defmodule RDF.Serialization.Writer do @moduledoc """ General functions for writing the statements of a `RDF.Graph` or `RDF.Dataset` to a serialization file or string. You probably won't use these functions directly, but instead use the automatically generated functions with same name on a `RDF.Serialization.Format`, which implicitly use the proper `RDF.Serialization.Encoder` module. """ alias RDF.{Dataset, Graph} @doc """ Encodes and writes a graph or dataset to a string. It returns an `{:ok, string}` tuple, with `string` being the serialized graph or dataset, or `{:error, reason}` if an error occurs. """ @spec write_string(module, Graph.t() | Dataset.t(), keyword) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, any} def write_string(encoder, data, opts \\ []) do encoder.encode(data, opts) end @doc """ Encodes and writes a graph or dataset to a string. As opposed to `write_string`, it raises an exception if an error occurs. """ @spec write_string!(module, Graph.t() | Dataset.t(), keyword) :: String.t() def write_string!(encoder, data, opts \\ []) do encoder.encode!(data, opts) end @doc """ Encodes and writes a graph or dataset to a file. General available serialization-independent options: - `:force` - If not set to `true`, an error is raised when the given file already exists (default: `false`) - `:file_mode` - A list with the Elixir `` modes to be used for writing (default: `[:write, :exclusive]`) It returns `:ok` if successful or `{:error, reason}` if an error occurs. """ @spec write_file(module, Graph.t() | Dataset.t(), Path.t(), keyword) :: :ok | {:error, any} def write_file(encoder, data, path, opts \\ []) do with {:ok, encoded_string} <- write_string(encoder, data, opts) do File.write(path, encoded_string, file_mode(encoder, opts)) end end @doc """ Encodes and writes a graph or dataset to a file. See `write_file` for a list of available options. As opposed to `write_file`, it raises an exception if an error occurs. """ @spec write_file!(module, Graph.t() | Dataset.t(), Path.t(), keyword) :: :ok def write_file!(encoder, data, path, opts \\ []) do with encoded_string = write_string!(encoder, data, opts) do File.write!(path, encoded_string, file_mode(encoder, opts)) end end defp file_mode(_encoder, opts) do with file_mode = Keyword.get(opts, :file_mode, ~w[write exclusive]a) do if Keyword.get(opts, :force) do List.delete(file_mode, :exclusive) else file_mode end end end end