defprotocol RDF.Data do @moduledoc """ An abstraction over the different data structures for collections of RDF statements. """ @doc """ Deletes statements from a RDF data structure. """ def delete(data, statements) @doc """ Deletes one statement from a RDF data structure and returns a tuple with deleted statement and the changed data structure. """ def pop(data) @doc """ Checks if the given statement exists within a RDF data structure. """ def include?(data, statements) @doc """ Returns the list of all statements of a RDF data structure. """ def statements(data) @doc """ Returns the set of all resources which are subject of the statements of a RDF data structure. """ def subjects(data) @doc """ Returns the set of all properties used within the statements of RDF data structure. """ def predicates(data) @doc """ Returns the set of all resources used in the objects within the statements of a RDF data structure. """ def objects(data) @doc """ Returns the set of all resources used within the statements of a RDF data structure """ def resources(data) @doc """ Returns the count of all resources which are subject of the statements of a RDF data structure. """ def subject_count(data) @doc """ Returns the count of all statements of a RDF data structure. """ def statement_count(data) end defimpl RDF.Data, for: RDF.Description do def delete(%RDF.Description{subject: subject} = description, %RDF.Description{subject: other_subject}) when subject != other_subject, do: description def delete(description, statements), do: RDF.Description.delete(description, statements) def pop(description), do: RDF.Description.pop(description) def include?(description, statements), do: RDF.Description.include?(description, statements) def statements(description), do: RDF.Description.statements(description) def predicates(description), do: RDF.Description.predicates(description) def objects(description), do: RDF.Description.objects(description) def subjects(%RDF.Description{subject: subject}), do:[subject]) def resources(%RDF.Description{subject: subject} = description), do: RDF.Description.resources(description) |> MapSet.put(subject) def subject_count(_), do: 1 def statement_count(description), do: RDF.Description.count(description) end