Move RDF.Dataset.reduce into Enumerable implementation

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Marcel Otto 2017-06-17 00:04:21 +02:00
parent 5f207a82ee
commit da24657a07

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@ -486,6 +486,26 @@ defmodule RDF.Dataset do
@doc """
Pops an arbitrary statement from a `RDF.Dataset`.
def pop(dataset)
def pop(%RDF.Dataset{graphs: graphs} = dataset)
when graphs == %{}, do: {nil, dataset}
def pop(%RDF.Dataset{name: name, graphs: graphs}) do
# TODO: Find a faster way ...
[{graph_name, graph}] = Enum.take(graphs, 1)
{{s, p, o}, popped_graph} = Graph.pop(graph)
popped = if Enum.empty?(popped_graph),
do: graphs |> Map.delete(graph_name),
else: graphs |> Map.put(graph_name, popped_graph)
{{s, p, o, graph_name}, %RDF.Dataset{name: name, graphs: popped}}
@doc """
Pops the graph with the given name.
@ -663,7 +683,9 @@ defmodule RDF.Dataset do
do: include?(dataset, {subject, predicate, object}, graph_context)
# TODO: Can/should we isolate and move the Enumerable specific part to the Enumerable implementation?
defimpl Enumerable do
def member?(graph, statement), do: {:ok, RDF.Dataset.include?(graph, statement)}
def count(graph), do: {:ok, RDF.Dataset.statement_count(graph)}
def reduce(%RDF.Dataset{graphs: graphs}, {:cont, acc}, _fun)
when map_size(graphs) == 0, do: {:done, acc}
@ -677,26 +699,5 @@ defmodule RDF.Dataset do
def reduce(dataset = %RDF.Dataset{}, {:suspend, acc}, fun) do
{:suspended, acc, &reduce(dataset, &1, fun)}
def pop(%RDF.Dataset{graphs: graphs} = dataset)
when graphs == %{}, do: {nil, dataset}
def pop(%RDF.Dataset{name: name, graphs: graphs}) do
# # TODO: Find a faster way ...
[{graph_name, graph}] = Enum.take(graphs, 1)
{{s, p, o}, popped_graph} = Graph.pop(graph)
popped = if Enum.empty?(popped_graph),
do: graphs |> Map.delete(graph_name),
else: graphs |> Map.put(graph_name, popped_graph)
{{s, p, o, graph_name}, %RDF.Dataset{name: name, graphs: popped}}
defimpl Enumerable, for: RDF.Dataset do
def reduce(graph, acc, fun), do: RDF.Dataset.reduce(graph, acc, fun)
def member?(graph, statement), do: {:ok, RDF.Dataset.include?(graph, statement)}
def count(graph), do: {:ok, RDF.Dataset.statement_count(graph)}