defmodule RDF.Datatype.Test.Case do use ExUnit.CaseTemplate use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab EX, base_iri: "", terms: [], strict: false alias RDF.{Literal, Datatype} def dt(value) do RDF.DateTime.convert(value, %{}) end using(opts) do datatype = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :datatype) datatype_id = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :id) valid = Keyword.get(opts, :valid) invalid = Keyword.get(opts, :invalid) allow_language = Keyword.get(opts, :allow_language, false) quote do alias RDF.{Literal, Datatype} alias RDF.NS.XSD alias unquote(datatype) alias unquote(__MODULE__).EX import unquote(__MODULE__) doctest unquote(datatype) @moduletag datatype: unquote(datatype) if unquote(valid) do @valid unquote(valid) @invalid unquote(invalid) test "RDF.Datatype mapping" do assert RDF.Datatype.mapping[unquote(datatype_id)] == unquote(datatype) end describe "general new" do Enum.each @valid, fn {input, {value, lexical, _}} -> expected_literal = %Literal{value: value, uncanonical_lexical: lexical, datatype: unquote(datatype_id), language: nil} @tag example: %{input: input, output: expected_literal} test "valid: #{unquote(datatype)}.new(#{inspect input})", %{example: example} do assert unquote(datatype).new(example.input) == example.output end end Enum.each @invalid, fn value -> expected_literal = %Literal{uncanonical_lexical: to_string(value), datatype: unquote(datatype_id), language: nil} @tag example: %{input: value, output: expected_literal} test "invalid: #{unquote(datatype)}.new(#{inspect value})", %{example: example} do assert unquote(datatype).new(example.input) == example.output end end test "canonicalize option" do Enum.each @valid, fn {input, _} -> assert unquote(datatype).new(input, canonicalize: true) == (unquote(datatype).new(input) |> Literal.canonical) end Enum.each @invalid, fn input -> assert unquote(datatype).new(input, canonicalize: true) == (unquote(datatype).new(input) |> Literal.canonical) end end test "datatype option is ignored" do Enum.each Datatype.ids, fn id -> Enum.each @valid, fn {input, _} -> assert unquote(datatype).new(input, datatype: id) == unquote(datatype).new(input) end end end unless unquote(allow_language) do test "language option is ignored" do Enum.each @valid, fn {input, _} -> assert unquote(datatype).new(input, language: "en") == unquote(datatype).new(input) end end end end describe "general new!" do test "with valid values, it behaves the same as new" do Enum.each @valid, fn {input, _} -> assert unquote(datatype).new!(input) == unquote(datatype).new(input) assert unquote(datatype).new!(input, datatype: unquote(datatype_id)) == unquote(datatype).new(input) assert unquote(datatype).new!(input, canonicalize: true) == unquote(datatype).new(input, canonicalize: true) end end test "with invalid values, it raises an error" do Enum.each @invalid, fn value -> assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> unquote(datatype).new!(value) end assert_raise ArgumentError, fn -> unquote(datatype).new!(value, canonicalize: true) end end end end describe "general lexical" do Enum.each @valid, fn {input, {_, lexical, canonicalized}} -> lexical = lexical || canonicalized @tag example: %{input: input, lexical: lexical} test "of valid #{unquote(datatype)}.new(#{inspect input})", %{example: example} do assert (unquote(datatype).new(example.input) |> Literal.lexical) == example.lexical end end Enum.each @invalid, fn value -> lexical = to_string(value) @tag example: %{input: value, lexical: lexical} test "of invalid #{unquote(datatype)}.new(#{inspect value}) == #{inspect lexical}", %{example: example} do assert (unquote(datatype).new(example.input) |> Literal.lexical) == example.lexical end end end describe "general canonicalization" do Enum.each @valid, fn {input, {value, _, _}} -> expected_literal = %Literal{value: value, datatype: unquote(datatype_id)} @tag example: %{input: input, output: expected_literal} test "#{unquote(datatype)} #{inspect input}", %{example: example} do assert (unquote(datatype).new(example.input) |> Literal.canonical) == example.output end end Enum.each @valid, fn {input, {_, _, canonicalized}} -> @tag example: %{input: input, canonicalized: canonicalized} test "lexical of canonicalized #{unquote(datatype)} #{inspect input, limit: 9} is #{inspect canonicalized}", %{example: example} do assert (unquote(datatype).new(example.input) |> Literal.canonical |> Literal.lexical) == example.canonicalized end end test "does not change the Literal when it is invalid" do Enum.each @invalid, fn value -> assert (unquote(datatype).new(value) |> Literal.canonical) == unquote(datatype).new(value) end end end describe "general validation" do Enum.each Map.keys(@valid), fn value -> @tag value: value test "#{inspect value} as a #{unquote(datatype)} is valid", %{value: value} do assert Literal.valid? unquote(datatype).new(value) end end Enum.each @invalid, fn value -> @tag value: value test "#{inspect value} as a #{unquote(datatype)} is invalid", %{value: value} do refute Literal.valid? unquote(datatype).new(value) end end end end end end end