backend mfm parser modified from ilja's implementation
* <> * Previous commit: `|> fill_props(token) after the cond` in the parser * This commit: Don't use intention-specific data in the tokens (e.g. left is reverse, x is mfm-spinX) * <> * TODO: Use less files * Previous commit: Change nested if-statement in mfm.ex to `cond do` |
lib | ||
test | ||
.formatter.exs | ||
.gitignore | ||
mix.exs | || |
A simple parser for Misskey Flavoured Markdown.
It only parses the MFM specific syntax of the form $[name.params content] and newlines. That means that it doesn't parse links, usernames, HTML, Markdown or Katex.
The Parser returns a tree, which looks like
props: %{
text: "it's not chocolatine, it's "
props: %{
speed: "0.2s"
children: [
props: %{
text: "pain au chocolat"
You can also convert the tree into HTML.
iex> MfmParser.Parser.parse("$[twitch.speed=5s 🍮]")
children: [%MfmParser.Node.Text{props: %{text: "🍮"}}],
props: %{speed: "5s"}
iex> MfmParser.Parser.parse("$[twitch.speed=5s 🍮]") |> MfmParser.to_html()
"<span style=\\"display: inline-block; animation: 5s ease 0s infinite normal none running mfm-twitch;\\">🍮</span><style>@keyframes mfm-twitch { 0% { transform:translate(7px,-2px) } 5% { transform:translate(-3px,1px) } 10% { transform:translate(-7px,-1px) } 15% { transform:translateY(-1px) } 20% { transform:translate(-8px,6px) } 25% { transform:translate(-4px,-3px) } 30% { transform:translate(-4px,-6px) } 35% { transform:translate(-8px,-8px) } 40% { transform:translate(4px,6px) } 45% { transform:translate(-3px,1px) } 50% { transform:translate(2px,-10px) } 55% { transform:translate(-7px) } 60% { transform:translate(-2px,4px) } 65% { transform:translate(3px,-8px) } 70% { transform:translate(6px,7px) } 75% { transform:translate(-7px,-2px) } 80% { transform:translate(-7px,-8px) } 85% { transform:translate(9px,3px) } 90% { transform:translate(-3px,-2px) } 95% { transform:translate(-10px,2px) } to { transform:translate(-2px,-6px) }}</style>"