defmodule RDF.BlankNode.Increment do @moduledoc """ An implementation of a `RDF.BlankNode.Generator.Algorithm` which returns `RDF.BlankNode`s with incremented identifiers. The following options are supported when starting a `RDF.BlankNode.Generator` with this algorithm: - `prefix`: a string prepended to the generated blank node identifier - `start_value`: the number from which the incremented counter starts """ @behaviour RDF.BlankNode.Generator.Algorithm alias RDF.BlankNode @impl BlankNode.Generator.Algorithm def init(%{prefix: prefix} = opts) do opts |> Map.delete(:prefix) |> init() |> Map.put(:prefix, prefix) end @impl BlankNode.Generator.Algorithm def init(opts) do %{ map: %{}, counter: Map.get(opts, :start_value, 0) } end @impl BlankNode.Generator.Algorithm def generate(%{counter: counter} = state) do {bnode(counter, state), %{state | counter: counter + 1}} end @impl BlankNode.Generator.Algorithm def generate_for(value, %{map: map, counter: counter} = state) do case Map.get(map, value) do nil -> {bnode(counter, state), %{state | map: Map.put(map, value, counter), counter: counter + 1}} previous -> {bnode(previous, state), state} end end defp bnode(counter, %{prefix: prefix}) do <> Integer.to_string(counter)) end defp bnode(counter, _) do end end