defmodule RDF.Vocabulary.NamespaceTest do use ExUnit.Case doctest RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace import RDF.Sigils alias RDF.Description defmodule TestNS do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab EX, base_uri: "", terms: ~w[], strict: false defvocab EXS, base_uri: "", terms: ~w[foo bar] defvocab ExampleFromGraph, base_uri: "", data:[ {~I, ~I, ~I}, {~I, ~I, ~I} ]) defvocab ExampleFromDataset, base_uri: "", data:[ {~I, ~I, ~I}, {~I, ~I, ~I, ~I} ]) defvocab ExampleFromNTriplesFile, base_uri: "", file: "test/data/vocab_ns_example.nt" defvocab ExampleFromNQuadsFile, base_uri: "", file: "test/data/vocab_ns_example.nq" defvocab StrictExampleFromTerms, base_uri: "", terms: ~w[foo Bar] defvocab NonStrictExampleFromTerms, base_uri: "", terms: ~w[foo Bar], strict: false defvocab StrictExampleFromAliasedTerms, base_uri: "", terms: ~w[term1 Term2 Term-3 term-4], alias: [ Term1: "term1", term2: "Term2", Term3: "Term-3", term4: "term-4", ] defvocab NonStrictExampleFromAliasedTerms, base_uri: "", terms: ~w[], alias: [ Term1: "term1", term2: "Term2", Term3: "Term-3", term4: "term-4", ], strict: false defvocab ExampleWithSynonymAliases, base_uri: "", terms: ~w[bar Bar], alias: [foo: "bar", baz: "bar", Foo: "Bar", Baz: "Bar"] end describe "defvocab with bad base uri" do test "without a base_uri, an error is raised" do assert_raise KeyError, fn -> defmodule NSWithoutBaseURI do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, terms: [] end end end test "when the base_uri doesn't end with '/' or '#', an error is raised" do assert_raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidVocabBaseURIError, fn -> defmodule NSWithInvalidBaseURI1 do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, base_uri: "", terms: [] end end end test "when the base_uri isn't a valid URI, an error is raised" do assert_raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidVocabBaseURIError, fn -> defmodule NSWithInvalidBaseURI2 do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, base_uri: "invalid", terms: [] end end assert_raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidVocabBaseURIError, fn -> defmodule NSWithInvalidBaseURI3 do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, base_uri: :foo, terms: [] end end end end describe "defvocab with bad terms" do test "when the given file not found, an error is raised" do assert_raise File.Error, fn -> defmodule NSWithMissingVocabFile do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, base_uri: "", file: "something.nt" end end end end test "defvocab with special terms" do defmodule NSofEdgeCases do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, base_uri: "", terms: ~w[nil true false] end alias NSofEdgeCases.Example assert Example.nil == ~I assert Example.true == ~I assert Example.false == ~I end describe "defvocab with bad aliases" do test "when an alias contains invalid characters, an error is raised" do assert_raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidAliasError, fn -> defmodule NSWithInvalidTerms do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, base_uri: "", terms: ~w[foo], alias: ["foo-bar": "foo"] end end end test "when trying to map an already existing term, an error is raised" do assert_raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidAliasError, fn -> defmodule NSWithInvalidAliases1 do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, base_uri: "", terms: ~w[foo bar], alias: [foo: "bar"] end end end test "when strict and trying to map to a term not in the vocabulary, an error is raised" do assert_raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidAliasError, fn -> defmodule NSWithInvalidAliases2 do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, base_uri: "", terms: ~w[], alias: [foo: "bar"] end end end test "when defining an alias for an alias, an error is raised" do assert_raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidAliasError, fn -> defmodule NSWithInvalidAliases3 do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, base_uri: "", terms: ~w[bar], alias: [foo: "bar", baz: "foo"] end end end end describe "defvocab invalid character handling" do test "when a term contains unallowed characters and no alias defined, it fails when invalid_characters = :fail" do assert_raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidTermError, ~r/Foo-bar.*foo-bar/s, fn -> defmodule NSWithInvalidTerms1 do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, base_uri: "", terms: ~w[Foo-bar foo-bar] end end end test "when a term contains unallowed characters it does not fail when invalid_characters = :ignore" do defmodule NSWithInvalidTerms2 do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, base_uri: "", terms: ~w[Foo-bar foo-bar], invalid_characters: :ignore end end end describe "defvocab case violation handling" do test "aliases can fix case violations" do defmodule NSWithBadCasedTerms1 do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, base_uri: "", case_violations: :fail, data:[ {~I, ~I, ~I}, {~I, ~I, ~I} ]), alias: [ foo: "Foo", Bar: "bar", ] end end test "when case_violations == :ignore is set, case violations are ignored" do defmodule NSWithBadCasedTerms2 do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, base_uri: "", case_violations: :ignore, data:[ {~I, ~I, ~I}, {~I, ~I, ~I} ]), alias: [ foo: "Foo", Bar: "bar", ] end end test "a capitalized property without an alias and :case_violations == :fail, raises an error" do assert_raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidTermError, ~rs, fn -> defmodule NSWithBadCasedTerms3 do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, base_uri: "", case_violations: :fail, data:[ {~I, ~I, ~I}, ]) end end end test "a lowercased non-property without an alias and :case_violations == :fail, raises an error" do assert_raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidTermError, ~rs, fn -> defmodule NSWithBadCasedTerms4 do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, base_uri: "", case_violations: :fail, data:[ {~I, ~I, ~I} ]) end end end test "a capitalized alias for a property and :case_violations == :fail, raises an error" do assert_raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidTermError, fn -> defmodule NSWithBadCasedTerms5 do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, base_uri: "", case_violations: :fail, data:[ {~I, ~I, ~I}, ]), alias: [Foo: "foo"] end end end test "a lowercased alias for a non-property and :case_violations == :fail, raises an error" do assert_raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidTermError, fn -> defmodule NSWithBadCasedTerms6 do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab Example, base_uri: "", case_violations: :fail, data:[ {~I, ~I, ~I} ]), alias: [bar: "Bar"] end end end end test "__base_uri__ returns the base_uri" do alias TestNS.ExampleFromGraph, as: HashVocab alias TestNS.ExampleFromNTriplesFile, as: SlashVocab assert HashVocab.__base_uri__ == "" assert SlashVocab.__base_uri__ == "" end test "__uris__ returns all URIs of the vocabulary" do alias TestNS.ExampleFromGraph, as: Example1 assert length(Example1.__uris__) == 2 assert RDF.uri( in Example1.__uris__ assert RDF.uri(Example1.Bar) in Example1.__uris__ alias TestNS.ExampleFromNTriplesFile, as: Example2 assert length(Example2.__uris__) == 2 assert RDF.uri( in Example2.__uris__ assert RDF.uri(Example2.Bar) in Example2.__uris__ alias TestNS.ExampleFromNQuadsFile, as: Example3 assert length(Example3.__uris__) == 2 assert RDF.uri( in Example3.__uris__ assert RDF.uri(Example3.Bar) in Example3.__uris__ alias TestNS.StrictExampleFromAliasedTerms, as: Example4 assert length(Example4.__uris__) == 4 assert RDF.uri(Example4.Term1) in Example4.__uris__ assert RDF.uri(Example4.term2) in Example4.__uris__ assert RDF.uri(Example4.Term3) in Example4.__uris__ assert RDF.uri(Example4.term4) in Example4.__uris__ end describe "__terms__" do alias TestNS.{ExampleFromGraph, ExampleFromDataset, StrictExampleFromAliasedTerms} test "includes all defined terms" do assert length(ExampleFromGraph.__terms__) == 2 for term <- ~w[foo Bar]a do assert term in ExampleFromGraph.__terms__ end assert length(ExampleFromDataset.__terms__) == 2 for term <- ~w[foo Bar]a do assert term in ExampleFromDataset.__terms__ end end test "includes aliases" do assert length(StrictExampleFromAliasedTerms.__terms__) == 8 for term <- ~w[term1 Term1 term2 Term2 Term3 term4 Term-3 term-4]a do assert term in StrictExampleFromAliasedTerms.__terms__ end end end test "resolving an unqualified term raises an error" do assert_raise RDF.Namespace.UndefinedTermError, fn -> RDF.uri(:foo) end end test "resolving an non-RDF.Namespace module" do assert_raise RDF.Namespace.UndefinedTermError, fn -> RDF.uri(ExUnit.Test) end end describe "term resolution in a strict vocab namespace" do alias TestNS.{ExampleFromGraph, ExampleFromNTriplesFile, StrictExampleFromTerms} test "undefined terms" do assert_raise UndefinedFunctionError, fn -> ExampleFromGraph.undefined end assert_raise UndefinedFunctionError, fn -> ExampleFromNTriplesFile.undefined end assert_raise UndefinedFunctionError, fn -> StrictExampleFromTerms.undefined end assert_raise RDF.Namespace.UndefinedTermError, fn -> RDF.Namespace.resolve_term(TestNS.ExampleFromGraph.Undefined) end assert_raise RDF.Namespace.UndefinedTermError, fn -> RDF.Namespace.resolve_term(ExampleFromNTriplesFile.Undefined) end assert_raise RDF.Namespace.UndefinedTermError, fn -> RDF.Namespace.resolve_term(StrictExampleFromTerms.Undefined) end end test "lowercased terms" do assert == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri( == URI.parse("") assert == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri( == URI.parse("") assert == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri( == URI.parse("") end test "captitalized terms" do assert RDF.uri(ExampleFromGraph.Bar) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(ExampleFromNTriplesFile.Bar) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(StrictExampleFromTerms.Bar) == URI.parse("") end end describe "term resolution in a non-strict vocab namespace" do alias TestNS.NonStrictExampleFromTerms test "undefined lowercased terms" do assert NonStrictExampleFromTerms.random == URI.parse("") end test "undefined capitalized terms" do assert RDF.uri(NonStrictExampleFromTerms.Random) == URI.parse("") end test "defined lowercase terms" do assert == URI.parse("") end test "defined capitalized terms" do assert RDF.uri(NonStrictExampleFromTerms.Bar) == URI.parse("") end end describe "term resolution of aliases on a strict vocabulary" do alias TestNS.StrictExampleFromAliasedTerms, as: Example test "the alias resolves to the correct URI" do assert RDF.uri(Example.Term1) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(Example.term2) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(Example.Term3) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(Example.term4) == URI.parse("") end test "the old term remains resolvable" do assert RDF.uri(Example.term1) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(Example.Term2) == URI.parse("") end test "defining multiple aliases for a term" do alias TestNS.ExampleWithSynonymAliases, as: Example assert == Example.baz assert RDF.uri( == RDF.uri(Example.baz) end end describe "term resolution of aliases on a non-strict vocabulary" do alias TestNS.NonStrictExampleFromAliasedTerms, as: Example test "the alias resolves to the correct URI" do assert RDF.uri(Example.Term1) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(Example.term2) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(Example.Term3) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(Example.term4) == URI.parse("") end test "the old term remains resolvable" do assert RDF.uri(Example.term1) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(Example.Term2) == URI.parse("") end end describe "description DSL" do alias TestNS.{EX, EXS} test "one statement with a strict property term" do assert, EX.O) ==,, EX.O) end test "multiple statements with strict property terms and one object" do description = EX.S |> |> assert description ==, [{, EX.O1}, {, EX.O2}]) end test "multiple statements with strict property terms and multiple objects in a list" do description = EX.S |>[EX.O1, EX.O2]) |>[EX.O3, EX.O4]) assert description ==, [ {, EX.O1}, {, EX.O2}, {, EX.O3}, {, EX.O4} ]) end test "multiple statements with strict property terms and multiple objects as arguments" do description = EX.S |>, EX.O2) |>, EX.O4, EX.O5) assert description ==, [ {, EX.O1}, {, EX.O2}, {, EX.O3}, {, EX.O4}, {, EX.O5} ]) end test "one statement with a non-strict property term" do assert EX.p(EX.S, EX.O) ==, EX.p, EX.O) end test "multiple statements with non-strict property terms and one object" do description = EX.S |> EX.p1(EX.O1) |> EX.p2(EX.O2) assert description ==, [{EX.p1, EX.O1}, {EX.p2, EX.O2}]) end test "multiple statements with non-strict property terms and multiple objects in a list" do description = EX.S |> EX.p1([EX.O1, EX.O2]) |> EX.p2([EX.O3, EX.O4]) assert description ==, [ {EX.p1, EX.O1}, {EX.p1, EX.O2}, {EX.p2, EX.O3}, {EX.p2, EX.O4} ]) end test "multiple statements with non-strict property terms and multiple objects as arguments" do description = EX.S |> EX.p1(EX.O1, EX.O2) |> EX.p2(EX.O3, EX.O4) assert description ==, [ {EX.p1, EX.O1}, {EX.p1, EX.O2}, {EX.p2, EX.O3}, {EX.p2, EX.O4} ]) end end describe "term resolution on the top-level RDF module" do test "capitalized terms" do assert RDF.uri(RDF.Property) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(RDF.Statement) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(RDF.List) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(RDF.Nil) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(RDF.Seq) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(RDF.Bag) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(RDF.Alt) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(RDF.LangString) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(RDF.PlainLiteral) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(RDF.XMLLiteral) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(RDF.HTML) == URI.parse("") assert RDF.uri(RDF.Property) == URI.parse("") end test "lowercase terms" do assert RDF.type == URI.parse("") assert RDF.subject == URI.parse("") assert RDF.predicate == URI.parse("") assert RDF.object == URI.parse("") assert RDF.first == URI.parse("") assert == URI.parse("") assert RDF.value == URI.parse("") assert RDF.langString == URI.parse("") assert RDF.nil == URI.parse("") end test "description DSL" do alias TestNS.EX assert RDF.type( EX.S, 1) == RDF.NS.RDF.type( EX.S, 1) assert RDF.subject( EX.S, 1, 2) == RDF.NS.RDF.subject( EX.S, 1, 2) assert RDF.predicate(EX.S, 1, 2, 3) == RDF.NS.RDF.predicate(EX.S, 1, 2, 3) assert RDF.object( EX.S, 1, 2, 3, 4) == RDF.NS.RDF.object( EX.S, 1, 2, 3, 4) assert RDF.first( EX.S, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) == RDF.NS.RDF.first( EX.S, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) assert EX.S, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) == EX.S, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]) assert RDF.value( EX.S, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) == RDF.NS.RDF.value( EX.S, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]) end end end