defmodule RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace do @moduledoc """ Defines a RDF Vocabulary as a `RDF.Namespace`. ## Strict vocabularies What is a strict vocabulary and why should I use them over non-strict vocabularies and define all terms ... ## Defining a vocabulary There are two basic ways to define a vocabulary: 1. You can define all terms manually. 2. You can load all terms from a specified namespace in a given dataset or graph. Either way, you'll first have to define a new module for your vocabulary: defmodule Example do use RDF.Vocabulary.Namespace defvocab EX, base_uri: "", terms: ~w[Foo bar] # Your term definitions end The `base_uri` argument with the URI prefix of all the terms in the defined vocabulary is required and expects a valid URI ending with either a `"/"` or a `"#"`. ## Reflection `__base_uri__` and `__terms__` ... """ @vocabs_dir "priv/vocabs" defmacro __using__(_opts) do quote do import unquote(__MODULE__) end end @doc """ Defines a `RDF.Namespace` module for a RDF vocabulary. """ defmacro defvocab(name, opts) do strict = strict?(opts) base_uri = base_uri!(opts) file = filename!(opts) {terms, data} = case source!(opts) do {:terms, terms} -> {terms, nil} {:data, data} -> {rdf_data_vocab_terms(data, base_uri), data} end #|> IO.inspect() terms = terms |> term_mapping!(opts) |> validate_terms!(opts) |> validate_case!(data, base_uri, opts) case_separated_terms = group_terms_by_case(terms) lowercased_terms = Map.get(case_separated_terms, :lowercased, %{}) quote do vocabdoc = Module.delete_attribute(__MODULE__, :vocabdoc) defmodule unquote(name) do @moduledoc vocabdoc @behaviour RDF.Namespace if unquote(file) do @external_resource unquote(file) end @base_uri unquote(base_uri) def __base_uri__, do: @base_uri @strict unquote(strict) def __strict__, do: @strict @terms unquote(Macro.escape(terms)) def __terms__, do: @terms |> Map.keys @doc """ Returns all known URIs of the vocabulary. """ def __uris__ do @terms |> {term, true} -> term_to_uri(@base_uri, term) {_alias, term} -> term_to_uri(@base_uri, term) end) |> Enum.uniq end define_vocab_terms unquote(lowercased_terms), unquote(base_uri) def __resolve_term__(term) do case @terms[term] do nil -> if @strict do raise RDF.Namespace.UndefinedTermError, "undefined term #{term} in strict vocabulary #{__MODULE__}" else term_to_uri(@base_uri, term) end true -> term_to_uri(@base_uri, term) original_term -> term_to_uri(@base_uri, original_term) end end if not @strict do def unquote(:"$handle_undefined_function")(term, []) do term_to_uri(@base_uri, term) end def unquote(:"$handle_undefined_function")(term, [subject | objects]) do, term_to_uri(@base_uri, term), objects) end end Module.delete_attribute(__MODULE__, :tmp_uri) end end end defmacro define_vocab_terms(terms, base_uri) do terms |> {term, true} -> {term, term} {term, original_term} -> {term, original_term} end) |> {term, uri_suffix} -> # TODO: Why does this way of precompiling the URI not work? We're getting an "invalid quoted expression: %URI{...}" # uri = term_to_uri(base_uri, term) # quote bind_quoted: [uri: Macro.escape(uri), term: String.to_atom(term)] do ## @doc "<#{@tmp_uri}>" # def unquote(term)() do # unquote(uri) # end # end # Temporary workaround: quote do @tmp_uri term_to_uri(@base_uri, unquote(uri_suffix)) @doc "<#{@tmp_uri}>" def unquote(term)(), do: @tmp_uri @doc "`RDF.Description` builder for <#{@tmp_uri}>" def unquote(term)(subject, object) do, @tmp_uri, object) end # Is there a better way to support multiple objects via arguments? @doc false def unquote(term)(subject, o1, o2), do: unquote(term)(subject, [o1, o2]) @doc false def unquote(term)(subject, o1, o2, o3), do: unquote(term)(subject, [o1, o2, o3]) @doc false def unquote(term)(subject, o1, o2, o3, o4), do: unquote(term)(subject, [o1, o2, o3, o4]) @doc false def unquote(term)(subject, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5), do: unquote(term)(subject, [o1, o2, o3, o4, o5]) end end) end defp strict?(opts), do: Keyword.get(opts, :strict, true) defp base_uri!(opts) do base_uri = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :base_uri) unless is_binary(base_uri) and String.ends_with?(base_uri, ["/", "#"]) do raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidVocabBaseURIError, "a base_uri without a trailing '/' or '#' is invalid" else base_uri end end defp source!(opts) do cond do Keyword.has_key?(opts, :file) -> {:data, filename!(opts) |> load_file} rdf_data = Keyword.get(opts, :data) -> {:data, raw_rdf_data(rdf_data)} terms = Keyword.get(opts, :terms) -> {:terms, terms_from_user_input!(terms)} true -> raise KeyError, key: ~w[terms data file], term: opts end end defp terms_from_user_input!(terms) do # TODO: find an alternative to Code.eval_quoted - We want to support that the terms can be given as sigils ... {terms, _ } = Code.eval_quoted(terms, [], rdf_data_env()) terms, fn term when is_atom(term) -> term term when is_binary(term) -> String.to_atom(term) term -> raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidTermError, "'#{term}' is not a valid vocabulary term" end end # TODO: support also RDF.Datasets ... defp raw_rdf_data(%RDF.Graph{} = rdf_data), do: rdf_data defp raw_rdf_data(rdf_data) do # TODO: find an alternative to Code.eval_quoted {rdf_data, _} = Code.eval_quoted(rdf_data, [], rdf_data_env()) rdf_data end defp term_mapping!(terms, opts) do terms = terms, fn term when is_atom(term) -> {term, true} term -> {String.to_atom(term), true} end Keyword.get(opts, :alias, []) |> Enum.reduce(terms, fn {alias, original_term}, terms -> term = String.to_atom(original_term) cond do not valid_term?(alias) -> raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidAliasError, "alias '#{alias}' contains invalid characters" Map.get(terms, alias) == true -> raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidAliasError, "alias '#{alias}' already defined" strict?(opts) and not Map.has_key?(terms, term) -> raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidAliasError, "term '#{original_term}' is not a term in this vocabulary" Map.get(terms, term, true) != true -> raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidAliasError, "'#{original_term}' is already an alias" true -> Map.put(terms, alias, to_string(original_term)) end end) end defp aliased_terms(terms) do terms |> Map.values |> |> MapSet.delete(true) |> end defp validate_terms!(terms, opts) do if (handling = Keyword.get(opts, :invalid_characters, :fail)) == :ignore do terms else terms |> detect_invalid_terms |> handle_invalid_terms(handling, terms) end end defp detect_invalid_terms(terms) do aliased_terms = aliased_terms(terms) Enum.filter_map terms, fn {term, _} -> not term in aliased_terms and not valid_term?(term) end, fn {term, _} -> term end end defp handle_invalid_terms([], _, terms), do: terms defp handle_invalid_terms(invalid_terms, :fail, _) do raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidTermError, """ The following terms contain invalid characters: - #{Enum.join(invalid_terms, "\n- ")} You have the following options: - if you are in control of the vocabulary, consider renaming the resource - define an alias with the :alias option on defvocab - change the handling of invalid characters with the :invalid_characters option on defvocab """ end defp handle_invalid_terms(invalid_terms, :warn, terms) do Enum.each invalid_terms, fn term -> IO.warn "'#{term}' is not valid term, since it contains invalid characters" end terms end defp valid_term?(term) when is_atom(term), do: valid_term?(Atom.to_string(term)) defp valid_term?(term), do: Regex.match?(~r/^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$/, term) defp validate_case!(terms, nil, _, _), do: terms defp validate_case!(terms, data, base_uri, opts) do if (handling = Keyword.get(opts, :case_violations, :warn)) == :ignore do terms else terms |> detect_case_violations(data, base_uri) |> group_case_violations |> handle_case_violations(handling, terms, base_uri, opts) end end defp detect_case_violations(terms, data, base_uri) do aliased_terms = aliased_terms(terms) Enum.filter terms, fn {term, true} -> if not term in aliased_terms do proper_case?(term, base_uri, Atom.to_string(term), data) end {term, original_term} -> proper_case?(term, base_uri, original_term, data) end end defp proper_case?(term, base_uri, uri_suffix, data) do case, uri_suffix), data) do true -> not lowercase?(term) false -> lowercase?(term) nil -> lowercase?(term) end end defp group_case_violations(violations) do violations |> Enum.group_by(fn {term, true} -> if lowercase?(term), do: :lowercased_term, else: :capitalized_term {term, _original} -> if lowercase?(term), do: :lowercased_alias, else: :capitalized_alias end) end defp handle_case_violations(%{} = violations, _, terms, _, _) when map_size(violations) == 0, do: terms defp handle_case_violations(violations, :fail, _, base_uri, _) do resource_name_violations = fn violations -> violations |> {term, true} -> term_to_uri(base_uri, term) end) |> |> Enum.join("\n- ") end alias_violations = fn violations -> violations |> {term, original} -> "alias #{term} for #{term_to_uri(base_uri, original)}" end) |> Enum.join("\n- ") end violation_error_lines = violations |> {:capitalized_term, violations} -> """ Terms for properties should be lowercased, but the following properties are capitalized: - #{resource_name_violations.(violations)} """ {:lowercased_term, violations} -> """ Terms for non-property resource should be capitalized, but the following non-properties are lowercased: - #{resource_name_violations.(violations)} """ {:capitalized_alias, violations} -> """ Terms for properties should be lowercased, but the following aliases for properties are capitalized: - #{alias_violations.(violations)} """ {:lowercased_alias, violations} -> """ Terms for non-property resource should be capitalized, but the following aliases for non-properties are lowercased: - #{alias_violations.(violations)} """ end) |> Enum.join raise RDF.Namespace.InvalidTermError, """ Case violations detected #{violation_error_lines} You have the following options: - if you are in control of the vocabulary, consider renaming the resource - define a properly cased alias with the :alias option on defvocab - change the handling of case violations with the :case_violations option on defvocab """ end defp handle_case_violations(violations, :warn, terms, base_uri, _) do for {type, violations} <- violations, {term, original} <- violations do case_violation_warning(type, term, original, base_uri) end terms end defp case_violation_warning(:capitalized_term, term, _, base_uri) do IO.warn "'#{term_to_uri(base_uri, term)}' is a capitalized property" end defp case_violation_warning(:lowercased_term, term, _, base_uri) do IO.warn "'#{term_to_uri(base_uri, term)}' is a lowercased non-property resource" end defp case_violation_warning(:capitalized_alias, term, _, _) do IO.warn "capitalized alias '#{term}' for a property" end defp case_violation_warning(:lowercased_alias, term, _, base_uri) do IO.warn "lowercased alias '#{term}' for a non-property resource" end def filename!(opts) do if filename = Keyword.get(opts, :file) do cond do File.exists?(filename) -> filename File.exists?(expanded_filename = Path.expand(filename, @vocabs_dir)) -> expanded_filename true -> raise File.Error, path: filename, action: "find", reason: :enoent end end end defp load_file(file) do RDF.NTriples.read_file!(file) # TODO: support other formats end defp rdf_data_env do import RDF.Sigils __ENV__ end defp rdf_data_vocab_terms(data, base_uri) do data |> RDF.Graph.resources # TODO: support also RDF.Datasets ... # filter URIs |> Stream.filter(fn %URI{} -> true _ -> false end) |> |>, base_uri))) |> Stream.filter(&vocab_term?/1) |> end defp group_terms_by_case(terms) do terms |> Enum.group_by(fn {term, _} -> if lowercase?(term), do: :lowercased, else: :capitalized end) |> {group, term_mapping} -> {group,} end) end defp lowercase?(term) when is_atom(term), do: Atom.to_string(term) |> lowercase? defp lowercase?(term), do: term =~ ~r/^\p{Ll}/u defp strip_base_uri(uri, base_uri) do if String.starts_with?(uri, base_uri) do String.replace_prefix(uri, base_uri, "") end end defp vocab_term?(""), do: false defp vocab_term?(term) when is_binary(term) do not String.contains?(term, "/") end defp vocab_term?(_), do: false @doc false def term_to_uri(base_uri, term) when is_atom(term), do: term_to_uri(base_uri, Atom.to_string(term)) def term_to_uri(base_uri, term), do: URI.parse(base_uri <> term) end