commit: Change nested if-statement in mfm.ex to `cond do`
I also added some more and better info to the README.md and moduledocs.
* <https://ilja.space/notice/ALpd6nux5hT2nsfetM>
* Previous commit: `|> fill_props(token) after the cond` in the parser
* This commit: Don't use intention-specific data in the tokens (e.g. left is reverse, x is mfm-spinX)
* <https://ilja.space/notice/ALpcK6W59UjkIUofU8>
* TODO: Use less files
* Previous commit: Change nested if-statement in mfm.ex to `cond do`
When a text token was running, it wouldn't stop on a $-sign if it wasn't followed with a "[".
This is good.
But when a token was finished and the next char was a $-sign, it would consider it an MFMOpen, even when not followed by a "[".
This is now fixed.
The following cases are now tested and fixed so they don't crash:
* Providing a "]" without there being a mfm token opened.
* Opening a tag without closing. E.g. "$[spin " and "$[spin chocolatine".
* Starting a tag without finishing it. E.g. "$[sp".