defmodule RDF.Literal.Guards do @moduledoc """ Guards for working with `RDF.Literal`s. These are useful for pattern matching on datatypes of literals, since Elixir doesn't allow function calls in pattern matching clauses, which means the qualified terms of a `RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace` can't be used. ## Examples defmodule M do import RDF.Literal.Guards def f(%RDF.Literal{datatype: datatype} = literal) when is_xsd_integer(datatype) do # ... end end """ alias RDF.Datatype.NS.XSD @xsd_integer XSD.integer() @xsd_decimal XSD.decimal() @xsd_float XSD.float() @xsd_double XSD.double() @xsd_string XSD.string() @xsd_boolean XSD.boolean() @xsd_dateTime XSD.dateTime() @xsd_date @xsd_time XSD.time() @xsd_any_uri XSD.anyURI() @rdf_lang_string RDF.langString() @doc """ Returns `true` if the given datatype is `xsd:integer`; otherwise returns `false`. """ defguard is_xsd_integer(datatype) when datatype == @xsd_integer @doc """ Returns `true` if the given datatype is `xsd:decimal`; otherwise returns `false`. """ defguard is_xsd_decimal(datatype) when datatype == @xsd_decimal @doc """ Returns `true` if the given datatype is `xsd:float`; otherwise returns `false`. """ defguard is_xsd_float(datatype) when datatype == @xsd_float @doc """ Returns `true` if the given datatype is `xsd:double`; otherwise returns `false`. """ defguard is_xsd_double(datatype) when datatype == @xsd_double @doc """ Returns `true` if the given datatype is `xsd:string`; otherwise returns `false`. """ defguard is_xsd_string(datatype) when datatype == @xsd_string @doc """ Returns `true` if the given datatype is `xsd:boolean`; otherwise returns `false`. """ defguard is_xsd_boolean(datatype) when datatype == @xsd_boolean @doc """ Returns `true` if the given datatype is `xsd:dateTime`; otherwise returns `false`. """ defguard is_xsd_datetime(datatype) when datatype == @xsd_dateTime @doc """ Returns `true` if the given datatype is `xsd:date`; otherwise returns `false`. """ defguard is_xsd_date(datatype) when datatype == @xsd_date @doc """ Returns `true` if the given datatype is `xsd:time`; otherwise returns `false`. """ defguard is_xsd_time(datatype) when datatype == @xsd_time @doc """ Returns `true` if the given datatype is `xsd:anyURI`; otherwise returns `false`. """ defguard is_xsd_any_uri(datatype) when datatype == @xsd_any_uri @doc """ Returns `true` if the given datatype is `rdf:langString`; otherwise returns `false`. """ defguard is_rdf_lang_string(datatype) when datatype == @rdf_lang_string end