defmodule RDF.TimeTest do use RDF.Datatype.Test.Case, datatype: RDF.Time, id: RDF.NS.XSD.time, valid: %{ # input => { value , lexical , canonicalized } ~T[00:00:00] => { ~T[00:00:00] , nil , "00:00:00" }, "00:00:00" => { ~T[00:00:00] , nil , "00:00:00" }, "00:00:00Z" => { {~T[00:00:00], true } , nil , "00:00:00Z" }, "00:00:00.0000Z" => { {~T[00:00:00], true } , "00:00:00.0000Z" , "00:00:00Z" }, "00:00:00+00:00" => { {~T[00:00:00], true } , "00:00:00+00:00" , "00:00:00Z" }, "01:00:00+01:00" => { {~T[00:00:00], true } , "01:00:00+01:00" , "00:00:00Z" }, "23:00:00-01:00" => { {~T[00:00:00], true } , "23:00:00-01:00" , "00:00:00Z" }, }, invalid: ~w( foo +2010-01-01Z 2010-01-01TFOO 02010-01-01 2010-1-1 0000-01-01 2011-07 2011 ) ++ [true, false, 2010, 3.14, "00:00:00Z foo", "foo 00:00:00Z"] test "conversion with time zones" do [ { "01:00:00+01:00", ~T[00:00:00] }, { "01:00:00-01:00", ~T[02:00:00] }, { "01:00:00-00:01", ~T[01:01:00] }, { "01:00:00+00:01", ~T[00:59:00] }, { "00:00:00+01:30", ~T[22:30:00] }, { "23:00:00-02:30", ~T[01:30:00] }, ] |> Enum.each(fn {input, output} -> assert RDF.Time.convert(input, %{}) == {output, true} end) end describe "equality" do test "two literals are equal when they have the same datatype and lexical form" do [ { ~T[00:00:00] , "00:00:00" }, ] |> Enum.each(fn {l, r} -> assert == end) end test "two literals with same value but different lexical form are not equal" do [ { ~T[00:00:00] , "00:00:00Z" }, { "00:00:00" , "00:00:00Z" }, { "00:00:00.0000" , "00:00:00Z" }, { "00:00:00.0000Z" , "00:00:00Z" }, { "00:00:00+00:00" , "00:00:00Z" }, ] |> Enum.each(fn {l, r} -> assert != end) end end end