defmodule RDF.Turtle.Encoder do @moduledoc false use RDF.Serialization.Encoder alias RDF.Turtle.Encoder.State alias RDF.{Literal, BlankNode, Description, List} @indentation_char " " @indentation 4 @xsd_string RDF.Datatype.NS.XSD.string @native_supported_datatypes [ RDF.Datatype.NS.XSD.boolean, RDF.Datatype.NS.XSD.integer, RDF.Datatype.NS.XSD.double ] @rdf_type RDF.type @rdf_nil RDF.nil @predicate_order [RDF.type, RDF.NS.RDFS.label, RDF.uri("")] @ordered_properties def encode(data, opts \\ []) do with base = Keyword.get(opts, :base) |> init_base(), prefixes = Keyword.get(opts, :prefixes, %{}) |> init_prefixes(), {:ok, state} = State.start_link(data, base, prefixes) do try do State.preprocess(state) {:ok, base_directive(base) <> prefix_directives(prefixes) <> graph_statements(state) } after State.stop(state) end end end defp init_base(nil), do: nil defp init_base(base) do with base = to_string(base) do if String.ends_with?(base, ~w[/ #]) do {:ok, base} else IO.warn("invalid base: #{base}") {:bad, base} end end end defp init_prefixes(nil), do: %{} defp init_prefixes(prefixes) do Enum.reduce prefixes, %{}, fn {prefix, uri}, reverse -> Map.put(reverse, RDF.uri(uri), to_string(prefix)) end end defp base_directive(nil), do: "" defp base_directive({_, base}), do: "@base <#{base}> .\n" defp prefix_directive({ns, prefix}), do: "@prefix #{prefix}: <#{to_string(ns)}> .\n" defp prefix_directives(prefixes) do case, &prefix_directive/1) do [] -> "" prefixes -> Enum.join(prefixes, "") <> "\n" end end defp graph_statements(state) do |> RDF.Data.descriptions |>, state)) |> Enum.reject(&is_nil/1) |> Enum.join("\n") end defp description_statements(description, state, nesting \\ 0) do with %BlankNode{} <- description.subject, ref_count when ref_count < 2 <- State.bnode_ref_counter(state, description.subject) do unrefed_bnode_subject_term(description, ref_count, state, nesting) else _ -> full_description_statements(description, state, nesting) end end defp full_description_statements(subject, description, state, nesting) do with nesting = nesting + @indentation do subject <> newline_indent(nesting) <> ( predications(description, state, nesting) ) <> " .\n" end end defp full_description_statements(description, state, nesting) do term(description.subject, state, :subject, nesting) |> full_description_statements(description, state, nesting) end defp blank_node_property_list(description, state, nesting) do with indented = nesting + @indentation do "[" <> newline_indent(indented) <> predications(description, state, indented) <> newline_indent(nesting) <> "]" end end defp predications(description, state, nesting) do description.predications |> order_predications |>, state, nesting)) |> Enum.join(" ;" <> newline_indent(nesting)) end defp order_predications(predications) do sorted_predications = @predicate_order |> predicate -> {predicate, predications[predicate]} end) |> Enum.reject(fn {_, objects} -> is_nil(objects) end) unsorted_predications = Enum.reject(predications, fn {predicate, _} -> MapSet.member?(@ordered_properties, predicate) end) sorted_predications ++ unsorted_predications end defp predication({predicate, objects}, state, nesting) do term(predicate, state, :predicate, nesting) <> " " <> ( objects |> {object, _} -> term(object, state, :object, nesting) end) |> Enum.join(", ") # TODO: split if the line gets too long ) end defp unrefed_bnode_subject_term(bnode_description, ref_count, state, nesting) do if valid_list_node?(bnode_description.subject, state) do case ref_count do 0 -> bnode_description.subject |> list_term(state, nesting) |> full_description_statements( list_subject_description(bnode_description), state, nesting) 1 -> nil _ -> raise "Internal error: This shouldn't happen. Please raise an issue in the RDF.ex project with the input document causing this error." end else case ref_count do 0 -> blank_node_property_list(bnode_description, state, nesting) <> " .\n" 1 -> nil _ -> raise "Internal error: This shouldn't happen. Please raise an issue in the RDF.ex project with the input document causing this error." end end end defp list_subject_description(description) do with description = Description.delete_predicates(description, [RDF.first,]) do if Enum.count(description.predications) == 0 do # since the Turtle grammar doesn't allow bare lists, we add a statement description |> RDF.type(RDF.List) else description end end end defp unrefed_bnode_object_term(bnode, ref_count, state, nesting) do if valid_list_node?(bnode, state) do list_term(bnode, state, nesting) else if ref_count == 1 do |> RDF.Data.description(bnode) |> blank_node_property_list(state, nesting) else raise "Internal error: This shouldn't happen. Please raise an issue in the RDF.ex project with the input document causing this error." end end end defp valid_list_node?(bnode, state) do MapSet.member?(State.list_nodes(state), bnode) end defp list_term(head, state, nesting) do head |> State.list_values(state) |> term(state, :list, nesting) end defp term(@rdf_type, _, :predicate, _), do: "a" defp term(@rdf_nil, _, _, _), do: "()" defp term(%URI{} = uri, state, _, _) do based_name(uri, State.base(state)) || prefixed_name(uri, State.prefixes(state)) || "<#{to_string(uri)}>" end defp term(%BlankNode{} = bnode, state, position, nesting) when position in ~w[object list]a do if (ref_count = State.bnode_ref_counter(state, bnode)) <= 1 do unrefed_bnode_object_term(bnode, ref_count, state, nesting) else to_string(bnode) end end defp term(%BlankNode{} = bnode, _, _, _), do: to_string(bnode) defp term(%Literal{value: value, language: language}, _,_ , _) when not is_nil(language), do: ~s["#{value}"@#{language}] defp term(%Literal{value: value, language: language}, _,_ , _) when not is_nil(language), do: ~s["#{value}"@#{language}] defp term(%Literal{datatype: @xsd_string} = literal, _, _,_), do: literal |> Literal.lexical |> quoted() defp term(%Literal{datatype: datatype} = literal, state, _, nesting) when datatype in @native_supported_datatypes do if Literal.valid?(literal) do literal |> Literal.canonical |> Literal.lexical else typed_literal_term(literal, state, nesting) end end defp term(%Literal{datatype: datatype} = literal, state, _, nesting), do: typed_literal_term(literal, state, nesting) defp term(list, state, _, nesting) when is_list(list) do "(" <> ( list |>, state, :list, nesting)) |> Enum.join(" ") ) <> ")" end defp based_name(%URI{} = uri, base), do: based_name(URI.to_string(uri), base) defp based_name(uri, {:ok, base}) do if String.starts_with?(uri, base) do "<#{String.slice(uri, String.length(base)..-1)}>" end end defp based_name(_, _), do: nil defp typed_literal_term(%Literal{datatype: datatype} = literal, state, nesting), do: ~s["#{Literal.lexical(literal)}"^^#{term(datatype, state, :datatype, nesting)}] def prefixed_name(uri, prefixes) do with {ns, name} <- split_uri(uri) do case prefixes[ns] do nil -> nil prefix -> prefix <> ":" <> name end end end defp split_uri(%URI{fragment: fragment} = uri) when not is_nil(fragment), do: {%URI{uri | fragment: ""}, fragment} defp split_uri(%URI{path: nil}), do: nil defp split_uri(%URI{path: path} = uri) do with [{pos, _}] ="[^/]*$"u, path, return: :index), {ns_path, name} = String.split_at(path, pos) do {%URI{uri | path: ns_path}, name} end end defp quoted(string) do if String.contains?(string, ["\n", "\r"]) do ~s["""#{string}"""] else ~s["#{escape(string)}"] end end defp escape(string) do string |> String.replace("\\", "\\\\\\\\") |> String.replace("\b", "\\b") |> String.replace("\f", "\\f") |> String.replace("\t", "\\t") |> String.replace("\n", "\\n") |> String.replace("\r", "\\r") |> String.replace("\"", ~S[\"]) end defp newline_indent(nesting), do: "\n" <> String.duplicate(@indentation_char, nesting) end