defmodule RDF.Graph.BuilderTest do use ExUnit.Case require RDF.Graph doctest RDF.Graph.Builder alias RDF.Graph.Builder import ExUnit.CaptureLog defmodule TestNS do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab EX, base_iri: "", terms: [], strict: false defvocab Custom, base_iri: "", terms: [], strict: false defvocab ImportTest, base_iri: "", terms: [:foo, :Bar] end @compile {:no_warn_undefined, __MODULE__.TestNS.EX} @compile {:no_warn_undefined, __MODULE__.TestNS.Custom} alias __MODULE__.TestNS.EX alias RDF.NS defmodule UseTest do defmacro __using__(_opts) do quote do {EX.This, EX.ShouldNotAppearIn, EX.Graph} end end end test "single statement" do graph = do EX.S |> EX.p(EX.O) end assert graph == RDF.graph(EX.S |> EX.p(EX.O)) end test "multiple statements" do graph = do EX.S1 |> EX.p1(EX.O1) EX.S2 |> EX.p2(EX.O2) end assert graph == RDF.graph([ EX.S1 |> EX.p1(EX.O1), EX.S2 |> EX.p2(EX.O2) ]) end test "different kinds of description forms" do graph = do EX.S1 |> EX.p11(EX.O11, EX.O12) |> EX.p12(EX.O11, EX.O12) EX.S2 |> EX.p2([EX.O21, EX.O22]) EX.p3(EX.S3, EX.O3) end assert graph == RDF.graph([ EX.S1 |> EX.p11(EX.O11, EX.O12), EX.S1 |> EX.p12(EX.O11, EX.O12), EX.S2 |> EX.p2([EX.O21, EX.O22]), EX.p3(EX.S3, EX.O3) ]) end test "triples given as tuples" do graph = do EX.S1 |> EX.p1(EX.O1) {EX.S2, EX.p2(), EX.O2} end assert graph == RDF.graph([ EX.S1 |> EX.p1(EX.O1), EX.S2 |> EX.p2(EX.O2) ]) end test "triples given as maps" do graph = do %{ EX.S => %{ EX.p1() => EX.O1, EX.p2() => [EX.O2, EX.O3] } } end assert graph == RDF.graph([ EX.S |> EX.p1(EX.O1) |> EX.p2(EX.O2, EX.O3) ]) end test "triples given as nested list" do graph = do [ {EX.S, [ {EX.p1(), EX.O1}, {EX.p2(), [EX.O2, EX.O3]} ]} ] end assert graph == RDF.graph([ EX.S |> EX.p1(EX.O1) |> EX.p2(EX.O2, EX.O3) ]) end test "nested statements" do graph = do [ EX.S1 |> EX.p1([EX.O11, EX.O12]), [ {EX.S2, EX.p2(), EX.O2}, {EX.S31, EX.p31(), EX.O31} ], {EX.S32, EX.p32(), EX.O32} ] end assert graph == RDF.graph([ EX.S1 |> EX.p1([EX.O11, EX.O12]), EX.S2 |> EX.p2(EX.O2), {EX.S31, EX.p31(), EX.O31}, {EX.S32, EX.p32(), EX.O32} ]) end test "a functions as shortcut for rdf:type" do graph = do EX.S1 |> a(EX.Class1) EX.S2 |> a(EX.Class1, EX.Class1) EX.S3 |> a(EX.Class1, EX.Class2, EX.Class3) EX.S4 |> a(EX.Class1, EX.Class2, EX.Class3) EX.S5 |> a(EX.Class1, EX.Class2, EX.Class3, EX.Class4) EX.S5 |> a(EX.Class1, EX.Class2, EX.Class3, EX.Class4, EX.Class5) {EX.S6, a(), EX.O2} end assert graph == RDF.graph([ EX.S1 |> RDF.type(EX.Class1), EX.S2 |> RDF.type(EX.Class1, EX.Class1), EX.S3 |> RDF.type(EX.Class1, EX.Class2, EX.Class3), EX.S4 |> RDF.type(EX.Class1, EX.Class2, EX.Class3), EX.S5 |> RDF.type(EX.Class1, EX.Class2, EX.Class3, EX.Class4), EX.S5 |> RDF.type(EX.Class1, EX.Class2, EX.Class3, EX.Class4, EX.Class5), {EX.S6, RDF.type(), EX.O2} ]) end test "non-RDF interpretable data is ignored" do assert_raise Builder.Error, "invalid RDF data: 42", fn -> do EX.S |> EX.p(EX.O) 42 end end assert_raise Builder.Error, "invalid RDF data: \"foo\"", fn -> do EX.S |> EX.p(EX.O) "foo" end end end describe "variable assignments" do test "assignments on the outer level" do graph = do EX.S1 |> EX.p1(EX.O1) literal = "foo" EX.S2 |> EX.p2(literal) end assert graph == RDF.graph([ EX.S1 |> EX.p1(EX.O1), EX.S2 |> EX.p2("foo") ]) end test "including RDF data to assigned variables" do graph = do triple = EX.S |> EX.p(EX.O) triple end assert graph == RDF.graph([EX.S |> EX.p(EX.O)]) end test "assignments in blocks" do graph = do literal = "foo" if false do literal = "bar" EX.S2 |> EX.p2(literal) end EX.S |> EX.p(literal) end assert graph == RDF.graph([EX.S |> EX.p("foo")]) graph = do literal = "foo" if true do literal = "bar" EX.S2 |> EX.p2(literal) end EX.S |> EX.p(literal) end assert graph == RDF.graph([EX.S |> EX.p("foo"), EX.S2 |> EX.p2("bar")]) end end test "function applications" do graph = do, &{EX.S, EX.p(), &1}), fn i -> RDF.iri("{i}") |>"baz#{i}")) end) end assert graph == RDF.graph([ {EX.S, EX.p(), 1}, {EX.S, EX.p(), 2}, {EX.S, EX.p(), 3}, {RDF.iri(""),, RDF.bnode("baz1")}, {RDF.iri(""),, RDF.bnode("baz2")} ]) end test "conditionals" do graph = do foo = false cond do true -> EX.S1 |> EX.p1(EX.O1) end if foo do EX.S2 |> EX.p2(EX.O2) end end assert graph == RDF.graph([EX.S1 |> EX.p1(EX.O1)]) end test "comprehensions" do graph = do range = 1..3 for i <- range do EX.S |> EX.p(i) end end assert graph == RDF.graph([ {EX.S, EX.p(), 1}, {EX.S, EX.p(), 2}, {EX.S, EX.p(), 3} ]) end test "RDF.Sigils is imported" do # we're wrapping this in a function to isolate the import graph = (fn -> do ~I"http://test/iri" |> EX.p(~B"foo") end end).() assert graph == RDF.graph(RDF.iri("http://test/iri") |> EX.p(RDF.bnode("foo"))) end test "RDF.XSD is aliased" do # we're wrapping this in a function to isolate the alias graph = (fn -> do EX.S |> EX.p(XSD.byte(42)) end end).() assert graph == RDF.graph(EX.S |> EX.p(RDF.XSD.byte(42))) end test "default aliases" do # we're wrapping this in a function to isolate the alias graph = (fn -> do OWL.Class |> RDFS.subClassOf(RDFS.Class) end end).() assert graph == RDF.graph(NS.OWL.Class |> NS.RDFS.subClassOf(NS.RDFS.Class)) end test "alias" do # we're wrapping this in a function to isolate the alias graph = (fn -> do alias TestNS.Custom # alias RDF.Graph.BuilderTest.TestNS.Custom Custom.S |> Custom.p(Custom.O) end end).() assert graph == RDF.graph(TestNS.Custom.S |> TestNS.Custom.p(TestNS.Custom.O)) end test "import" do # we're wrapping this in a function to isolate the import graph = (fn -> do import RDF.Graph.BuilderTest.TestNS.ImportTest EX.S |> foo(RDF.Graph.BuilderTest.TestNS.ImportTest.Bar) end end).() assert graph == RDF.graph(EX.S |> end test "require" do log = capture_log(fn -> graph = do require Logger"logged successfully") EX.S |> EX.p(EX.O) end assert graph == RDF.graph(EX.S |> EX.p(EX.O)) end) assert log =~ "logged successfully" end test "use" do graph = do use UseTest EX.S |> EX.p(EX.O) end assert graph == RDF.graph(EX.S |> EX.p(EX.O)) end describe "@prefix" do test "for vocabulary namespace with explicit prefix" do # we're wrapping this in a function to isolate the alias graph = (fn -> do # TODO: the following leads to a (RDF.Namespace.UndefinedTermError) Elixir.TestNS is not a RDF.Namespace # @prefix cust: TestNS.Custom @prefix cust: RDF.Graph.BuilderTest.TestNS.Custom Custom.S |> Custom.p(Custom.O) end end).() assert graph == RDF.graph(TestNS.Custom.S |> TestNS.Custom.p(TestNS.Custom.O), prefixes: RDF.default_prefixes(cust: TestNS.Custom) ) end test "for vocabulary namespace with auto-generated prefix" do # we're wrapping this in a function to isolate the alias graph = (fn -> do # TODO: the following leads to a (RDF.Namespace.UndefinedTermError) Elixir.TestNS is not a RDF.Namespace # @prefix TestNS.Custom @prefix RDF.Graph.BuilderTest.TestNS.Custom Custom.S |> Custom.p(Custom.O) end end).() assert graph == RDF.graph(TestNS.Custom.S |> TestNS.Custom.p(TestNS.Custom.O), prefixes: RDF.default_prefixes(custom: TestNS.Custom) ) end test "merge with prefixes opt" do # we're wrapping this in a function to isolate the alias graph = (fn -> prefixes: [custom: EX] do # TODO: the following leads to a (RDF.Namespace.UndefinedTermError) Elixir.TestNS is not a RDF.Namespace # @prefix custom: TestNS.Custom @prefix custom: RDF.Graph.BuilderTest.TestNS.Custom Custom.S |> Custom.p(Custom.O) end end).() assert graph == RDF.graph(TestNS.Custom.S |> TestNS.Custom.p(TestNS.Custom.O), prefixes: [custom: TestNS.Custom] ) end end describe "@base" do test "with vocabulary namespace" do import RDF.Sigils # we're wrapping this in a function to isolate the alias graph = (fn -> do # TODO: the following leads to a (RDF.Namespace.UndefinedTermError) Elixir.TestNS is not a RDF.Namespace # @base TestNS.Custom @base RDF.Graph.BuilderTest.TestNS.Custom ~I |> Custom.p(~I) {~I, ~I, ~I} end end).() assert graph == RDF.graph( [ TestNS.Custom.S |> TestNS.Custom.p(TestNS.Custom.O), |> ], base_iri: TestNS.Custom ) end test "with RDF.IRI" do graph = do @base ~I ~I<#S> |> EX.p(~I<#O>) {~I<#foo>, ~I<#bar>, ~I<#baz>} end assert graph == RDF.graph( [ ~I |> EX.p(~I), {~I, ~I, ~I} ], base_iri: "" ) end test "with URI as string" do graph = do @base "" ~I<#S> |> EX.p(~I<#O>) {~I<#foo>, ~I<#bar>, ~I<#baz>} end assert graph == RDF.graph( [ ~I |> EX.p(~I), {~I, ~I, ~I} ], base_iri: "" ) end test "conflict with base_iri opt" do graph = base_iri: "" do @base "" ~I<#S> |> EX.p(~I<#O>) end assert graph == RDF.graph(~I |> EX.p(~I), base_iri: "" ) end end test "exclude" do graph = do exclude "this is not a triple" EX.S |> EX.p(EX.O) exclude "this is not a triple" end assert graph == RDF.graph(EX.S |> EX.p(EX.O)) end test "opts" do initial = {EX.S, EX.p(), "init"} opts = [ name: EX.Graph, base_iri: "http://base_iri/", prefixes: [ex: EX], init: initial ] graph = opts do EX.S |> EX.p(EX.O) end assert graph == RDF.graph(EX.S |> EX.p(EX.O, "init"), opts) end end