defmodule RDF.PropertyMap do @moduledoc """ A bidirectional mappings from atom names to `RDF.IRI`s of properties. These mapping can be used in all functions of the RDF data structures to provide the meaning of the predicate terms in input statements or define how the IRIs of predicates should be mapped with the value mapping functions like `RDF.Description.values/2` etc. The `:context` option of these functions either take a `RDF.PropertyMap` directly or anything from which a `RDF.PropertyMap` can be created with `new/1`. Because the mapping is bidirectional each term and IRI can be used only in one mapping of a `RDF.PropertyMap`. `RDF.PropertyMap` implements the `Enumerable` protocol and the `Access` behaviour. """ defstruct iris: %{}, terms: %{} alias RDF.IRI import RDF.Guards import RDF.Utils, only: [downcase?: 1] @type coercible_term :: atom | String.t() @type t :: %__MODULE__{ iris: %{atom => IRI.t()}, terms: %{IRI.t() => atom} } @type input :: t | map | keyword | RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace.t() @behaviour Access @doc """ Creates an empty `RDF.PropertyMap`. """ @spec new :: t def new(), do: %__MODULE__{} @doc """ Creates a new `RDF.PropertyMap` with initial mappings. See `add/2` for the different forms in which mappings can be provided. """ @spec new(input) :: t def new(%__MODULE__{} = initial), do: initial def new(initial) do {:ok, property_map} = new() |> add(initial) property_map end @doc false def from_opts(opts) def from_opts(nil), do: nil def from_opts(opts), do: if(property_map = Keyword.get(opts, :context), do: new(property_map)) @doc """ Returns the list of all terms in the given `property_map`. """ @spec terms(t) :: [atom] def terms(%__MODULE__{iris: iris}), do: Map.keys(iris) @doc """ Returns the list of all IRIs in the given `property_map`. """ @spec iris(t) :: [IRI.t()] def iris(%__MODULE__{terms: terms}), do: Map.keys(terms) @doc """ Returns the IRI for the given `term` in `property_map`. Returns `nil`, when the given `term` is not present in `property_map`. """ @spec iri(t, coercible_term) :: IRI.t() | nil def iri(%__MODULE__{} = property_map, term) do Map.get(property_map.iris, coerce_term(term)) end @doc """ Returns the term for the given `namespace` in `prefix_map`. Returns `nil`, when the given `namespace` is not present in `prefix_map`. """ @spec term(t, IRI.coercible()) :: atom | nil def term(%__MODULE__{} = property_map, iri) do Map.get(property_map.terms, end @doc """ Returns whether a mapping for the given `term` is defined in `property_map`. """ @spec iri_defined?(t, coercible_term) :: boolean def iri_defined?(%__MODULE__{} = property_map, term) do Map.has_key?(property_map.iris, coerce_term(term)) end @doc """ Returns whether a mapping for the given `iri` is defined in `property_map`. """ @spec term_defined?(t, IRI.coercible()) :: boolean def term_defined?(%__MODULE__{} = property_map, iri) do Map.has_key?(property_map.terms, end @impl Access def fetch(%__MODULE__{} = property_map, term) do Access.fetch(property_map.iris, coerce_term(term)) end @doc """ Adds a property mapping between `term` and `iri` to `property_map`. Unless another mapping for `term` or `iri` already exists, an `:ok` tuple is returned, otherwise an `:error` tuple. """ @spec add(t, coercible_term, IRI.coercible()) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, String.t()} def add(%__MODULE__{} = property_map, term, iri) do do_set(property_map, :add, coerce_term(term), end @doc """ Adds a set of property mappings to `property_map`. The mappings can be passed in various ways: - as keyword lists or maps where terms for the RDF properties can be given as atoms or strings, while the property IRIs can be given as `RDF.IRI`s or strings - a strict `RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace` from which all lowercased terms are added with their respective IRI; since IRIs can also be once in a `RDF.PropertyMap` a defined alias term is preferred over an original term - another `RDF.PropertyMap` from which all mappings are merged Unless a mapping for any of the terms or IRIs in the `input` already exists, an `:ok` tuple is returned, otherwise an `:error` tuple. """ @spec add(t, input) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, String.t()} def add(%__MODULE__{} = property_map, vocab_namespace) when maybe_ns_term(vocab_namespace) do cond do not RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace.vocabulary_namespace?(vocab_namespace) -> raise ArgumentError, "expected a vocabulary namespace, but got #{vocab_namespace}" not apply(vocab_namespace, :__strict__, []) -> raise ArgumentError, "expected a strict vocabulary namespace, but #{vocab_namespace} is non-strict" true -> add(property_map, mapping_from_vocab_namespace(vocab_namespace)) end end def add(%__MODULE__{} = property_map, mappings) do Enum.reduce_while(mappings, {:ok, property_map}, fn {term, iri}, {:ok, property_map} -> with {:ok, property_map} <- add(property_map, term, iri) do {:cont, {:ok, property_map}} else error -> {:halt, error} end end) end @doc """ Adds a set of property mappings to `property_map` and raises an error on conflicts. See `add/2` for the different forms in which mappings can be provided. """ @spec add!(t, input) :: t def add!(%__MODULE__{} = property_map, mappings) do case add(property_map, mappings) do {:ok, property_map} -> property_map {:error, error} -> raise error end end @doc """ Adds a property mapping between `term` and `iri` to `property_map` overwriting existing mappings. """ @spec put(t, coercible_term, IRI.coercible()) :: t def put(%__MODULE__{} = property_map, term, iri) do {:ok, added} = do_set(property_map, :put, coerce_term(term), added end @doc """ Adds a set of property mappings to `property_map` overwriting all existing mappings. See `add/2` for the different forms in which mappings can be provided. Note, that not just all mappings with the used terms in the input `mappings` are overwritten, but also all mappings with IRIs in the input `mappings` """ @spec put(t, input) :: t def put(%__MODULE__{} = property_map, mappings) do Enum.reduce(mappings, property_map, fn {term, iri}, property_map -> put(property_map, term, iri) end) end defp do_set(property_map, op, term, iri) do do_set(property_map, op, term, iri, Map.get(property_map.iris, term)) end defp do_set(property_map, op, term, new_iri, old_iri) do do_set(property_map, op, term, new_iri, old_iri, Map.get(property_map.terms, new_iri)) end defp do_set(property_map, _, _, iri, iri, _), do: {:ok, property_map} defp do_set(property_map, _, term, iri, nil, nil) do {:ok, %__MODULE__{ property_map | iris: Map.put(property_map.iris, term, iri), terms: Map.put(property_map.terms, iri, term) }} end defp do_set(_context, :add, term, new_iri, old_iri, nil) do {:error, "conflicting mapping for #{term}: #{new_iri}; already mapped to #{old_iri}"} end defp do_set(_context, :add, term, iri, _, old_term) do {:error, "conflicting mapping for #{term}: #{iri}; IRI already mapped to #{inspect(old_term)}"} end defp do_set(property_map, :put, term, new_iri, old_iri, nil) do %__MODULE__{property_map | terms: Map.delete(property_map.terms, old_iri)} |> do_set(:put, term, new_iri, nil, nil) end defp do_set(property_map, :put, term, new_iri, old_iri, old_term) do %__MODULE__{property_map | iris: Map.delete(property_map.iris, old_term)} |> do_set(:put, term, new_iri, old_iri, nil) end @doc """ Deletes the property mapping for `term` from `property_map`. If no mapping for `term` exists, `property_map` is returned unchanged. """ @spec delete(t, coercible_term) :: t def delete(%__MODULE__{} = property_map, term) do term = coerce_term(term) if iri = Map.get(property_map.iris, term) do %__MODULE__{ property_map | iris: Map.delete(property_map.iris, term), terms: Map.delete(property_map.terms, iri) } else property_map end end @doc """ Drops the given `terms` from the `property_map`. If `terms` contains terms that are not in `property_map`, they're simply ignored. """ @spec drop(t, [coercible_term]) :: t def drop(%__MODULE__{} = property_map, terms) when is_list(terms) do Enum.reduce(terms, property_map, fn term, property_map -> delete(property_map, term) end) end defp coerce_term(term) when is_atom(term), do: term defp coerce_term(term) when is_binary(term), do: String.to_atom(term) defp mapping_from_vocab_namespace(vocab_namespace) do aliases = apply(vocab_namespace, :__term_aliases__, []) apply(vocab_namespace, :__terms__, []) |> Enum.filter(&downcase?/1) |> term -> {term, apply(vocab_namespace, term, [])} end) |> Enum.group_by(fn {_term, iri} -> iri end) |> {_, [mapping]} -> mapping {_, mappings} -> Enum.find(mappings, fn {term, _iri} -> term in aliases end) || raise "conflicting non-alias terms for IRI should not occur in a vocab namespace" end) end @impl Access def pop(%__MODULE__{} = property_map, term) do case Access.pop(property_map.iris, coerce_term(term)) do {nil, _} -> {nil, property_map} {iri, new_context_map} -> {iri, %__MODULE__{iris: new_context_map}} end end @impl Access def get_and_update(property_map, term, fun) do term = coerce_term(term) current = iri(property_map, term) case fun.(current) do {old_iri, new_iri} -> {:ok, property_map} = do_set(property_map, :put, term,, {old_iri, property_map} :pop -> {current, delete(property_map, term)} other -> raise "the given function must return a two-element tuple or :pop, got: #{inspect(other)}" end end defimpl Enumerable do alias RDF.PropertyMap def reduce(%PropertyMap{iris: iris}, acc, fun), do: Enumerable.reduce(iris, acc, fun) def member?(%PropertyMap{iris: iris}, mapping), do: Enumerable.member?(iris, mapping) def count(%PropertyMap{iris: iris}), do: Enumerable.count(iris) def slice(%PropertyMap{iris: iris}), do: Enumerable.slice(iris) end defimpl Inspect do import Inspect.Algebra def inspect(property_map, opts) do map = Map.to_list(property_map.iris) open = color("%RDF.PropertyMap{", :map, opts) sep = color(",", :map, opts) close = color("}", :map, opts) container_doc(open, map, close, opts, &to_map(&1, &2, color(" <=> ", :map, opts)), separator: sep, break: :strict ) end defp to_map({key, value}, opts, sep) do concat(concat(to_doc(key, opts), sep), to_doc(value, opts)) end end end