Remove generated Erlang lexer and parser from version control

This commit is contained in:
Marcel Otto 2017-07-01 02:12:41 +02:00
parent 53ebe62676
commit eac9446c70
4 changed files with 3 additions and 2020 deletions

.gitignore vendored
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@ -15,3 +15,6 @@ erl_crash.dump
# Also ignore archive artifacts (built via "mix"). # Also ignore archive artifacts (built via "mix").
*.ez *.ez

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@ -1,632 +0,0 @@
-export([parse/1, parse_and_scan/1, format_error/1]).
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 40).
to_uri(IRIREF) ->
case 'Elixir.RDF.Serialization.ParseHelper':to_uri(IRIREF) of
{ok, URI} -> URI;
{error, ErrorLine, Message} -> return_error(ErrorLine, Message)
to_bnode(BLANK_NODE_LABEL) -> 'Elixir.RDF.Serialization.ParseHelper':to_bnode(BLANK_NODE_LABEL).
to_literal(STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE) -> 'Elixir.RDF.Serialization.ParseHelper':to_literal(STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE).
to_literal(STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE, Type) -> 'Elixir.RDF.Serialization.ParseHelper':to_literal(STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE, Type).
to_langtag(LANGTAG) -> 'Elixir.RDF.Serialization.ParseHelper':to_langtag(LANGTAG).
-file("/usr/local/Cellar/erlang/19.2/lib/erlang/lib/parsetools-2.1.4/include/yeccpre.hrl", 0).
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
% The parser generator will insert appropriate declarations before this line.%
-type yecc_ret() :: {'error', _} | {'ok', _}.
-spec parse(Tokens :: list()) -> yecc_ret().
parse(Tokens) ->
yeccpars0(Tokens, {no_func, no_line}, 0, [], []).
-spec parse_and_scan({function() | {atom(), atom()}, [_]}
| {atom(), atom(), [_]}) -> yecc_ret().
parse_and_scan({F, A}) ->
yeccpars0([], {{F, A}, no_line}, 0, [], []);
parse_and_scan({M, F, A}) ->
Arity = length(A),
yeccpars0([], {{fun M:F/Arity, A}, no_line}, 0, [], []).
-spec format_error(any()) -> [char() | list()].
format_error(Message) ->
case io_lib:deep_char_list(Message) of
true ->
_ ->
%% To be used in grammar files to throw an error message to the parser
%% toplevel. Doesn't have to be exported!
-compile({nowarn_unused_function, return_error/2}).
-spec return_error(integer(), any()) -> no_return().
return_error(Line, Message) ->
throw({error, {Line, ?MODULE, Message}}).
-define(CODE_VERSION, "1.4").
yeccpars0(Tokens, Tzr, State, States, Vstack) ->
try yeccpars1(Tokens, Tzr, State, States, Vstack)
error: Error ->
Stacktrace = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
try yecc_error_type(Error, Stacktrace) of
Desc ->
erlang:raise(error, {yecc_bug, ?CODE_VERSION, Desc},
catch _:_ -> erlang:raise(error, Error, Stacktrace)
%% Probably thrown from return_error/2:
throw: {error, {_Line, ?MODULE, _M}} = Error ->
yecc_error_type(function_clause, [{?MODULE,F,ArityOrArgs,_} | _]) ->
case atom_to_list(F) of
"yeccgoto_" ++ SymbolL ->
{ok,[{atom,_,Symbol}],_} = erl_scan:string(SymbolL),
State = case ArityOrArgs of
[S,_,_,_,_,_,_] -> S;
_ -> state_is_unknown
{Symbol, State, missing_in_goto_table}
yeccpars1([Token | Tokens], Tzr, State, States, Vstack) ->
yeccpars2(State, element(1, Token), States, Vstack, Token, Tokens, Tzr);
yeccpars1([], {{F, A},_Line}, State, States, Vstack) ->
case apply(F, A) of
{ok, Tokens, Endline} ->
yeccpars1(Tokens, {{F, A}, Endline}, State, States, Vstack);
{eof, Endline} ->
yeccpars1([], {no_func, Endline}, State, States, Vstack);
{error, Descriptor, _Endline} ->
{error, Descriptor}
yeccpars1([], {no_func, no_line}, State, States, Vstack) ->
Line = 999999,
yeccpars2(State, '$end', States, Vstack, yecc_end(Line), [],
{no_func, Line});
yeccpars1([], {no_func, Endline}, State, States, Vstack) ->
yeccpars2(State, '$end', States, Vstack, yecc_end(Endline), [],
{no_func, Endline}).
%% yeccpars1/7 is called from generated code.
%% When using the {includefile, Includefile} option, make sure that
%% yeccpars1/7 can be found by parsing the file without following
%% include directives. yecc will otherwise assume that an old
%% yeccpre.hrl is included (one which defines yeccpars1/5).
yeccpars1(State1, State, States, Vstack, Token0, [Token | Tokens], Tzr) ->
yeccpars2(State, element(1, Token), [State1 | States],
[Token0 | Vstack], Token, Tokens, Tzr);
yeccpars1(State1, State, States, Vstack, Token0, [], {{_F,_A}, _Line}=Tzr) ->
yeccpars1([], Tzr, State, [State1 | States], [Token0 | Vstack]);
yeccpars1(State1, State, States, Vstack, Token0, [], {no_func, no_line}) ->
Line = yecctoken_end_location(Token0),
yeccpars2(State, '$end', [State1 | States], [Token0 | Vstack],
yecc_end(Line), [], {no_func, Line});
yeccpars1(State1, State, States, Vstack, Token0, [], {no_func, Line}) ->
yeccpars2(State, '$end', [State1 | States], [Token0 | Vstack],
yecc_end(Line), [], {no_func, Line}).
%% For internal use only.
yecc_end({Line,_Column}) ->
{'$end', Line};
yecc_end(Line) ->
{'$end', Line}.
yecctoken_end_location(Token) ->
try erl_anno:end_location(element(2, Token)) of
undefined -> yecctoken_location(Token);
Loc -> Loc
catch _:_ -> yecctoken_location(Token)
-compile({nowarn_unused_function, yeccerror/1}).
yeccerror(Token) ->
Text = yecctoken_to_string(Token),
Location = yecctoken_location(Token),
{error, {Location, ?MODULE, ["syntax error before: ", Text]}}.
-compile({nowarn_unused_function, yecctoken_to_string/1}).
yecctoken_to_string(Token) ->
try erl_scan:text(Token) of
undefined -> yecctoken2string(Token);
Txt -> Txt
catch _:_ -> yecctoken2string(Token)
yecctoken_location(Token) ->
try erl_scan:location(Token)
catch _:_ -> element(2, Token)
-compile({nowarn_unused_function, yecctoken2string/1}).
yecctoken2string({atom, _, A}) -> io_lib:write(A);
yecctoken2string({integer,_,N}) -> io_lib:write(N);
yecctoken2string({float,_,F}) -> io_lib:write(F);
yecctoken2string({char,_,C}) -> io_lib:write_char(C);
yecctoken2string({var,_,V}) -> io_lib:format("~s", [V]);
yecctoken2string({string,_,S}) -> io_lib:write_string(S);
yecctoken2string({reserved_symbol, _, A}) -> io_lib:write(A);
yecctoken2string({_Cat, _, Val}) -> io_lib:format("~p",[Val]);
yecctoken2string({dot, _}) -> "'.'";
yecctoken2string({'$end', _}) ->
yecctoken2string({Other, _}) when is_atom(Other) ->
yecctoken2string(Other) ->
-file("src/nquads_parser.erl", 189).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccpars2/7}).
yeccpars2(0=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_0(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(1=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_1(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(2=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_2(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(3=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_3(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(4=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_4(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(5=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_5(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(6=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_6(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(7=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_7(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(8=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_8(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(9=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_9(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(10=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_10(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(11=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_11(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(12=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_12(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(13=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_13(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(14=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_14(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(15=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_15(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(16=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_16(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(17=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_17(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(18=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_18(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(19=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_19(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(20=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_20(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(21=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_21(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(22=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_22(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(23=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_23(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(24=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_24(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(25=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_25(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(26=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_26(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(27=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_27(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(Other, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
erlang:error({yecc_bug,"1.4",{missing_state_in_action_table, Other}}).
yeccpars2_0(S, blank_node_label, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 6, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_0(S, eol, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 7, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_0(S, iriref, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 8, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_0(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_0_(Stack),
yeccpars2_3(3, Cat, [0 | Ss], NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccpars2_1/7}).
yeccpars2_1(S, iriref, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 14, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_1(_, _, _, _, T, _, _) ->
yeccpars2_2(S, eol, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 7, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_2(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_2_(Stack),
yeccgoto_nonEmptyNquadsDoc(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccpars2_3/7}).
yeccpars2_3(_S, '$end', _Ss, Stack, _T, _Ts, _Tzr) ->
{ok, hd(Stack)};
yeccpars2_3(_, _, _, _, T, _, _) ->
yeccpars2_4(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_4_(Stack),
yeccgoto_nquadsDoc(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_5(S, blank_node_label, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 6, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_5(S, eol, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 10, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_5(S, iriref, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 8, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_5(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_5_(Stack),
yeccgoto_nquadsDoc(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_6(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_6_(Stack),
yeccgoto_subject(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_7(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_7_(Stack),
yeccgoto_eols(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_8(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_8_(Stack),
yeccgoto_subject(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_9(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
[_|Nss] = Ss,
NewStack = yeccpars2_9_(Stack),
yeccgoto_nquadsDoc(hd(Nss), Cat, Nss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_10(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
[_|Nss] = Ss,
NewStack = yeccpars2_10_(Stack),
yeccgoto_eols(hd(Nss), Cat, Nss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_11(S, blank_node_label, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 6, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_11(S, eol, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 10, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_11(S, iriref, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 8, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_11(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
[_|Nss] = Ss,
NewStack = yeccpars2_11_(Stack),
yeccgoto_nonEmptyNquadsDoc(hd(Nss), Cat, Nss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_12(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
[_,_|Nss] = Ss,
NewStack = yeccpars2_12_(Stack),
yeccgoto_nonEmptyNquadsDoc(hd(Nss), Cat, Nss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccpars2_13/7}).
yeccpars2_13(S, blank_node_label, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 17, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_13(S, iriref, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 18, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_13(S, string_literal_quote, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 19, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_13(_, _, _, _, T, _, _) ->
yeccpars2_14(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_14_(Stack),
yeccgoto_predicate(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccpars2_15/7}).
yeccpars2_15(S, '.', Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 24, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_15(S, blank_node_label, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 25, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_15(S, iriref, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 26, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_15(_, _, _, _, T, _, _) ->
yeccpars2_16(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccgoto_object(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_17(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_17_(Stack),
yeccgoto_object(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_18(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_18_(Stack),
yeccgoto_object(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_19(S, '^^', Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 20, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_19(S, langtag, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 21, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_19(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_19_(Stack),
yeccgoto_literal(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccpars2_20/7}).
yeccpars2_20(S, iriref, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 22, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_20(_, _, _, _, T, _, _) ->
yeccpars2_21(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
[_|Nss] = Ss,
NewStack = yeccpars2_21_(Stack),
yeccgoto_literal(hd(Nss), Cat, Nss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_22(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
[_,_|Nss] = Ss,
NewStack = yeccpars2_22_(Stack),
yeccgoto_literal(hd(Nss), Cat, Nss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccpars2_23/7}).
yeccpars2_23(S, '.', Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 27, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_23(_, _, _, _, T, _, _) ->
yeccpars2_24(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
[_,_,_|Nss] = Ss,
NewStack = yeccpars2_24_(Stack),
yeccgoto_statement(hd(Nss), Cat, Nss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_25(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_25_(Stack),
yeccgoto_graphLabel(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_26(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_26_(Stack),
yeccgoto_graphLabel(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_27(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
[_,_,_,_|Nss] = Ss,
NewStack = yeccpars2_27_(Stack),
yeccgoto_statement(hd(Nss), Cat, Nss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccgoto_eols/7}).
yeccgoto_eols(0, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_5(5, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccgoto_eols(2, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_11(11, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccgoto_graphLabel/7}).
yeccgoto_graphLabel(15, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_23(23, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccgoto_literal/7}).
yeccgoto_literal(13=_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_16(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccgoto_nonEmptyNquadsDoc/7}).
yeccgoto_nonEmptyNquadsDoc(0=_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_4(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccgoto_nonEmptyNquadsDoc(5=_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_9(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccgoto_nonEmptyNquadsDoc(11=_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_12(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccgoto_nquadsDoc/7}).
yeccgoto_nquadsDoc(0, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_3(3, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccgoto_object/7}).
yeccgoto_object(13, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_15(15, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccgoto_predicate/7}).
yeccgoto_predicate(1, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_13(13, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccgoto_statement/7}).
yeccgoto_statement(0, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_2(2, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccgoto_statement(5, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_2(2, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccgoto_statement(11, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_2(2, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccgoto_subject/7}).
yeccgoto_subject(0, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_1(1, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccgoto_subject(5, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_1(1, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccgoto_subject(11, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_1(1, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 9).
yeccpars2_0_(__Stack0) ->
[ ]
end | __Stack0].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 17).
yeccpars2_2_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
[ __1 ]
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 6).
yeccpars2_4_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
[ __1 ]
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 8).
yeccpars2_5_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
[ ]
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 23).
yeccpars2_6_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_bnode ( __1 )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 0).
yeccpars2_7_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 22).
yeccpars2_8_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_uri ( __1 )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 7).
yeccpars2_9_(__Stack0) ->
[__2,__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
[ __2 ]
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 0).
yeccpars2_10_(__Stack0) ->
[__2,__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 16).
yeccpars2_11_(__Stack0) ->
[__2,__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
[ __1 ]
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 15).
yeccpars2_12_(__Stack0) ->
[__3,__2,__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
[ __1 | __3 ]
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 24).
yeccpars2_14_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_uri ( __1 )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 26).
yeccpars2_17_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_bnode ( __1 )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 25).
yeccpars2_18_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_uri ( __1 )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 33).
yeccpars2_19_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_literal ( __1 )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 32).
yeccpars2_21_(__Stack0) ->
[__2,__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_literal ( __1 , { language , to_langtag ( __2 ) } )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 31).
yeccpars2_22_(__Stack0) ->
[__3,__2,__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_literal ( __1 , { datatype , to_uri ( __3 ) } )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 20).
yeccpars2_24_(__Stack0) ->
[__4,__3,__2,__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
{ __1 , __2 , __3 }
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 29).
yeccpars2_25_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_bnode ( __1 )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 28).
yeccpars2_26_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_uri ( __1 )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 19).
yeccpars2_27_(__Stack0) ->
[__5,__4,__3,__2,__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
{ __1 , __2 , __3 , __4 }
end | __Stack].
-file("src/nquads_parser.yrl", 51).

View file

@ -1,815 +0,0 @@
-file("/usr/local/Cellar/erlang/19.2/lib/erlang/lib/parsetools-2.1.4/include/leexinc.hrl", 0).
%% The source of this file is part of leex distribution, as such it
%% has the same Copyright as the other files in the leex
%% distribution. The Copyright is defined in the accompanying file
%% COPYRIGHT. However, the resultant scanner generated by leex is the
%% property of the creator of the scanner and is not covered by that
%% Copyright.
%% User code. This is placed here to allow extra attributes.
-file("src/ntriples_lexer.xrl", 31).
quoted_content_str(TokenChars) -> 'Elixir.RDF.Serialization.ParseHelper':quoted_content_str(TokenChars).
bnode_str(TokenChars) -> 'Elixir.RDF.Serialization.ParseHelper':bnode_str(TokenChars).
langtag_str(TokenChars) -> 'Elixir.RDF.Serialization.ParseHelper':langtag_str(TokenChars).
-file("/usr/local/Cellar/erlang/19.2/lib/erlang/lib/parsetools-2.1.4/include/leexinc.hrl", 14).
format_error({illegal,S}) -> ["illegal characters ",io_lib:write_string(S)];
format_error({user,S}) -> S.
string(String) -> string(String, 1).
string(String, Line) -> string(String, Line, String, []).
%% string(InChars, Line, TokenChars, Tokens) ->
%% {ok,Tokens,Line} | {error,ErrorInfo,Line}.
%% Note the line number going into yystate, L0, is line of token
%% start while line number returned is line of token end. We want line
%% of token start.
string([], L, [], Ts) -> % No partial tokens!
string(Ics0, L0, Tcs, Ts) ->
case yystate(yystate(), Ics0, L0, 0, reject, 0) of
{A,Alen,Ics1,L1} -> % Accepting end state
string_cont(Ics1, L1, yyaction(A, Alen, Tcs, L0), Ts);
{A,Alen,Ics1,L1,_S1} -> % Accepting transistion state
string_cont(Ics1, L1, yyaction(A, Alen, Tcs, L0), Ts);
{reject,_Alen,Tlen,_Ics1,L1,_S1} -> % After a non-accepting state
{error,{L0,?MODULE,{illegal,yypre(Tcs, Tlen+1)}},L1};
{A,Alen,Tlen,_Ics1,L1,_S1} ->
Tcs1 = yysuf(Tcs, Alen),
L2 = adjust_line(Tlen, Alen, Tcs1, L1),
string_cont(Tcs1, L2, yyaction(A, Alen, Tcs, L0), Ts)
%% string_cont(RestChars, Line, Token, Tokens)
%% Test for and remove the end token wrapper. Push back characters
%% are prepended to RestChars.
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, string_cont/4}).
string_cont(Rest, Line, {token,T}, Ts) ->
string(Rest, Line, Rest, [T|Ts]);
string_cont(Rest, Line, {token,T,Push}, Ts) ->
NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
string(NewRest, Line, NewRest, [T|Ts]);
string_cont(Rest, Line, {end_token,T}, Ts) ->
string(Rest, Line, Rest, [T|Ts]);
string_cont(Rest, Line, {end_token,T,Push}, Ts) ->
NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
string(NewRest, Line, NewRest, [T|Ts]);
string_cont(Rest, Line, skip_token, Ts) ->
string(Rest, Line, Rest, Ts);
string_cont(Rest, Line, {skip_token,Push}, Ts) ->
NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
string(NewRest, Line, NewRest, Ts);
string_cont(_Rest, Line, {error,S}, _Ts) ->
%% token(Continuation, Chars) ->
%% token(Continuation, Chars, Line) ->
%% {more,Continuation} | {done,ReturnVal,RestChars}.
%% Must be careful when re-entering to append the latest characters to the
%% after characters in an accept. The continuation is:
%% {token,State,CurrLine,TokenChars,TokenLen,TokenLine,AccAction,AccLen}
token(Cont, Chars) -> token(Cont, Chars, 1).
token([], Chars, Line) ->
token(yystate(), Chars, Line, Chars, 0, Line, reject, 0);
token({token,State,Line,Tcs,Tlen,Tline,Action,Alen}, Chars, _) ->
token(State, Chars, Line, Tcs ++ Chars, Tlen, Tline, Action, Alen).
%% token(State, InChars, Line, TokenChars, TokenLen, TokenLine,
%% AcceptAction, AcceptLen) ->
%% {more,Continuation} | {done,ReturnVal,RestChars}.
%% The argument order is chosen to be more efficient.
token(S0, Ics0, L0, Tcs, Tlen0, Tline, A0, Alen0) ->
case yystate(S0, Ics0, L0, Tlen0, A0, Alen0) of
%% Accepting end state, we have a token.
{A1,Alen1,Ics1,L1} ->
token_cont(Ics1, L1, yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline));
%% Accepting transition state, can take more chars.
{A1,Alen1,[],L1,S1} -> % Need more chars to check
{A1,Alen1,Ics1,L1,_S1} -> % Take what we got
token_cont(Ics1, L1, yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline));
%% After a non-accepting state, maybe reach accept state later.
{A1,Alen1,Tlen1,[],L1,S1} -> % Need more chars to check
{reject,_Alen1,Tlen1,eof,L1,_S1} -> % No token match
%% Check for partial token which is error.
Ret = if Tlen1 > 0 -> {error,{Tline,?MODULE,
%% Skip eof tail in Tcs.
{illegal,yypre(Tcs, Tlen1)}},L1};
true -> {eof,L1}
{reject,_Alen1,Tlen1,Ics1,L1,_S1} -> % No token match
Error = {Tline,?MODULE,{illegal,yypre(Tcs, Tlen1+1)}},
{A1,Alen1,Tlen1,_Ics1,L1,_S1} -> % Use last accept match
Tcs1 = yysuf(Tcs, Alen1),
L2 = adjust_line(Tlen1, Alen1, Tcs1, L1),
token_cont(Tcs1, L2, yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline))
%% token_cont(RestChars, Line, Token)
%% If we have a token or error then return done, else if we have a
%% skip_token then continue.
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, token_cont/3}).
token_cont(Rest, Line, {token,T}) ->
token_cont(Rest, Line, {token,T,Push}) ->
NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
token_cont(Rest, Line, {end_token,T}) ->
token_cont(Rest, Line, {end_token,T,Push}) ->
NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
token_cont(Rest, Line, skip_token) ->
token(yystate(), Rest, Line, Rest, 0, Line, reject, 0);
token_cont(Rest, Line, {skip_token,Push}) ->
NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
token(yystate(), NewRest, Line, NewRest, 0, Line, reject, 0);
token_cont(Rest, Line, {error,S}) ->
%% tokens(Continuation, Chars, Line) ->
%% {more,Continuation} | {done,ReturnVal,RestChars}.
%% Must be careful when re-entering to append the latest characters to the
%% after characters in an accept. The continuation is:
%% {tokens,State,CurrLine,TokenChars,TokenLen,TokenLine,Tokens,AccAction,AccLen}
%% {skip_tokens,State,CurrLine,TokenChars,TokenLen,TokenLine,Error,AccAction,AccLen}
tokens(Cont, Chars) -> tokens(Cont, Chars, 1).
tokens([], Chars, Line) ->
tokens(yystate(), Chars, Line, Chars, 0, Line, [], reject, 0);
tokens({tokens,State,Line,Tcs,Tlen,Tline,Ts,Action,Alen}, Chars, _) ->
tokens(State, Chars, Line, Tcs ++ Chars, Tlen, Tline, Ts, Action, Alen);
tokens({skip_tokens,State,Line,Tcs,Tlen,Tline,Error,Action,Alen}, Chars, _) ->
skip_tokens(State, Chars, Line, Tcs ++ Chars, Tlen, Tline, Error, Action, Alen).
%% tokens(State, InChars, Line, TokenChars, TokenLen, TokenLine, Tokens,
%% AcceptAction, AcceptLen) ->
%% {more,Continuation} | {done,ReturnVal,RestChars}.
tokens(S0, Ics0, L0, Tcs, Tlen0, Tline, Ts, A0, Alen0) ->
case yystate(S0, Ics0, L0, Tlen0, A0, Alen0) of
%% Accepting end state, we have a token.
{A1,Alen1,Ics1,L1} ->
tokens_cont(Ics1, L1, yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline), Ts);
%% Accepting transition state, can take more chars.
{A1,Alen1,[],L1,S1} -> % Need more chars to check
{A1,Alen1,Ics1,L1,_S1} -> % Take what we got
tokens_cont(Ics1, L1, yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline), Ts);
%% After a non-accepting state, maybe reach accept state later.
{A1,Alen1,Tlen1,[],L1,S1} -> % Need more chars to check
{reject,_Alen1,Tlen1,eof,L1,_S1} -> % No token match
%% Check for partial token which is error, no need to skip here.
Ret = if Tlen1 > 0 -> {error,{Tline,?MODULE,
%% Skip eof tail in Tcs.
{illegal,yypre(Tcs, Tlen1)}},L1};
Ts == [] -> {eof,L1};
true -> {ok,yyrev(Ts),L1}
{reject,_Alen1,Tlen1,_Ics1,L1,_S1} ->
%% Skip rest of tokens.
Error = {L1,?MODULE,{illegal,yypre(Tcs, Tlen1+1)}},
skip_tokens(yysuf(Tcs, Tlen1+1), L1, Error);
{A1,Alen1,Tlen1,_Ics1,L1,_S1} ->
Token = yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline),
Tcs1 = yysuf(Tcs, Alen1),
L2 = adjust_line(Tlen1, Alen1, Tcs1, L1),
tokens_cont(Tcs1, L2, Token, Ts)
%% tokens_cont(RestChars, Line, Token, Tokens)
%% If we have an end_token or error then return done, else if we have
%% a token then save it and continue, else if we have a skip_token
%% just continue.
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, tokens_cont/4}).
tokens_cont(Rest, Line, {token,T}, Ts) ->
tokens(yystate(), Rest, Line, Rest, 0, Line, [T|Ts], reject, 0);
tokens_cont(Rest, Line, {token,T,Push}, Ts) ->
NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
tokens(yystate(), NewRest, Line, NewRest, 0, Line, [T|Ts], reject, 0);
tokens_cont(Rest, Line, {end_token,T}, Ts) ->
{done,{ok,yyrev(Ts, [T]),Line},Rest};
tokens_cont(Rest, Line, {end_token,T,Push}, Ts) ->
NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
{done,{ok,yyrev(Ts, [T]),Line},NewRest};
tokens_cont(Rest, Line, skip_token, Ts) ->
tokens(yystate(), Rest, Line, Rest, 0, Line, Ts, reject, 0);
tokens_cont(Rest, Line, {skip_token,Push}, Ts) ->
NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
tokens(yystate(), NewRest, Line, NewRest, 0, Line, Ts, reject, 0);
tokens_cont(Rest, Line, {error,S}, _Ts) ->
skip_tokens(Rest, Line, {Line,?MODULE,{user,S}}).
%%skip_tokens(InChars, Line, Error) -> {done,{error,Error,Line},Ics}.
%% Skip tokens until an end token, junk everything and return the error.
skip_tokens(Ics, Line, Error) ->
skip_tokens(yystate(), Ics, Line, Ics, 0, Line, Error, reject, 0).
%% skip_tokens(State, InChars, Line, TokenChars, TokenLen, TokenLine, Tokens,
%% AcceptAction, AcceptLen) ->
%% {more,Continuation} | {done,ReturnVal,RestChars}.
skip_tokens(S0, Ics0, L0, Tcs, Tlen0, Tline, Error, A0, Alen0) ->
case yystate(S0, Ics0, L0, Tlen0, A0, Alen0) of
{A1,Alen1,Ics1,L1} -> % Accepting end state
skip_cont(Ics1, L1, yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline), Error);
{A1,Alen1,[],L1,S1} -> % After an accepting state
{A1,Alen1,Ics1,L1,_S1} ->
skip_cont(Ics1, L1, yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline), Error);
{A1,Alen1,Tlen1,[],L1,S1} -> % After a non-accepting state
{reject,_Alen1,_Tlen1,eof,L1,_S1} ->
{reject,_Alen1,Tlen1,_Ics1,L1,_S1} ->
skip_tokens(yysuf(Tcs, Tlen1+1), L1, Error);
{A1,Alen1,Tlen1,_Ics1,L1,_S1} ->
Token = yyaction(A1, Alen1, Tcs, Tline),
Tcs1 = yysuf(Tcs, Alen1),
L2 = adjust_line(Tlen1, Alen1, Tcs1, L1),
skip_cont(Tcs1, L2, Token, Error)
%% skip_cont(RestChars, Line, Token, Error)
%% Skip tokens until we have an end_token or error then return done
%% with the original rror.
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, skip_cont/4}).
skip_cont(Rest, Line, {token,_T}, Error) ->
skip_tokens(yystate(), Rest, Line, Rest, 0, Line, Error, reject, 0);
skip_cont(Rest, Line, {token,_T,Push}, Error) ->
NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
skip_tokens(yystate(), NewRest, Line, NewRest, 0, Line, Error, reject, 0);
skip_cont(Rest, Line, {end_token,_T}, Error) ->
skip_cont(Rest, Line, {end_token,_T,Push}, Error) ->
NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
skip_cont(Rest, Line, skip_token, Error) ->
skip_tokens(yystate(), Rest, Line, Rest, 0, Line, Error, reject, 0);
skip_cont(Rest, Line, {skip_token,Push}, Error) ->
NewRest = Push ++ Rest,
skip_tokens(yystate(), NewRest, Line, NewRest, 0, Line, Error, reject, 0);
skip_cont(Rest, Line, {error,_S}, Error) ->
skip_tokens(yystate(), Rest, Line, Rest, 0, Line, Error, reject, 0).
yyrev(List) -> lists:reverse(List).
yyrev(List, Tail) -> lists:reverse(List, Tail).
yypre(List, N) -> lists:sublist(List, N).
yysuf(List, N) -> lists:nthtail(N, List).
%% adjust_line(TokenLength, AcceptLength, Chars, Line) -> NewLine
%% Make sure that newlines in Chars are not counted twice.
%% Line has been updated with respect to newlines in the prefix of
%% Chars consisting of (TokenLength - AcceptLength) characters.
adjust_line(N, N, _Cs, L) -> L;
adjust_line(T, A, [$\n|Cs], L) ->
adjust_line(T-1, A, Cs, L-1);
adjust_line(T, A, [_|Cs], L) ->
adjust_line(T-1, A, Cs, L).
%% yystate() -> InitialState.
%% yystate(State, InChars, Line, CurrTokLen, AcceptAction, AcceptLen) ->
%% {Action, AcceptLen, RestChars, Line} |
%% {Action, AcceptLen, RestChars, Line, State} |
%% {reject, AcceptLen, CurrTokLen, RestChars, Line, State} |
%% {Action, AcceptLen, CurrTokLen, RestChars, Line, State}.
%% Generated state transition functions. The non-accepting end state
%% return signal either an unrecognised character or end of current
%% input.
-file("src/ntriples_lexer.erl", 307).
yystate() -> 26.
yystate(36, [8255|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [8256|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [8204|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [8205|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [183|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [95|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [58|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [46|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(25, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [45|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 65, C =< 90 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 97, C =< 122 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 192, C =< 214 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 216, C =< 246 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 248, C =< 767 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 768, C =< 879 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 880, C =< 893 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 895, C =< 8191 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 8304, C =< 8591 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 11264, C =< 12271 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 12289, C =< 55295 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 63744, C =< 64975 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 65008, C =< 65533 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 65536, C =< 983039 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 3, Tlen);
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(35, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 90 ->
yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(35, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 122 ->
yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(35, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(34, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(28, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(34, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 70 ->
yystate(28, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(34, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 102 ->
yystate(28, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(34, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(33, [11|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(33, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 8, Tlen);
yystate(33, [12|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(33, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 8, Tlen);
yystate(33, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 0, C =< 9 ->
yystate(33, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 8, Tlen);
yystate(33, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 14 ->
yystate(33, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 8, Tlen);
yystate(33, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(32, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(10, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(32, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 70 ->
yystate(10, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(32, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 102 ->
yystate(10, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(32, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(31, [92|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(1, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(31, [34|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(8, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(31, [11|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(31, [12|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(31, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 0, C =< 9 ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(31, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 14, C =< 33 ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(31, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 35, C =< 91 ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(31, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 93 ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(30, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(3, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(30, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 70 ->
yystate(3, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(30, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 102 ->
yystate(3, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(30, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(29, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(6, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(29, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 70 ->
yystate(6, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(29, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 102 ->
yystate(6, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(29, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(28, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(19, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(28, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 70 ->
yystate(19, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(28, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 102 ->
yystate(19, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(28, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(27, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(15, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(27, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 70 ->
yystate(15, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(27, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 102 ->
yystate(15, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(27, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(26, [95|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(7, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(26, [94|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(14, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(26, [64|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(35, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(26, [60|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(2, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(26, [46|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(22, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(26, [35|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(33, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(26, [34|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(26, [32|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(5, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(26, [13|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(20, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(26, [10|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(20, Ics, Line+1, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(26, [9|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(5, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(26, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(25, [8255|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [8256|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [8204|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [8205|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [183|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [95|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [58|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [46|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(25, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [45|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 90 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 122 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 192, C =< 214 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 216, C =< 246 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 248, C =< 767 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 768, C =< 879 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 880, C =< 893 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 895, C =< 8191 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 8304, C =< 8591 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 11264, C =< 12271 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 12289, C =< 55295 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 63744, C =< 64975 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65008, C =< 65533 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65536, C =< 983039 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(25, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(24, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(27, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(24, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 70 ->
yystate(27, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(24, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 102 ->
yystate(27, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(24, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(23, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(32, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(23, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 70 ->
yystate(32, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(23, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 102 ->
yystate(32, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(23, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(22, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(21, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(2, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(21, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 70 ->
yystate(2, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(21, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 102 ->
yystate(2, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(21, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(20, [13|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(20, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 4, Tlen);
yystate(20, [10|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(20, Ics, Line+1, Tlen+1, 4, Tlen);
yystate(20, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(19, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(19, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 70 ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(19, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 102 ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(19, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(18, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(13, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(18, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 90 ->
yystate(13, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(18, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 122 ->
yystate(13, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(18, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(17, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(30, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(17, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 70 ->
yystate(30, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(17, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 102 ->
yystate(30, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(17, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(16, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(15, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(23, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(15, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 70 ->
yystate(23, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(15, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 102 ->
yystate(23, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(15, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(14, [94|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(16, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(14, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(13, [45|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(18, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 0, Tlen);
yystate(13, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(13, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 0, Tlen);
yystate(13, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 65, C =< 90 ->
yystate(13, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 0, Tlen);
yystate(13, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 97, C =< 122 ->
yystate(13, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 0, Tlen);
yystate(13, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(12, [117|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(23, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(12, [85|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(12, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(11, [8204|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, [8205|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, [95|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, [58|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 90 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 122 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 192, C =< 214 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 216, C =< 246 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 248, C =< 767 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 880, C =< 893 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 895, C =< 8191 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 8304, C =< 8591 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 11264, C =< 12271 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 12289, C =< 55295 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 63744, C =< 64975 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65008, C =< 65533 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65536, C =< 983039 ->
yystate(36, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(11, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(10, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(21, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(10, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 70 ->
yystate(21, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(10, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 102 ->
yystate(21, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(10, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(9, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(24, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(9, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 70 ->
yystate(24, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(9, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 102 ->
yystate(24, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(9, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(8, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(7, [58|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(11, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(7, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(6, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(17, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(6, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 70 ->
yystate(17, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(6, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 102 ->
yystate(17, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(6, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(5, [32|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(5, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 7, Tlen);
yystate(5, [9|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(5, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 7, Tlen);
yystate(5, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(4, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(3, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 48, C =< 57 ->
yystate(34, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(3, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 65, C =< 70 ->
yystate(34, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(3, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 102 ->
yystate(34, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(3, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(2, [95|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(2, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(2, [93|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(2, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(2, [92|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(12, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(2, [62|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(4, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(2, [61|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(2, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(2, [33|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(2, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(2, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 35, C =< 59 ->
yystate(2, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(2, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 63, C =< 91 ->
yystate(2, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(2, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 97, C =< 122 ->
yystate(2, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(2, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) when C >= 126 ->
yystate(2, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(2, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(1, [117|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(3, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(1, [116|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(1, [114|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(1, [110|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(1, [102|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(1, [98|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(1, [92|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(1, [85|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(29, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(1, [39|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(1, [34|Ics], Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(31, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, Action, Alen);
yystate(1, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
yystate(0, [45|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(18, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 0, Tlen);
yystate(0, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 65, C =< 90 ->
yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 0, Tlen);
yystate(0, [C|Ics], Line, Tlen, _, _) when C >= 97, C =< 122 ->
yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen+1, 0, Tlen);
yystate(0, Ics, Line, Tlen, _, _) ->
yystate(S, Ics, Line, Tlen, Action, Alen) ->
%% yyaction(Action, TokenLength, TokenChars, TokenLine) ->
%% {token,Token} | {end_token, Token} | skip_token | {error,String}.
%% Generated action function.
yyaction(0, TokenLen, YYtcs, TokenLine) ->
TokenChars = yypre(YYtcs, TokenLen),
yyaction_0(TokenChars, TokenLine);
yyaction(1, TokenLen, YYtcs, TokenLine) ->
TokenChars = yypre(YYtcs, TokenLen),
yyaction_1(TokenChars, TokenLine);
yyaction(2, TokenLen, YYtcs, TokenLine) ->
TokenChars = yypre(YYtcs, TokenLen),
yyaction_2(TokenChars, TokenLine);
yyaction(3, TokenLen, YYtcs, TokenLine) ->
TokenChars = yypre(YYtcs, TokenLen),
yyaction_3(TokenChars, TokenLine);
yyaction(4, _, _, TokenLine) ->
yyaction(5, _, _, TokenLine) ->
yyaction(6, _, _, TokenLine) ->
yyaction(7, _, _, _) ->
yyaction(8, _, _, _) ->
yyaction(_, _, _, _) -> error.
-file("src/ntriples_lexer.xrl", 18).
yyaction_0(TokenChars, TokenLine) ->
{ token, { langtag, TokenLine, langtag_str (TokenChars) } } .
-file("src/ntriples_lexer.xrl", 19).
yyaction_1(TokenChars, TokenLine) ->
{ token, { iriref, TokenLine, quoted_content_str (TokenChars) } } .
-file("src/ntriples_lexer.xrl", 20).
yyaction_2(TokenChars, TokenLine) ->
{ token, { string_literal_quote, TokenLine, quoted_content_str (TokenChars) } } .
-file("src/ntriples_lexer.xrl", 21).
yyaction_3(TokenChars, TokenLine) ->
{ token, { blank_node_label, TokenLine, bnode_str (TokenChars) } } .
-file("src/ntriples_lexer.xrl", 22).
yyaction_4(TokenLine) ->
{ token, { eol, TokenLine } } .
-file("src/ntriples_lexer.xrl", 23).
yyaction_5(TokenLine) ->
{ token, { '.', TokenLine } } .
-file("src/ntriples_lexer.xrl", 24).
yyaction_6(TokenLine) ->
{ token, { '^^', TokenLine } } .
-file("src/ntriples_lexer.xrl", 25).
yyaction_7() ->
skip_token .
-file("src/ntriples_lexer.xrl", 26).
yyaction_8() ->
skip_token .
-file("/usr/local/Cellar/erlang/19.2/lib/erlang/lib/parsetools-2.1.4/include/leexinc.hrl", 309).

View file

@ -1,573 +0,0 @@
-export([parse/1, parse_and_scan/1, format_error/1]).
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 37).
to_uri(IRIREF) ->
case 'Elixir.RDF.Serialization.ParseHelper':to_uri(IRIREF) of
{ok, URI} -> URI;
{error, ErrorLine, Message} -> return_error(ErrorLine, Message)
to_bnode(BLANK_NODE_LABEL) -> 'Elixir.RDF.Serialization.ParseHelper':to_bnode(BLANK_NODE_LABEL).
to_literal(STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE) -> 'Elixir.RDF.Serialization.ParseHelper':to_literal(STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE).
to_literal(STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE, Type) -> 'Elixir.RDF.Serialization.ParseHelper':to_literal(STRING_LITERAL_QUOTE, Type).
to_langtag(LANGTAG) -> 'Elixir.RDF.Serialization.ParseHelper':to_langtag(LANGTAG).
-file("/usr/local/Cellar/erlang/19.2/lib/erlang/lib/parsetools-2.1.4/include/yeccpre.hrl", 0).
%% %CopyrightBegin%
%% Copyright Ericsson AB 1996-2015. All Rights Reserved.
%% Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
%% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
%% You may obtain a copy of the License at
%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
%% distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
%% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
%% limitations under the License.
%% %CopyrightEnd%
% The parser generator will insert appropriate declarations before this line.%
-type yecc_ret() :: {'error', _} | {'ok', _}.
-spec parse(Tokens :: list()) -> yecc_ret().
parse(Tokens) ->
yeccpars0(Tokens, {no_func, no_line}, 0, [], []).
-spec parse_and_scan({function() | {atom(), atom()}, [_]}
| {atom(), atom(), [_]}) -> yecc_ret().
parse_and_scan({F, A}) ->
yeccpars0([], {{F, A}, no_line}, 0, [], []);
parse_and_scan({M, F, A}) ->
Arity = length(A),
yeccpars0([], {{fun M:F/Arity, A}, no_line}, 0, [], []).
-spec format_error(any()) -> [char() | list()].
format_error(Message) ->
case io_lib:deep_char_list(Message) of
true ->
_ ->
%% To be used in grammar files to throw an error message to the parser
%% toplevel. Doesn't have to be exported!
-compile({nowarn_unused_function, return_error/2}).
-spec return_error(integer(), any()) -> no_return().
return_error(Line, Message) ->
throw({error, {Line, ?MODULE, Message}}).
-define(CODE_VERSION, "1.4").
yeccpars0(Tokens, Tzr, State, States, Vstack) ->
try yeccpars1(Tokens, Tzr, State, States, Vstack)
error: Error ->
Stacktrace = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
try yecc_error_type(Error, Stacktrace) of
Desc ->
erlang:raise(error, {yecc_bug, ?CODE_VERSION, Desc},
catch _:_ -> erlang:raise(error, Error, Stacktrace)
%% Probably thrown from return_error/2:
throw: {error, {_Line, ?MODULE, _M}} = Error ->
yecc_error_type(function_clause, [{?MODULE,F,ArityOrArgs,_} | _]) ->
case atom_to_list(F) of
"yeccgoto_" ++ SymbolL ->
{ok,[{atom,_,Symbol}],_} = erl_scan:string(SymbolL),
State = case ArityOrArgs of
[S,_,_,_,_,_,_] -> S;
_ -> state_is_unknown
{Symbol, State, missing_in_goto_table}
yeccpars1([Token | Tokens], Tzr, State, States, Vstack) ->
yeccpars2(State, element(1, Token), States, Vstack, Token, Tokens, Tzr);
yeccpars1([], {{F, A},_Line}, State, States, Vstack) ->
case apply(F, A) of
{ok, Tokens, Endline} ->
yeccpars1(Tokens, {{F, A}, Endline}, State, States, Vstack);
{eof, Endline} ->
yeccpars1([], {no_func, Endline}, State, States, Vstack);
{error, Descriptor, _Endline} ->
{error, Descriptor}
yeccpars1([], {no_func, no_line}, State, States, Vstack) ->
Line = 999999,
yeccpars2(State, '$end', States, Vstack, yecc_end(Line), [],
{no_func, Line});
yeccpars1([], {no_func, Endline}, State, States, Vstack) ->
yeccpars2(State, '$end', States, Vstack, yecc_end(Endline), [],
{no_func, Endline}).
%% yeccpars1/7 is called from generated code.
%% When using the {includefile, Includefile} option, make sure that
%% yeccpars1/7 can be found by parsing the file without following
%% include directives. yecc will otherwise assume that an old
%% yeccpre.hrl is included (one which defines yeccpars1/5).
yeccpars1(State1, State, States, Vstack, Token0, [Token | Tokens], Tzr) ->
yeccpars2(State, element(1, Token), [State1 | States],
[Token0 | Vstack], Token, Tokens, Tzr);
yeccpars1(State1, State, States, Vstack, Token0, [], {{_F,_A}, _Line}=Tzr) ->
yeccpars1([], Tzr, State, [State1 | States], [Token0 | Vstack]);
yeccpars1(State1, State, States, Vstack, Token0, [], {no_func, no_line}) ->
Line = yecctoken_end_location(Token0),
yeccpars2(State, '$end', [State1 | States], [Token0 | Vstack],
yecc_end(Line), [], {no_func, Line});
yeccpars1(State1, State, States, Vstack, Token0, [], {no_func, Line}) ->
yeccpars2(State, '$end', [State1 | States], [Token0 | Vstack],
yecc_end(Line), [], {no_func, Line}).
%% For internal use only.
yecc_end({Line,_Column}) ->
{'$end', Line};
yecc_end(Line) ->
{'$end', Line}.
yecctoken_end_location(Token) ->
try erl_anno:end_location(element(2, Token)) of
undefined -> yecctoken_location(Token);
Loc -> Loc
catch _:_ -> yecctoken_location(Token)
-compile({nowarn_unused_function, yeccerror/1}).
yeccerror(Token) ->
Text = yecctoken_to_string(Token),
Location = yecctoken_location(Token),
{error, {Location, ?MODULE, ["syntax error before: ", Text]}}.
-compile({nowarn_unused_function, yecctoken_to_string/1}).
yecctoken_to_string(Token) ->
try erl_scan:text(Token) of
undefined -> yecctoken2string(Token);
Txt -> Txt
catch _:_ -> yecctoken2string(Token)
yecctoken_location(Token) ->
try erl_scan:location(Token)
catch _:_ -> element(2, Token)
-compile({nowarn_unused_function, yecctoken2string/1}).
yecctoken2string({atom, _, A}) -> io_lib:write(A);
yecctoken2string({integer,_,N}) -> io_lib:write(N);
yecctoken2string({float,_,F}) -> io_lib:write(F);
yecctoken2string({char,_,C}) -> io_lib:write_char(C);
yecctoken2string({var,_,V}) -> io_lib:format("~s", [V]);
yecctoken2string({string,_,S}) -> io_lib:write_string(S);
yecctoken2string({reserved_symbol, _, A}) -> io_lib:write(A);
yecctoken2string({_Cat, _, Val}) -> io_lib:format("~p",[Val]);
yecctoken2string({dot, _}) -> "'.'";
yecctoken2string({'$end', _}) ->
yecctoken2string({Other, _}) when is_atom(Other) ->
yecctoken2string(Other) ->
-file("src/ntriples_parser.erl", 189).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccpars2/7}).
yeccpars2(0=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_0(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(1=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_1(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(2=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_2(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(3=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_3(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(4=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_4(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(5=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_5(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(6=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_6(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(7=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_7(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(8=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_8(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(9=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_9(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(10=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_10(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(11=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_11(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(12=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_12(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(13=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_13(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(14=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_14(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(15=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_15(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(16=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_16(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(17=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_17(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(18=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_18(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(19=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_19(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(20=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_20(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(21=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_21(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(22=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_22(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
%% yeccpars2(23=S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
%% yeccpars2_23(S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2(Other, _, _, _, _, _, _) ->
erlang:error({yecc_bug,"1.4",{missing_state_in_action_table, Other}}).
yeccpars2_0(S, blank_node_label, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 6, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_0(S, eol, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 7, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_0(S, iriref, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 8, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_0(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_0_(Stack),
yeccpars2_3(3, Cat, [0 | Ss], NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_1(S, eol, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 7, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_1(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_1_(Stack),
yeccgoto_nonEmptyNtriplesDoc(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccpars2_2/7}).
yeccpars2_2(S, iriref, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 12, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_2(_, _, _, _, T, _, _) ->
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccpars2_3/7}).
yeccpars2_3(_S, '$end', _Ss, Stack, _T, _Ts, _Tzr) ->
{ok, hd(Stack)};
yeccpars2_3(_, _, _, _, T, _, _) ->
yeccpars2_4(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_4_(Stack),
yeccgoto_ntriplesDoc(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_5(S, blank_node_label, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 6, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_5(S, eol, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 10, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_5(S, iriref, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 8, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_5(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_5_(Stack),
yeccgoto_ntriplesDoc(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_6(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_6_(Stack),
yeccgoto_subject(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_7(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_7_(Stack),
yeccgoto_eols(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_8(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_8_(Stack),
yeccgoto_subject(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_9(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
[_|Nss] = Ss,
NewStack = yeccpars2_9_(Stack),
yeccgoto_ntriplesDoc(hd(Nss), Cat, Nss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_10(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
[_|Nss] = Ss,
NewStack = yeccpars2_10_(Stack),
yeccgoto_eols(hd(Nss), Cat, Nss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccpars2_11/7}).
yeccpars2_11(S, blank_node_label, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 15, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_11(S, iriref, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 16, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_11(S, string_literal_quote, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 17, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_11(_, _, _, _, T, _, _) ->
yeccpars2_12(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_12_(Stack),
yeccgoto_predicate(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccpars2_13/7}).
yeccpars2_13(S, '.', Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 21, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_13(_, _, _, _, T, _, _) ->
yeccpars2_14(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccgoto_object(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_15(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_15_(Stack),
yeccgoto_object(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_16(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_16_(Stack),
yeccgoto_object(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_17(S, '^^', Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 18, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_17(S, langtag, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 19, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_17(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
NewStack = yeccpars2_17_(Stack),
yeccgoto_literal(hd(Ss), Cat, Ss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccpars2_18/7}).
yeccpars2_18(S, iriref, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 20, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_18(_, _, _, _, T, _, _) ->
yeccpars2_19(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
[_|Nss] = Ss,
NewStack = yeccpars2_19_(Stack),
yeccgoto_literal(hd(Nss), Cat, Nss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_20(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
[_,_|Nss] = Ss,
NewStack = yeccpars2_20_(Stack),
yeccgoto_literal(hd(Nss), Cat, Nss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_21(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
[_,_,_|Nss] = Ss,
NewStack = yeccpars2_21_(Stack),
yeccgoto_triple(hd(Nss), Cat, Nss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_22(S, blank_node_label, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 6, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_22(S, eol, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 10, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_22(S, iriref, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars1(S, 8, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccpars2_22(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
[_|Nss] = Ss,
NewStack = yeccpars2_22_(Stack),
yeccgoto_nonEmptyNtriplesDoc(hd(Nss), Cat, Nss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
yeccpars2_23(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
[_,_|Nss] = Ss,
NewStack = yeccpars2_23_(Stack),
yeccgoto_nonEmptyNtriplesDoc(hd(Nss), Cat, Nss, NewStack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccgoto_eols/7}).
yeccgoto_eols(0, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_5(5, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccgoto_eols(1, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_22(22, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccgoto_literal/7}).
yeccgoto_literal(11=_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_14(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccgoto_nonEmptyNtriplesDoc/7}).
yeccgoto_nonEmptyNtriplesDoc(0=_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_4(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccgoto_nonEmptyNtriplesDoc(5=_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_9(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccgoto_nonEmptyNtriplesDoc(22=_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_23(_S, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccgoto_ntriplesDoc/7}).
yeccgoto_ntriplesDoc(0, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_3(3, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccgoto_object/7}).
yeccgoto_object(11, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_13(13, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccgoto_predicate/7}).
yeccgoto_predicate(2, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_11(11, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccgoto_subject/7}).
yeccgoto_subject(0, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_2(2, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccgoto_subject(5, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_2(2, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccgoto_subject(22, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_2(2, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-dialyzer({nowarn_function, yeccgoto_triple/7}).
yeccgoto_triple(0, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_1(1, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccgoto_triple(5, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_1(1, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr);
yeccgoto_triple(22, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr) ->
yeccpars2_1(1, Cat, Ss, Stack, T, Ts, Tzr).
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 9).
yeccpars2_0_(__Stack0) ->
[ ]
end | __Stack0].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 17).
yeccpars2_1_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
[ __1 ]
end | __Stack].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 6).
yeccpars2_4_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
[ __1 ]
end | __Stack].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 8).
yeccpars2_5_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
[ ]
end | __Stack].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 22).
yeccpars2_6_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_bnode ( __1 )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 0).
yeccpars2_7_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
end | __Stack].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 21).
yeccpars2_8_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_uri ( __1 )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 7).
yeccpars2_9_(__Stack0) ->
[__2,__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
[ __2 ]
end | __Stack].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 0).
yeccpars2_10_(__Stack0) ->
[__2,__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
end | __Stack].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 23).
yeccpars2_12_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_uri ( __1 )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 25).
yeccpars2_15_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_bnode ( __1 )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 24).
yeccpars2_16_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_uri ( __1 )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 30).
yeccpars2_17_(__Stack0) ->
[__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_literal ( __1 )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 29).
yeccpars2_19_(__Stack0) ->
[__2,__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_literal ( __1 , { language , to_langtag ( __2 ) } )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 28).
yeccpars2_20_(__Stack0) ->
[__3,__2,__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
to_literal ( __1 , { datatype , to_uri ( __3 ) } )
end | __Stack].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 19).
yeccpars2_21_(__Stack0) ->
[__4,__3,__2,__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
{ __1 , __2 , __3 }
end | __Stack].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 16).
yeccpars2_22_(__Stack0) ->
[__2,__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
[ __1 ]
end | __Stack].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 15).
yeccpars2_23_(__Stack0) ->
[__3,__2,__1 | __Stack] = __Stack0,
[ __1 | __3 ]
end | __Stack].
-file("src/ntriples_parser.yrl", 48).