defmodule MfmParser.LexerTest do use ExUnit.Case alias MfmParser.Lexer alias MfmParser.Token.MFM alias MfmParser.Token.Newline alias MfmParser.Token.Text describe "eof" do test "peek/1 handles eof" do assert Lexer.peek("") == :eof end test "next/1 handles eof" do assert"") == :eof end end describe "mfm $[ token" do test "it ends with a space" do assert Lexer.peek("$[ola puerca]") == %MFM.Open{content: "$[ola "} assert"$[ola puerca]") == {%MFM.Open{content: "$[ola "}, "puerca]"} assert"$[ola.x,speed=5s puerca]") == {%MFM.Open{content: "$[ola.x,speed=5s "}, "puerca]"} end test "it doesn't crash if the token can't be completed" do Lexer.peek("$[ola")"$[ola") end end describe "] token" do test "it handles ] as a token" do assert Lexer.peek("]ve anime") == %MFM.Close{content: "]"} assert"]ve anime") == {%MFM.Close{content: "]"}, "ve anime"} end test "it works at the eof" do assert Lexer.peek("]") == %MFM.Close{content: "]"} assert"]") == {%MFM.Close{content: "]"}, ""} end end describe "text token" do test "it ends when a mfm token opens while a $ alone doesn't end the text token" do assert Lexer.peek("Tu abuela ve anime y no se lava el $[spin culo]") == %Text{content: "Tu abuela ve anime y no se lava el "} assert"Tu abuela ve anime y no se lava el $[spin culo]") == {%Text{content: "Tu abuela ve anime y no se lava el "}, "$[spin culo]"} assert Lexer.peek("A $2 chocolatine") == %Text{content: "A $2 chocolatine"} assert"A $2 chocolatine") == {%Text{content: "A $2 chocolatine"}, ""} assert Lexer.peek("Eyes like $$") == %Text{content: "Eyes like $$"} assert"Eyes like $$") == {%Text{content: "Eyes like $$"}, ""} end test "it ends when a mfm token closes" do assert Lexer.peek("el culo]") == %Text{content: "el culo"} assert"el culo]") == {%Text{content: "el culo"}, "]"} end test "it ends when the eof is reached" do assert Lexer.peek("Tu abuela ve anime y no se lava el culo") == %Text{ content: "Tu abuela ve anime y no se lava el culo" } assert"Tu abuela ve anime y no se lava el culo") == {%Text{content: "Tu abuela ve anime y no se lava el culo"}, ""} end end describe "newline token" do test "it handles \n as a token" do assert Lexer.peek("\nchocolat") == %Newline{content: "\n"} assert"\nchocolat") == {%Newline{content: "\n"}, "chocolat"} end test "it works at the eof" do assert Lexer.peek("\n") == %Newline{content: "\n"} assert"\n") == {%Newline{content: "\n"}, ""} end end end