defmodule RDF.Serialization do @moduledoc """ General functions for working with RDF serializations. """ @formats [ RDF.Turtle, JSON.LD, RDF.NTriples, RDF.NQuads, ] @doc """ The list of all known `RDF.Serialization.Format`s in the RDF.ex eco-system. Note: Not all known formats might be available to an application, see `available_formats/0`. ## Examples iex> RDF.Serialization.formats [RDF.Turtle, JSON.LD, RDF.NTriples, RDF.NQuads] """ def formats, do: @formats @doc """ The list of all available `RDF.Serialization.Format`s in an application. A known format might not be available in an application, when the format is implemented in an external library and this not specified as a Mix dependency of this application. ## Examples iex> RDF.Serialization.available_formats [RDF.Turtle, RDF.NTriples, RDF.NQuads] """ def available_formats do Enum.filter @formats, &Code.ensure_loaded?/1 end @doc """ Returns the `RDF.Serialization.Format` with the given name, if available. ## Examples iex> RDF.Serialization.format(:turtle) RDF.Turtle iex> RDF.Serialization.format("turtle") RDF.Turtle iex> RDF.Serialization.format(:jsonld) nil # unless json_ld is defined as a dependency of the application """ def format(name) def format(name) when is_binary(name) do name |> String.to_existing_atom |> format() rescue ArgumentError -> nil end def format(name) do format_where(fn format -> == name end) end @doc """ Returns the `RDF.Serialization.Format` with the given media type, if available. ## Examples iex> RDF.Serialization.format_by_media_type("text/turtle") RDF.Turtle iex> RDF.Serialization.format_by_media_type("application/ld+json") nil # unless json_ld is defined as a dependency of the application """ def format_by_media_type(media_type) do format_where(fn format -> format.media_type == media_type end) end @doc """ Returns the proper `RDF.Serialization.Format` for the given file extension, if available. ## Examples iex> RDF.Serialization.format_by_extension("ttl") RDF.Turtle iex> RDF.Serialization.format_by_extension(".ttl") RDF.Turtle iex> RDF.Serialization.format_by_extension("jsonld") nil # unless json_ld is defined as a dependency of the application """ def format_by_extension(extension) def format_by_extension("." <> extension), do: format_by_extension(extension) def format_by_extension(extension) do format_where(fn format -> format.extension == extension end) end defp format_where(fun) do @formats |> Stream.filter(&Code.ensure_loaded?/1) |> Enum.find(fun) end @doc """ Reads and decodes a serialized graph or dataset from a string. The format must be specified with the `format` option and a format name or the `media_type` option and the media type of the format. It returns an `{:ok, data}` tuple, with `data` being the deserialized graph or dataset, or `{:error, reason}` if an error occurs. """ def read_string(content, opts) do with {:ok, format} <- string_format(opts) do format.read_string(content, opts) end end @doc """ Reads and decodes a serialized graph or dataset from a string. The format must be specified with the `format` option and a format name or the `media_type` option and the media type of the format. As opposed to `read_string`, it raises an exception if an error occurs. """ def read_string!(content, opts) do with {:ok, format} <- string_format(opts) do format.read_string!(content, opts) else {:error, error} -> raise error end end @doc """ Reads and decodes a serialized graph or dataset from a file. The format can be specified with the `format` option and a format name or the `media_type` option and the media type of the format. If none of these are given, the format gets inferred from the extension of the given file name. It returns an `{:ok, data}` tuple, with `data` being the deserialized graph or dataset, or `{:error, reason}` if an error occurs. """ def read_file(file, opts \\ []) do with {:ok, format} <- file_format(file, opts) do format.read_file(file, opts) end end @doc """ Reads and decodes a serialized graph or dataset from a file. The format can be specified with the `format` option and a format name or the `media_type` option and the media type of the format. If none of these are given, the format gets inferred from the extension of the given file name. As opposed to `read_file`, it raises an exception if an error occurs. """ def read_file!(file, opts \\ []) do with {:ok, format} <- file_format(file, opts) do format.read_file!(file, opts) else {:error, error} -> raise error end end @doc """ Encodes and writes a graph or dataset to a string. The format must be specified with the `format` option and a format name or the `media_type` option and the media type of the format. It returns an `{:ok, string}` tuple, with `string` being the serialized graph or dataset, or `{:error, reason}` if an error occurs. """ def write_string(data, opts) do with {:ok, format} <- string_format(opts) do format.write_string(data, opts) end end @doc """ Encodes and writes a graph or dataset to a string. The format must be specified with the `format` option and a format name or the `media_type` option and the media type of the format. As opposed to `write_string`, it raises an exception if an error occurs. """ def write_string!(data, opts) do with {:ok, format} <- string_format(opts) do format.write_string!(data, opts) else {:error, error} -> raise error end end @doc """ Encodes and writes a graph or dataset to a file. The format can be specified with the `format` option and a format name or the `media_type` option and the media type of the format. If none of these are given, the format gets inferred from the extension of the given file name. Other available serialization-independent options: - `:force` - If not set to `true`, an error is raised when the given file already exists (default: `false`) - `:file_mode` - A list with the Elixir `` modes to be used for writing (default: `[:utf8, :write]`) It returns `:ok` if successful or `{:error, reason}` if an error occurs. """ def write_file(data, path, opts \\ []) do with {:ok, format} <- file_format(path, opts) do format.write_file(data, path, opts) end end @doc """ Encodes and writes a graph or dataset to a file. The format can be specified with the `format` option and a format name or the `media_type` option and the media type of the format. If none of these are given, the format gets inferred from the extension of the given file name. See `write_file` for a list of other available options. As opposed to `write_file`, it raises an exception if an error occurs. """ def write_file!(data, path, opts \\ []) do with {:ok, format} <- file_format(path, opts) do format.write_file!(data, path, opts) else {:error, error} -> raise error end end defp string_format(opts) do if format = (opts |> Keyword.get(:format) |> format()) || (opts |> Keyword.get(:media_type) |> format_by_media_type()) do {:ok, format} else {:error, "unable to detect serialization format"} end end defp file_format(filename, opts) do case string_format(opts) do {:ok, format} -> {:ok, format} _ -> format_by_file_name(filename) end end defp format_by_file_name(filename) do if format = filename |> Path.extname() |> format_by_extension() do {:ok, format} else {:error, "unable to detect serialization format"} end end end